General Discussion

General Discussion3k trash learning voker

3k trash learning voker in General Discussion
never seen sun rises

    How to fucking learn this hero? I practised with bots a lot, played smurf acc, now trying to play ranked and lost 500 mmr only cos of this hero. How to learn him properly


      Its ok, keep on playing that hero, never give up, i lost a thousand mmr before by practicing io and es but now i know how to play those heroes

      зачем я начал поиск

        I am not an Invoker player, but how about you not show that you play only Invoker in your nickname first?

        I mean, the enemy may check your recent games on db and plan around on raping your ass straight away.

        If you spam a hero, never fucking expose it that blatantly, especially, if you're weak and won't be able to deal with possible counters, hence lack of experience.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        all role player

          practicing invo in 7.06 lul


            Have you tried replay analysis and detroying enemy ancient


              If MMR is all that matters to you ,I'd suggest you not play invoker in ranked games. Its a difficult hero to learn and master.
              Having said that ranked is also the best place to learn a hero cos people will actually try to beat you rather than build meme builds.
              So in conclusion play more ranked if you wanna git gud on the hero and don't mind climbing again later otherwise don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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                in my experience its pretty hard to not get confused in fights as invoker, so if i was you id focus on that. im new on invo, in one game i played id snowball in the early/ mid game but wouldn't be able to win a 5v5 lategame fight coz i dont know how to do the stuff in complex fights and not just some pickoffs.


                  Keep playing him until all spells are muscle memory. And learn when to use them and keep in mind that spells like tornado removes flameguard/Omni ult and urn of shadows procs cold snap, shit like that.

                  When i started playing invoker i watched loads of replays of people.. grimorum, cook and vurtune mostly for the flashy refresher combos back in the day but i learned loads of other stuff.

                  maybe watch Black^, W33 and Miracle? these days for laning stage and decision making ?

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  never seen sun rises

                    ye thanks guys, gonna play him a lot, after my low priority


                      lol, low priority games are way more difficult to win than ranked games, agree??


                        dude, dont ever pick him at 1st pick.

                        never seen sun rises

                          my point was to pick him on fp actually, thats how i can learn heroes who counter him and etc. I just hate when my team writing me kind of 'voker afk jungling nub' when i am trying get my aghanim to help them later, thats rly piss me off


                            explain to them the game plan and how invoker works if that doesn't helpmute them.
                            Fping invoker is ok is you wanna learn how to play against counters but understand that its gonna lose you a lot of mmr

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                            Use chatwhell=mute

                              Idk invoker is a late game hero. Im not invoker player. But i dont recommend to play this hero cuz this hero is rly sucks tbh. The main things are just keep farming till get good items have impact while u afk farm by sunstrike.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Invoker is balanced.


                                  Use spells in lane, get stat items (wand, null, and RoA).
                                  Spam Alacrity, Cold Snap, Forge Spirit to harass.
                                  Know when to push your lane hard and farm camps.
                                  You are super squishy and killable literally ALL GAME. So don't die to ganks in the first 15 minutes.
                                  Farm. Farm. Farm.
                                  Hit sun strikes.
                                  Don't pick every game and lose MMR like I do.
                                  Pick if you have an easy match up mid, or a support who seriously pressures lanes (clock, spirit breaker, kunkka).


                                    i did like one cool cold snap meteor sunstrike combo, but thats abt it boys