General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is dying

Dota is dying in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    Ded game after next map change update after TI. You heard it here first. CoL will win TI. Will update more predictions from my Mongolian fortune teller connection.

    TheDoctor (HTPG)

      are u bored or what man


        col winning ti sounds like blunt being funny and using memes appropriately, aka smthng that will never happen

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          Thanks for info


            col winning ti sounds like blunt being funny and using memes appropriately, aka smthng that will never happen


              *insert spiderman meme*


                DotA wont die. Some said it was dead after 7.0, but from what I can tell, it just keeps moving forward.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Never alive.


                    I am gonna be inside your mom tonight. Just a casual prediction.


                      I feel like dota beeing hyped big times lately.
                      Shes hot?




                          20 mil indeed ded game

                          also jdf8

                            blunt being funny and using memes appropriately, aka smthng that will never happen


                              I lol'ed so hard that my lols started to lol.......dude wtf ?? 20mil ppl are playing !

                                Yorum silindi

                                  wassap playa, I'm here for your daughter.

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    I lol'ed so hard that my lols started to lol.......dude wtf ?? 20mil ppl are playing !

                                    That's it? 20mil? Psh, game is dying. Everyone knows a game needs at least 2 billion to survive in this day and age.


                                      dota is like europe : dying with 2 billion


                                        How Is CS still a game

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Fire squirrel so cute :smile:

                                          Btw what is col?


                                            i am amazed that many blue stars player who have stopped playing are still active in dotabuff forum.

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              You're acting as if people don't play Dota just so they can shitpost with blue stars next to their name.


                                                I want to stop playing. How did u do it?

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  It's not going to die, valve is already making moves to secure the future of the tournament scene by eliminating majors and offering to sponsor tournaments. Plus I'm pretty sure another moba would have to steal all of it's players. Desipte people saying it's shitty or I'm flocking to overwatch or whatever, most games of a specific genre like this require another one of same genre to steal the audience. It's why wow has never died as no mmorpg has been better. It's only going to die because the entire genre is dying.

                                                  Dota players aren't going to league and nothing else is close, heroes of the storm failed.

                                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                                    'Mongolian fortune teller connection' ru mongolian?


                                                      if anything, overwatch stole league players

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        I want to stop playing. How did u do it?

                                                        Achieved your goal and have no regrets


                                                          Dota is in a different universe to other esports now. The ecosystem of teams/sponsors etc. means there's no way the game will die in the next 5yrs.

                                                          What other game would an aspiring esports pro decide to master at the moment?

                                                          Having said that, I don't think anyone has figured out what happens to an esport in the long-term. Hard to imagine them being like a traditional sport lasting for a century but they also have more longevity than normal games.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            cus esports games don't have sequels. Single player games you finish, never play again, then comes sequel. Even a game you sink a million hours into live civilization or master of orion gets a bunch of sequels and copycats. Multiplayer there's always a new call of duty or madden.

                                                            Esports are online so you never beat it, and then there's no dota3 coming out. They tweak dota2 with stuff to keep it fresh.