General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout game throwing

About game throwing in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    What do u do with teammates that throw the game? Some games is like clear win but ur teammates juz have to throw. Dammit.


      Nothing you can do. Move on


        I just had a game where my teammate just gave up so quickly and didn't even try to win because the game was not going according to his expectation. Even though the game was still entirely winnable.


          So many people get triggered over 25 MMR. They don't realize that teammates feeding doesn't affect your skill at all. A player who gains 25 MMR from feeding does not get better at the game; the system will eventually get that MMR back from them. A player who loses 25 MMR from feeding does not get worse at the game; the system will eventually give them that MMR back. But most people only care about MMR, and are subsequently unable to realize this.

          TheDoctor (HTPG)

            That is some long term view angle Cookie giving to you
            hope that make sense


              true that. This game someone charge mid for 30 mins ends 0-30 Next game someone on the other team charge mid for 30 mins ends 0-30. Evens out. However one the rare chance that the team does not give up and plays their best with the guy charging mid for 0-30, they will win the game. Suddenly everything changes those 4 are 25 mmr richer for the rest of their lives. Over time those games add up and suddenly you are 5k.


                Unless there are an intentional feeder, I'm sure any game is winnable. But even if you lose, there is always next game, keep your head cool.

                Mr. Jin

                  The thing is, there are situations where the ancient can be takened but everyone go back base and only im whacking it. Opportunities like this dont come everytime.


                    Only dellusional people think that every game is winnable if we compare 5 vs 5 players with simmilar skill and no feeder. From what I see, most of my games are lost on draft. Game changing mistakes are secondary. If you pick right, you have bigger marge for mistakes, while when you pick bad you have almost none.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Yes in equal skill draft is a very important factor


                        You cannot win every game.
                        People will feed.
                        People will give up.
                        Some of them you can carry, most of them you can't.
                        Just play your next game and move on.


                          Damn it!! Be mature please, just click disconnect then abandon and move on.

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            i just laugh. I've learnt to care more about my personal stats now that mmr. So if you played well, nothing to worry about. And what cookie said above does indeed make a hell lot of sense. I didnt think of it like that before. Now that i have, i still have some doubts in keeping so much the faith in the system he speaks of. But in the general, it does seem logical and at the very least how a system is designed to work.

                            100% WINRATE MASTER

                              Even if u are a skilled player, if your team feeds the net worth disparity becomes huge, u still lose the game. Nth u can do about that when ur opponents have items

                              BSJ. LGD

                                lol just report and mute