General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape low 4K MMR?

How to escape low 4K MMR? in General Discussion

    Nobody fucking cares about how retarded your teammates are


      Yea because I played actual pos 4 everytime I pick BH, not solo slave
      Oh wait


        Tiege add me to friend list. Thanks.


          4 pages


            And another loss, surely its my fault! I was support kunkka, enemy had ancient left, sven refuses to take fucking objectives, got shit on and we lost, once fucking again.


              Playing against a fucking tinker, and this retard doesnt buy mkb, he's so fucking bad. Once again relying on worthless trash for a carry

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                Hey guys tim hol me black how to git gud timmate


                  Locking in hc first every single game from now on, someone else takes it, I'm feeding. That's what this shitty community needs, someone to treat them like the trash they are


                    3.9 bracket, oh my.. That bracket is so shit, i spent like a month to get out of there last year

                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                      Those who reached 5k+ have spent tons of effort, practice, money, time, analysis ,reading, listening, updating, and learning about dota.
                      so what effort have these 4k or 3k baby done to make himself feeling worthy enough to be a 5k player


                        so what effort have these 4k or 3k baby done to make himself feeling worthy enough to be a 5k player

                        Dude... What??

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Those who reached 5k+ have spent tons of effort, practice, money, time, analysis ,reading, listening, updating, and learning about dota.


                          Effort....ya I did put some

                          Pratice...ya time to time I change bit of my jungle routine to let it more efficient

                          Money,time...didn't really,all my skin was gifted by friend

                          analysis/reading/listening/update...Hell no,and if it's long patch note I will just skip most and only read what general update and changed of the hero I play(3)

                          Mlada i Luda

                            'Tiege Hanley 16 hours ago
                            Yeah I'm shit, thats why I lose. I have to be the one to carry my team, who cares if I have feeders, who gives a shit if I don't have a support, 5 cores? who gives a fuck man, I can solo carry that shit ANYDAY. This game isnt a 1v9 shitshow, enemy team can play as a team, no reason mine can't, but they don't. I don't have to do everything myself. I don't pick a support to carry the fucking game. Get your head out of your ass, this game is full of retards.' .... ok everyone hold your breath, you finally have a good point on waht yo utrying to say, and waht im trying to explain too, but people like cuki(jacked) will insult you and stop arguing with you when it commes to that. and honestly i can understand him , cause to gain his mmr he walked through all of those things that you said bro, im sure about it. this is the only difference sometimes betwen a 2-3k , and a 5k. only the will to try hard every game and deal with that shit that you talking about. but there is a problem there are 2 kind of players. 1 ) those who play for fun 2) tryharders , who play for mmr. i mean ofc people play for both of them mostly of the time but it depends waht you prioritize more. let me tell you that if you not willing to deal with all that shit that you talking about, than your in the first category bro. thats the reason i say that mmr ' is jsut a number' , i dont mean that is a fucking random number that you get it somehow, you have to work and try hard for it. thats why cuki is rly agresive on people that say that thing, cause he walked through those things , and trust its not fun at all , but it works on gaining mmr, is the only way, if your wining only the games that your team does good, that means you can stay stabile but you not gonna climb.


                              I dropped to 3.9k last night, after 5 losses in a row, one of them was a double down


                                Double down is a scam, dont use that in solo queue lol


                                  Yeah its retarded, 2 others did it, thought they were confident. Turns out they're just retards


                                    Ever since i lost 500 mmr from double down, 4700 to 4200, i realized that using double down ON PARTY MMR has WAY higher success rate than solo mmr

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      you have 1 week space time to use double down, if your patience enough and you have a min exp of dota to be able to read draft you can always find an almost unlossable game for you, i have won all double downs till now both in solo and party games, mostly solo.


                                        Nah, i use double down consecutively in a day


                                          lol mafioso. so u play for fun, and rthat's why u suck? niceeeee

                                          Story Time

                                            ^double down causes you to lose more games on average, because you start playing at higher skill but not improving you own at the same time.


                                              ^nah, depends though, if you just dropped from your real mmr bracket, i cant see anything wrong with using double down

                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                yeah i play for fun , and yeah i suck. if i compare myself with pro-se , but compare to you ?!!! lol and that thing about double down, im obesebed with bets , i dont care waht i win or loose for real , im jsut obssesed with the bet itself i always wanna win bets , i lost hundreds of mmr only cause of daily quest im obessed with those too i try to do every one of them if ihave time eveb if that looses me 100 mmr in day while trying i dont care . but when it commes to bets , nononno no way im gonna loose im a fucking maniac of bets like your in mmr .( not that much probably)


                                                  oooh nice story