General Discussion

General Discussion2k is the worse

2k is the worse in General Discussion
Pubic Enemy

    I'm trying my best to get out of 2k, my last match the jug intentionally fed cause a PA stole his lane. Then a couple matches before that I had a PA that built 3 Crystalus's and proceeded to upgrade them to Daedalus.


      3 daedalus is mvp status.


        2k is the most fun

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          have you tried destroying enemy ancient?


            Anyone can be 5k if they spend the energy they use to rant about their teammates on getting good instead.


              for me 2k is the most fun

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                2k is the more* fun


                  2k is fun I had shitton of giggles yesterday


                    i made it
                    so y not u?


                      I dont wanna come out from 2k :(


                        I wanna get out of 2k to get in 1k


                          You think theres feeders only in 2k mmr? You think at 5k everyone is a saint? In my last ranked SS game my enemies had troll jungle, sniper safelane, sf mid @5200 average.

                          Feeders aren't holding you back. If you wanna get out of 2k you have to get good mechanics and be a good teammate.


                            but I'm always the dream teammate but they are always retart help!

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              2k is easy to get out of, if you just know, how to farm and what to build.

                              Literally no further knowledge needed.


                                I went from 2.6 to 3.4 over the last month.
                                I started picking what I know most instead of random picking heroes imbad at because I am bored.
                                Learning itemization, when to push and such.


                                  4k is worse than 2k

                                  Story Time

                                    ^this! So enjoy 2k while u can


                                      Oh my god, damn it, every time i get matched with toxic players here in shit 4k, it makes me want to question their damn parents for raising such ill-mannered dumb children suffering from autism and cancer.

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        I like 2k because that's the level where I can stomp matches in any role.


                                          2k is the best because its a clown fest


                                            ^xD, make that 2k-4k

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Mode : TOPSON

                                              thats why 2k match is hard. the enemy is either 4k smurfing 2k or the team is complete retard from 1k
                                              better to play with party


                                                2 k is fun , just random every game and flame your team! If you get a hero that you can't play say " I will suport " buy curier and them - flame your team ! Life of 2k :)

                                                If you are carry and you die in lane 3-4 times early- flame your team then feed on purpose!

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  ^gg, if you randomed meepo?? you will still play him as support?


                                                    Every hero can be played as a support and still be useful. You can give great vision to your team , buy aura items , stack , pull... also meepo has a very good disable.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      "dendi is a mmr" -number


                                                        Cuki what hero pik for 30 cs in 600 min challenge,


                                                          says the f a g who keeps picking support heros playing as cores or juts plainly not supporting.
                                                          You deserve to stay in 2k


                                                            This thread's title should be 2k is the WORST not worse...


                                                              2k is fun, look at my acc. full of mistakes, bad decision, and throws. dota lost all the fun when people start tryharding at 4-5k


                                                                What people are tryharding in 4k??
                                                                I didnt know that..


                                                                  low 4k is dogshit, high 4k is where people tryhard


                                                                    ^?, havent reached 4.9 even once, so i guess high 4k is 4900 to 4999


                                                                      that what i experienced during my climb
                                                                      more pma and tryharding at high 4k since everyone wants that 5k


                                                                        I'm 3.7k and I'm absolutely awful. How does anyone honestly get stuck in 2k?


                                                                          People have different experiences, but for me i got so unlucky and got a retard teammate frequently when i reached 4.8 and dropped to mid 4k. Yes i agree that people there are more coordinated than low-mid 4ks, and in high 4k you get 5k mmr teammate more frequently, less frequent on mid, and extremely rare on low 4k


                                                                            nah, i'm 5k and i don't try at all


                                                                              I actually just got out of that trench- check my profile. Hmu for some tips and advice


                                                                                The trench never ends

                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                  but... in the end it doesnt even matter


                                                                                    1k is best. you never get reported to lp

                                                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                                                      discounted waga said what?!!!!!!


                                                                                        finally a genius discovered that 2k<3K<4k

                                                                                        i am shocked actually


                                                                                          My team hold me back. I always report Ken every chance I get.


                                                                                            So this is what 2k did t me. I started a few months ago....I don't have time to play more than 1-2 games a day but still fucking morons ruin your game pretty easily...I can't really carry them....It is combo of rage, feeding , throwing and talking shit....oh and jungling all through the fucking game like my last game.

                                                                                            It hurts!

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            Keep It Rinse

                                                                                              All your heros have shitty kda


                                                                                                jesus ur match history is a disaster ^^



                                                                                                  There is an option in settings that reads "Mute all incoming chat".

                                                                                                  if your teammates are getting to you regularly then I suggest you use it. :)

                                                                                                  Also, tilting doesn't help. Don't play when tilted.

                                                                                                  Then the best way to gain MMR is to stop thinking about your teammates as anything more than a distraction. Then play a pushing carry like AM, TB, TA, etc. . .

                                                                                                  There is a point where you just will be so farmed that they can't do anything about you.


                                                                                                    Your name is very fitting lol feederer