General Discussion

General DiscussionCookie CM guide

Cookie CM guide in General Discussion
TheDoctor (HTPG)

    does anyone have it?
    i meant no trolling here
    genuinely wanted to learn something from cookie
    if @cookie himself can share it to me
    im very much thankful


      it's a lil bit outdated since the farming pattern is 20% slower now, but just get as many big creeps from big camps as possible




          is that one of those modern poems? damn i hate literature


            you can stack large camps then let it go


              cm has been heavily overnerfed imo.. not funny to play anymore, she walks like a retarded snail and cant cast her spells more than once each (which is stupid on a hero who relly adsolutely on magic)...

              TheDoctor (HTPG)

                a bit true @Sarllo
                icefrog could probably buff her a bit
                Thanks @Cookie


                  Seriously overnerfed.


                    Yes with that mana nerf i went from 63% winrate to 58% but she is still strong x) You just need to get dagger/glimmer as fast as possible and u are good. (btw i learned so much about cm from cookie)

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      who is cookie? i mean, he seems like a "cm superstar" >.< ... dont bother me i am just a 3k


                        @Sarllo, not really a superstar, just a 5-6k dude who shared some patterns on how to win early game with CM pre-7.06


                          to me, 5-6k dude is like a superstar hahaha i read the thread, the patterns and all.. i get the point but doesnt agree at all..

                          *in lower mmr (my bracket) ppl often pick heroes who cant stand by themnselves on safe lane (out of meta heroes).. so u cant jungle at all
                          *not always offlaner is retarded enough how to contest pulls vs a cm
                          *standing behind trees in midlane sounds good with pudge but with 500 hp 1 armor here sound SICK
                          *u still relly on carry..

                          but i repeat, am just a 3k player.. cookie is a superstar and also he post videos which testify about his pattern

                          may i should try it


                            You won't be contested when pulling using cookies' strategy though, because the offlaner has become your team's bich. in the first place, you'll afk farming until min 4 in that pattern. Still working even now, just that the level timing is worse than before.
                            and you have root and slow, nobody will be able to chase on you unless they had blink..

                            Also CM is actually more of pos 4 hero than pos 5, which is why you should do what cookies say, click on lc, hover over jungle, wait for people to pick support, then pick CM.
                            if nobody pick support, type, fuck y'all and goes jungle.