General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Boosters Ruining Games?

MMR Boosters Ruining Games? in General Discussion

    Feels like Every time I have a 4k mmr teammate, I have to carry them to win. It's pretty insane, if you're 4-4.4k shouldn't you be doing the heavy lifting? I don't get how people end up with a "4k number" with skills of 2800-3000MMR bracket. I' feel like I win my lanes 90% of the time but the team' is losing both the other ones. Game is hard.
    Rant over.


      i've ran into 4ks on my 2-3k accs

      4ks are dogshit at winning, they basically struggle in 2-3k and slowly get that acc to 4k


        Exactly. They tend to have decent item builds(...sometimes) but the decision making is insane. They jump into a 1vs5 or 3v5 with no vision and then cry where the team is...i feel like they overextend and get cocky cuz they have the "best MMR in a particular game.


          What makes you think you are alone in this. #Logic


            LOL I gotta admit that's true. And I think @StanceWorks33 got close to the truth, lately I haven't been able to carry my 2k friends 'cause of excessive confidence or 'cause they were so bad it triggered me and I ended up not being able to focus. Don't know if that applies to everyone tho. I think also that buying 4k accounts has really become a thing since the new 3.5k limit for calibration, so I'm guessing the prices for 3k-4k accounts are relatively cheap, while the prices for 5k-6k accounts skyrocketed since now it takes much more time to get there even for boosters. And 1-2k people might end up choosing the cheap ones. I also got matched with a bunch of boosters in high 3k lately (my last ranked Rubick game), a thing that I don't remember ever happened before.


              I was just ranting cuz I did 3 games a day or so ago and was 1-2. I should have won all 3 cuz I won my lane vs Zues(very tough match up)very big mid lead and the viper(tough matchup). But teammates ended up dying over and over to the extent where the mid lead didn't even matter as it was all made up and then some by killing my teammates over and over. For simple crap like not warding...or placing bad wards in locations that aren't needed. I thought 4k would be good players but seems like not so much.


                Lol another sub 50 winrate. Sorry bro truth is, you and other sub 50s like mafistso and SLQ hit your peak in terms of skill. That's where luck of your teammates come in. It's nAtural to have cognitive bias when u assess yourself. Human ego is fragile. But it also hinders you from improving further. Just accept u are stuck where you are


                  The changes to calibration should theoretically increase prices of 4k accounts and reduce the amount of acct buyers. Its harder to get a 4k acct now. Can't confirm but I don't see how you'd have more


                    Sub 50s, my profile: lmao. Trash connection, trash party games and still 53.31% winrate in ranked. You must have mistaken me for one of your alter egos, dog.

                    Since the limit for calibration was set at 3.5k, reaching 5-6-7k mmr requires more time for boosters, so I'm assuming the price of those accounts will be higher now. On the other hand, getting to 3-4k is pretty easy, so there is no increase in price but the price gap between 3-4k and 5-6-7k increased. People that are at 1-2k or even low 3k might now be discouraged to buy high 4k-5k accounts even if they'd want to, and go for high 3k-4k accounts. Prices for 4k accounts might have even been decreased if boosters decided to try and encourage people to buy 4k accounts at least, to compensate the fact that now less people buy 5-6k ones. Don't know how this world works but it seems pretty logical to me. Basically the only ones that won't buy an account now are people that already are at least 4k, unless they wanna spend much more than before.

                    Any Q'ers?

                      4k isnt even really an mmr anymore to be honest, atleast half of the players between 3800-4440 on useast are either sold accs, boosted, or got 4k solo by spamming an op hero like spectre or faceless then only playing ranked once in a while.

                      only mid 5ks and 6ks are successful boosters.


                        Walls of text didn't read. Went to look At your last 3 months. 49% winrate. Anything else?

                        Why else would u complain so much about your team if u were able to win more than u lose. Lol

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Walls of text (less than 9 lines) that you didn't read 'cause it's not convenient for a frustrated, low IQ dog ah? Love how you keep proving my point :D
                          49% winrate after I played normal games I didn't care about, randoming heroes I've never played, played while bored, and party ranked games where we were trolling or arguing with each other. These months have been a waste of time on dota. But anyway, still almost 52% winrate on 6k games despite this factor and all the ones mentioned above and more than 53% in ranked.
                          Stop it for your own good edgy kid, the more you write the more you look like a dumbshitttttttttttt

                          Cuz ez hidden pool. But I still winnnnnnnnnnn


                            So basically u were playing Dota and u got 49% wr. Okay.


                              113 matches of ranked this month. 47% wr. Okay. Keep using long term wr which is meaningless lol.


                                Nah 6k games are not meaningless at all, they're just not convenient for you to mention lal.
                                So basically I was playing Dota while bored, tired and not putting any effort into it and got 49% wr. I couldn't even carry 2k games for how down of tone I was, and I mentioned it in my reply to the thread. 113 ranked games, most of them played in party, the solo ones played in the same bracket that I was able to handle with no struggle at all after getting there with 56% winrate more or less. Logical. Happens to everyone but I have to insist on implying that this SLQ is bad 'cause I hate her for no reason, and will try to bash her over things that don't make any sense and even manipulate the truth if that wasn't enough. On every post of every thread of every forum, 'cause I just can't get over the fact that I'm a fucking DELUSIONAL (in this case this term fits perfectly, not when you use it) and worthless edgy kid. Omg my life sucks. You in a nutshell.
                                Ah since you're so interested in my mmr lol, after months of doing basically nothing I put some effort in playing solo ranked these last 2 days and went from 3750 to 4083. Will show my mmr on Dota so DB can update it, or you might end up mentioning me on a thread that has nothing to do with me and my mmr claiming I'm lyyyyyyyyying!11!!!


                                  Lmao you obviously don't understand how winrate works therefore you think 6k games is supposed to help your cAse but it doesn't. Stop blabbering on about irrelevant shit I can't read it. You Always have some excuse. Same excuse as mafioso. and yet when you turn the tables on me the reason I have high winrate is also because of Party games apprently. Never mind that you don't have actual numbers for winrate of party vs solo. Lol.


                                    4k ppl like to experiment on 2k-3k acc because the are scared to play on thier own mmr ( like play new hero )
                                    they could just play unranked but they just dun wanna.


                                      Deny the truth all you want edgy kid, I'm having so much fun seeing you in all your evident frustration, masked by that fake arrogance. Who do you think you're fooling lol. I mean you went and checked my winrate in the last 3 months, which is something not even I did lmao. Attacked me on things that don't even exist after every reply I left no matter what the thread was about and stalked my stats. You must be a dangerous person in real life, edgy kid. What did they do to you to make you the sub-human disgrace you are now? You should see a psychiatrist 'cause this is not normal at all. You're exactly like those retards that took their time to leave offensive comments on my profile, the 21 pages thing. I argued with a lot of people in game and none of those common ragers has ever left a comment, but them, there was something sick about their personality. They just couldn't get over the fact that I had destroyed them and made them face their frustration, so they spent their time projecting their shit on my profile after the game. Almost all of them even followed my profile and kept posting bullshit over bullshit. And you're doing the same thing. I thought about autism/schizofrenia, go see a good doctor and let me know if my diagnosis is correct edgy kid, bye :F


                                        Lol walls of text about me being edgy does not help your argument btw.

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          It's pretty insane, if you're 4-4.4k shouldn't you be doing the heavy lifting?

                                          Not all the times. Dota is a team game. You shouldn't rely on your high mmr teammate all the time. Believe in yourself. If you carried the 4k to victory, congrats you played well. Period. No ranting about that 4k who didnt lived up to your expectation.

                                          I don't get how people end up with a "4k number" with skills of 2800-3000MMR bracket.

                                          As a 4k player, this statement is very stupid. Everyone has a bad game. I have a game lately on 4.1k avg mmr ranked as Sven with a 20-0-13 stats, and sometimes bad games like Luna with a 3-8-5 stats.

                                          Bottomline is, 4k does not have a godlike playing ability compare to 3k.


                                            @diox your tripping on meth.
                                            If I made a new account id be around 65% wr. I don't feel like losing all my ultra rare items and some of the inventory is not tradable.
                                            My peak is even close yet, once I got 5500-6500 then I'll be at the peak.

                                            By the way I feel like I'm way better than u Diox. You have a 61%win rate this month and I have 60.8% this month. I also don't play cancer heroes like troll and idk you seem delusional.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              I'm just not feeling good about high MMR people not being good. Terrible decisions during match. Like trying to take Rosh when all enemies are alive and a rocket flare was hit yet thry keep attacking and I'm telling them to back off and they don't. So they all die and lose aegis. I mean what the heck...higher mmr people are too dumb or arrogant idk and won't take a tip from another player in game.


                                                Ayase i understand a bad game but when I check dotabuff on the high MMR player thry are on my team and have lost like 4 previous games due to terrible play. I mean etc. Why give losers to me. My opponents are all on 5 game win streaks and my team is 4 played on 4 game loss streaks lol


                                                  LOL your argument for why your winrate is better than mine due to the heroes I choose to spam is fucking hilarious


                                                    No, no edgy kid. About you being much more than edgy. About you being completely crazy :D
                                                    I think you'd suicide if I stopped replying to you, you need it so much, arguing on the internet, offending people for no reason, just to not have to deal with your hopeless mental condition. You mention me on threads about other things, you stalk my account, and since I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT YOU TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT I'm gonna immediately stop replying to you, forever. Now you're alone with your twisted self, have fun. Byeeee!11!! xoxo


                                                      ur actually so braindead it just hurts
                                                      i cant even describe it
                                                      the fuck?


                                                        I think you'd suicide if I stopped replying to you, you need it so much, arguing on the internet, offending people for no reason, just to not have to deal with your hopeless mental condition.

                                                        this sounds exactly like urself
                                                        You mention me on threads about other things, you stalk my account, and since I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT YOU TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT I'm gonna immediately stop replying to you, forever. Now you're alone with your twisted self, have fun. Byeeee!11!! xoxo

                                                        thank the fucking lords


                                                          One question. How do you
                                                          Know what's your peak mmr if you hve never attained it?

                                                          If you have hit a peak Long time ago, eg your highest was something like 4k 6 months ago and u have 3.5k now it means you've likely peaked.

                                                          Your ranked winrate will be sub 50 only if your current mmr drops lower than your calibrated. Hence mine is high because I calibrated Low. This is not relevant to the argument. But if you calibrated high and you've never been able to maintain that mmr it means you over calibrated And u would have A sub 50 winrate and possibly very angry towards your teammates.


                                                            @StanceWorks33 that Roshan thing is so retarded that I think you could have actually met account buyers. 4ks are better but far from being pros, but this...


                                                              You can have peaked your mmr but still hve a positive winrate if you calibrated Low. Hence you look at more recent winrate to determine if someone is raging about teammates because he can no longer win games. I.e ragey period SLQ girl/guy


                                                                Hi im just a person with 63.61%winrate passing by :)


                                                                  It only takes a few clicks to prove that SLQ is full of shit and his response is that I'm stalking him. Lmao. That's fuckin hilarious mn


                                                                    I actual tried to respond to OP seriously because I've never interacted with him before, not expecting that he would be a delusional tart. Then I realised he is sub 50 winrate and his response to me confirms that I wasted my time lol


                                                                      @Road to Crippling Depression braindead why, dumbshit, 'cause I replied to random offenses that are lasting weeks?
                                                                      Nah, doesn't sound like myself at all. I said I'll stop replying to that clown, therefore I don't need his replies, I don't need this senseless arguing, I've never offended people without a reason, I offended people that have been insulting me for weeks. Lose a retard and earn another one. What the fuck is wrong with this forum, get away from me you fucking monkeys.


                                                                        you are at your limits, the amount of games you have means nothing.

                                                                        i learned that a long time ago, learning by experience is the worst and slowest way to learn this game, that's why basically the whole playerbase is stuck at 2-4k, because you really can't learn any better with experience.

                                                                        in my first year of playing dota i learned basically nothing, i played casually, then when my friend left and i started playing solo i've realized that playing the game to improve is inefficient

                                                                        because i'd win one, lose one, win one, lose one, win one, lose one...

                                                                        if i'd win 1-2 extra that's still 1-2 won games extra in 100, basically nothing.

                                                                        Natural improvement in this game, without actively seeking to improve, basically doesn't exist.

                                                                        I could analyse 50 replays right now, and i'd learn way more than you could in 10,000 matches.

                                                                        It's like riding a bike, at first you need training wheels. 1 week down the line you've stopped using training wheels. 1 month down the line you're riding perfectly fine, and that's where it stops. 10 years down the line you're riding the same as you did in your first 3 months.

                                                                        While some kid out there practiced tricks on his bike in his first 3 months and now he rides it with no hands on 1 wheel.

                                                                        1 year down the line you're still only riding your bike to work and back, 1 year down the line he's on bike competitions.

                                                                        tl;dr Yes, you've hit your peaks, your mmr won't go up much.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          @Diox you saying I'm sub 50 means nothing to me, it's a dumb argument. I learned dota on this account, I'm nothing like I was in 2012.
                                                                          I didn't make anew account like u did to have a "high wr", my % will go up as I keep up my 60%.


                                                                            Slq pls calm down. I enjoy testing the limits of your wits. Don't stop arguing with me. My life will have no meaning otherwise


                                                                              I was just ranting that 4k plays tensd to suck and I'm wondering if those r the effects of boosters cuz they ruined 2 games for me. I could have been +50 if thry had any skill that doesn't involve feeding or throwing, it's a team game afterall.


                                                                                dota under 6k is not a team game, idk why idiots think it is

                                                                                there's some kind of teamplay in any bracket, but that doesn't make it a team game.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  @stance it is a possibility. Yes. Sry you're actually positive in ranked I didn't check.


                                                                                    How can u say shit like "all this senseless insulting" then call everyone dogs and monkeys. There is a reason u have pages of hate and I don't, it's cuz u piss people off way more than I do.


                                                                                      @diox well dang, your actually a reasonable person. My bad for being a little bit of a dick too.
                                                                                      Positive vibes are always better than negative especially when winning games.


                                                                                        LADIES are all beautiful.......

                                                                                        Well done to those who have higher mmrs.....and those with lower (myself included) mmr should spend more time to play better.....end of story....

                                                                                        You both accuse each other of being kids while acting like one yourselves...


                                                                                          yada yada yada


                                                                                            @Road to Crippling Depression 'cause I started insulting people for offending me first and FOR NO REASON. My lord does it take so much to understand it? I asked a lot of times to not end up arguing when there's no need to but dogs and monkeys just can't help it. I pissed those people off for sure, by telling those trash game ruiners the truth about how worthless they are. I said it myself, got nothing to hide. But on this forum I did nothing wrong and joined with the best intentions, 'till I got insulted and mentioned for weeks.


                                                                                              I'm just here to say I have a big penis :P


                                                                                                Lol you are just an awful person SLQ. Your hate comments on your profile and the flak you get here are not unjustified. Poor fragile being. Try to critically analyse yourself.

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                                  ^the truth was spoken :D I support Jaked!


                                                                                                    GG, its a disgrace as a 4k player if you dont stomp 3k really hard even if you play heroes that you dont play


                                                                                                      most played heros:

                                                                                                      Pudge mid
                                                                                                      doom jungle
                                                                                                      lycan jungle
                                                                                                      wr with sub % winrate mid

                                                                                                      its obvious that you lack some basic understanding of this game OR you have mental issues just by looking at these picks.
                                                                                                      yet here you are crying about account buyers holding you back

                                                                                                      gg wp

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                        @Mentally sick dog talking about other people's personality LMAO
                                                                                                        ^The projection has been made* @Kotato

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