General Discussion

General Discussionhow can u get positive winrate as spectre

how can u get positive winrate as spectre in General Discussion
white boy summer

    she's worse than a creep on lane no dmg no armor literally nothing. i understand her lategame is the best but you have to get there first against a fucking dual offlane who will shit all over you


      You farm jungle. Your team groups as 4 and fights.
      You press R.


        play like a passive bitch , KS with haunt like bitch , get fed like a bitch and win like a bitch late game

        white boy summer

          playing like a passive bitch includes farming the easy camp for 30 mins cause u can never touch lane without dying and dont have any regen/armor for medium camps?

            Yorum silindi

              Don't pick unless you have two supports. Also don't pick if they have a strong duo with axe or something like that.


                Playing Spectre ruined my dota skills because I got used to playing extremely passive even after I got fat.


                  watch spectre replays
                  learn how to play the hero (no, u don't have to be passive in the lane, according to wagamama u must actually be playing agressive and killing heroes in the early game).

                  Riguma Borusu

                    you don't pick spectre into a strong offlane

                    you don't pick spectre into an obvious deathball

                    you don't pick spectre against hard hitting heroes who will dominate the game while you're trying to farm up something

                    you don't pick spectre if your team won't be able to fight when your ult is down and/or doesn't have damage in the early game

                    60% of the win is knowing when to pick the spectre, and the hero is situational as fuck

                    the other 40% is knowing your limits and actually snagging kills in the early game that (according to a lot of people, apparently) shouldn't be possible for you

                    oh and I beg of you please don't go brown boots into radiance or some similarly stupid shit

                    like, a medallion rush is superior to that crap

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                    Palmen aus Plastik

                      ^perfect reply right there. all these spectre pickers have incredibly high win rates with the hero simply because the team plays around them, or they know that this is a spectre game. instapicking a hero like spectre will just result in a 30 min radiance in most games.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        He asks how to play spectre
                        Not when to pick spectre
                        Also map awareness is one of the biggest difference betweem a bad spectre and a good one

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Her laning capability is dogshit, yes, but that doesnt mean you should be playing passive 100%
                          There are chances where you can win some trade like fighting next to a tree where you can abuse dagger throw and autoattack without trading or when the enemy hero is solo and you can proc desolate, it doesn't happen alot but if you know how to abuse it your winrate with her should skyrocket


                            I strongly disagree with many answers. Just get used to her, play her often. Spectre is rly ez to win with. My current MMR is 4.4k (int ranked). And I normally hover between low mid 4k.

                            Unless the enemy runs a real strong duallofflane, you should be fine. Every meleecarry gets trashed by a dualofflane. I was allowed to play against a viper tree offlane yesterday. No carry at all could handle that lane and farm up, unless you have two rly stronk supports on your lane.

                            1. Step one:

                            Dont miss lasthits. Spectre has a shitty basedamage, a long bat, long backswing, shitty turnrate and movespeed. So getting 50-70cs with spectre in the laning stage is something you need to learn.

                            2. Step two:

                            Go some utility items, so you can get kills midgame with haunt. Brown boots radiance rush is bullshit. It makes you get that radiance later in 9 out of 10 games. You cant kill, you cant use phase dagger to escape a gank, you farm jungle slower (cuz less damage).

                            OOV is fine, so you can chase better, phase is a must have.

                            I do not like vanguard, cause it costs a lot and does not give much potential for killing.

                            Urn is some fine item.

                            If you need constant regen, a casual roh is enough. You can built it into a refresher orb later on or simply sell it.

                            In some cases Talon is fine, so you can clear jungle faster. Ring of aquila is also sometimes ok. PMS is good to go. Drums are also a nice item on spectre. The new Hod is kinda shit. Do not go for it. Not enough bang for the buck.

                            Next item after one or two of the above mentioned items should be radiance or yasha. Depends on your timings and if you are forced to fight more early. In some cases you might need to skip the radicance entirly.

                            Some ppl like to mask of madness. I do not like the item on spectre at all.

                            Midas is some kind of last resort, if everything goes bad in the first 12 min on all lanes, and you know that you will not get any farmspace.

                            A spectre with urn, phase, oov, pms kinda hits hard in the midgame, if you haunt in proper into lone fleeing targets. Desolate is your source of damage, so you should be able to net kills in the midgame. Its just a matter of timing and expierience. Haunt in, use dagger to snatch a kill (or 1-2 hits). If your team ganks and corners a good farmed enemy core, haunt and try to snatch the kill. Tp back to your lane.

                            Do not haunt for every gank on a support. Your ulti is precious. Its just a matter of expierence when to jump. Sometimes haunting is also a good idea to distract the enemy and prevent them from diving your midlaner.

                            You max out dagger and desolate. One point in dispersion is enough. Its percentagebased and the lvls 2-4 only give relativly low ehp compared to the first lvl. Your skilltree should be damage, stats, attackspeed, strength, hp in 99% if all games. Sometimes the extra armor is nice. If you go for Mom (which is kinda cheesy built) you should go for the armor. The movespeed is also sometimes fine. Somehow it has a higher winrate 0,8%. Neverless i like the stats more.

                            Get that radiance running. You sould be able to get it >25 min mark, with phase, urn pms and in a good game even with a yasha. Next item should be manta. It speeds up your farm big time. Use mantasplit to farm multiple camps and the lane. Just ctrl+1 on spectre, 2 on first illu, 3 on the second illu. By this time you should be a major threat to your enemy. But you still need to be cautious and farm passivly with your illus and with the hero itself in safe space.

                            Next item depends on whats needed and your playstyle. Heart is a good idea in many cases, in some cases its pure shit. Butterfly is almost everytime a good idea. Diffu is almost every time a must have. Skadi is also not so bad on spectre.

                            Refresher orb can rly wreck the shit out of the enemy, but its more of 7. slot item for your backpack. Before 7.00 it was my standard 4th item after diffu. 14 sek haunt would wreck every enemy, no pipe, no euls or cape could save the supports for this long time. Enemys have to spent their precious spells on teammates, sicne they cant wait 14 sek till you appear on the battlefield.

                            Spectre has somewhat the best carrypotential in the game and one of the best comeback ultis, since you can always be in the right spot to snatch the kill on the snowballing enemy. With a radiance in your inventory you are always a threat. Pubbers till mid 4k tend the throw, so in most games you will get your comback-chance.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Ps. Blademail sucks dick.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Even if you lose lane as spec you can comeback with ult assist gold. Just keep farming.


                                  i believe moo used to go something like treads drums radi but not sure why, guess kitrak could answer that better

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    He said it was good and that's about it.

                                    Optimus Drip

                                      Melee, Carry, Durable, Escape
                                      WIN RATE

                                      You are delusional.


                                        Treads can work, but generally phase is used by far more players, since it allows you to chase harder.


                                          vladimir the real mvp

                                          Keep It Rinse

                                            COMMAND VLADIMIR

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I like treads more, dagger is plenty of speed plus manta and illusions get attack speed now.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Spec doesn't need many items to do a ton of damage to the whole team just radiance and heart probably.


                                                  Vladimir is level 1000000!
                                                  Good tips!


                                                    I just go Early stats with wand, Tangoes, Get a ROH. If alot of meele cores Vanguard. If none then go Diffusal Raidiance, Manta, BKB or heart. I normally max R E W Q. The Passive can turn alot of mid game fights like a BB if you dont overestimate your tankyness. SO I usually go W Q E E W R E W E. If they have alot fo squishy fast heroes Ill max the Q and W since the dispersion probably wont help you vs them anyway. The rest if pretty much self explanatory. Farm Jungle Press R.


                                                      Thats kinda the worst way to play spectre. Seriously nobody between 4 or 5k, nor the pros would max e before q and w. First point gives 10%, every other point only 4%. Since its % based, its absolut bullshit to max it out before you get some tankstuff. Dispersion is a nice add on in the lategame but it does not help in killing ppl, wich is your job as a carry. You cant compare that 18% dispersion to bristels 75% damage negation.

                                                      Farm lane, fuck jungle. Whenever lane is empty and safe, farm there. Buy phase, hit the enemy offlaner, if you can.


                                                      Full page of 6k-7k mmr players. NONE of them goes for max E, cuz its simply bullshit. Almost none of them goes for vanguard, cuz its simply bullshit. Only a few of them go blademail, cuz its situational (and I think its crap).

                                                      PMS offers nearly the same blockchance, without the hp and regen, but vang costs more than 2k gold. Since abysall is not your item of choice (does not offer anything for illus), you can't do anything with that vang.

                                                      Standardbuilt (wich most pros do):

                                                      Max dagger, dispersion, ulti whenever. Passives like I told above (damage, stats, health, strength).


                                                      Starting Items: 2 slippers, tangos, salve, branch

                                                      Earlygame: Urn, Phase, Pms, Wand -optinal OOV-

                                                      Midgame: Radiance/Yash, BKB if you have to

                                                      Late: Manta, diffu, heart or butterfly, Skadi, even AC is sometimes fine.

                                                      Superlategame: Refresher


                                                      Treads are some sort of situational but your chase AND your escapepotential is way better with phase. It also makes lasthitting in the laning stage way more comfi. You do not need attackspeed, if you can't reach ppl to hit. The normal situation is, that ppl run away from you. Its not like they go toe to toe with you, cuz you only fight, when they have to run


                                                      Dagger, phase into trees to tp out is a good way to stay alive.


                                                      Its kinda nice on spectre, but I always opt for manta before heart. It speeds up your farm by a big margin! Just split to farm lanes with your illus.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                      white boy summer

                                                        @A cucumber
                                                        didnt say that no one has high winrate, i just wondered how even 1k ppl have 57% i cant even get 20% with the hero

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          well yes normally big item progression is radiance, manta, heart.

                                                          In regards to spec you just won't have the same gpm and and cs as most other carries, at least not in a pub game. What you will have though is tons of assists, hopefully kills, and tons of hero damage without the need to be 6 slotted like many other carries. Like spec with those three items radiance, manta, heart, is not a man fighting tower killing carry but she does more damage to a team with her ult and being in a fight than like a sven with 5-6 items, plus spec can't be kited. So don't worry as much about being behind in gold on spec cus her skills are tremendously effective.


                                                            blademail doesnt suck!


                                                              @Vladimir. That is very true except, given that he struggles to play spec in low to mid 3k with the recommended Q max build with normally High death counts - something tells me his positioning with spectre sucks. So instead of trying to teach him positioning with the hero you change the build so when hes always out of position he dies less. His GPM/XPM is low which means his last hitting with the hero is meh and hes dead a lot. So maxing dagger does shit all to help survive when your dead constantly. If he wanted to know how a pro plays it he would look at the guide and copy him but obviously that isn't working. Also Vlad that is true but if you even remember most westerners Did NOT max Q first and believed it wrong until the pro Chinese players showed them and the patches supported that playstyle on her. Before you go MidOne or singsing on me how about think think hes not playing this her in 4-6k Hes playing it and losing at 3k. OBVIOUSLY he has other issues then understand the hero.

                                                              @through anger lies failure. Like I said bro id suggest my above post work on your positioning and learn what items work. Through a few games being a tanky ass bitch youll start to better understand her. Then you can start learning what builds work best. Spectre is pretty much all abut map awareness and Positioning. Knowing who is where and when. You learn that idc if you build Aquilla, Drums heart you will start to win. A lot of sub 3k games are a bunch of idiots wondering around and all you need to do is Ult in large teamfights and if there is a guaranteed kill or two Go there. If not stay farming. I Like to max the dispersion vs heroes like Lina, Windrunner and all small damage instances because it maximizes damage and keeps you alive through their ganks. If your positioning is spot on you can max the Q.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                If you are struggling in 3k to get your items try mixing up the build and delaying radiance because it's kind of hard to build. Go phase/treads, vanguard, diffusal, manta, then finish off a radiance and a heart. Really easy build up so you don't have a huge power spike or lose a ton of gold from dying. With iron talon and vanguard you can easily clear jungle, though it's not that efficient it's a lot better than dying in lane.