General Discussion

General Discussionneed some help with recent games

need some help with recent games in General Discussion
General Asim Muneer

    look at my last 3 games....i stomped the enemy team so hard ... created miles of space for my team ... took objectives with ~10k bld damage every game... tried to take rosh whenever up.. itemized accordingly... farmed reasonably fast........ what in the name of god could i have done to win these games?


      As meepo you have to end the game as fast as possible ( < 30 mins ~ ) because you shine from 20 - 30 mins, late game it is useless , the enemy will catch up in levels and farm and you loose your advantage.


        By not making game losing mistakes despite doing all of the above


          U need to speak up and tell em to play objectively not just kill and stop dying with no reason

          General Asim Muneer

            i speak up all the fking time man... hell if somebody listened... i feel like iam talking to myself xD ... and i try my best to end the game at 20 min......... if i do i win... if i cant i lose.. its like 1v9

            basement :)

              You got counter-picked in all of those games. Try to pick Meepo as late as possible.

              General Asim Muneer

                i last pick always

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  Level 1 points in bara charge (vs bash) make me want to hit children

                  basement :)

                    i last pick always

                    So, you counter-pick yourself? #3k logic


                      Just ACCEPT IT, you cant win games even if you TRY your best because you will still get shitty kids as teammates. Most days will be red, some days will be green

                      General Asim Muneer

                        @<3 Roshan.. dude i know i am pretty confident with that hero i can play against counters.. the fact that u cant win after 30 min is constant whether u are countered or not... your main job is to end game before 30...if u cant , u already created enough space that for your carry that he is double the networth of enemy's .. u can just keep disabling them by nets and hex and win the fights after that... but i somehow cant win.. TLDR.. i rekt my counters in all game before 30.. those 10-11 deaths u see are after that mark..
                        @Abyss Watcher... yeah... truth is bitter sometimes.. just trying to figure out how to change it though

                        General Asim Muneer

                          @AIDS... dude this is literally nothing... a few days ago i picked jugg safelane.. .my team ended up picking 2 junglers.. i was against BB Tusk offlane ... they took T2 at 10 min... and guess what.. we won that game... that sort of games make u question dota xD


                            Games where you have extremely cancerous and toxic teammates MAKES YOU QUESTION HUMANITY..

                            General Asim Muneer

                              hahahaha exactly xD ... but noone believes u everybody says git gud and u feel like kys


                                Also when you get A teammate that thinks that he is an action movie star, expect no cooperation from that retard as he thinks that he can outplay everyone

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  lol. thats rly funny actually. if you last picked meepo while you were already countered is even worst than first picking him and get countered, cause your team cant do shit about that cause they already picked. its just to dumb to blame your team for loosing if you cant win the game with last pick meepo , cause you pikced it while yo uwere countered already jessu yo udeserve 4 reprots from your team, your lost those fucking games. and about space creating , are you sure how it rly works? mostly of low mmr meepos i've seen they take more space from they carries than they create for. if your getting solo kills mostly the ez supports kills while you are taking also all the safe farm from carries , well you not creating space at all. im not a meepo player but all meepos i've seen thats what they usually do every game.


                                    Which 3 games are you talking about, pick 1 that you think you played best, so I can give you the answer.

                                    Just pick one game.. if and only if you think you can read a text wall :)

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    General Asim Muneer

                                      @FattyDevil ok go with this one: 3303409169
                                      @Mafioso i dont even visit my carry's lane or the jungle camps near him except while pushing... i farm my lane and camps near secret shop and 2 camps near mid . thats all.. when i get dagg i start snowballing and farming their side of the map.... a remotely competent carry can fk the other team apart with that kind of space .... about counters... i knw how to deal with them... meepo can deal with axe/ winter/ sven/ earthshaker at 20 min but is fked by even antimage or juggernaut at min 40....

                                      basement :)

                                        When you farm the jungle, your cores have less to farm. When you die with Meepo, the enemies get a big swing, which allows them to catch up to your cores.


                                          ur fucking supposed to take lvl 1 charge u complete mongol
                                          not always, but it does give guarenteed stun


                                            sometimes shit happens dude, even u try hard u still cant win that shitty game


                                              @Keep it PMA, Keep it BSJ
                                              Sorry, but I dont have time to analyze your replay anymore due to my workloads and also because I see that you haven't throw away your ago yet before asking for helps, so I won't bother wasting my precious time to write a whole essay for you when I know for a fact that you're not going to listen and just argue back....

                                              But it's pretty much what <3 Roshan and Mafioso said. The most common mistake I found in meepo players (or even other core heroes, but I'll just talk about meepo here) in 3k bracket or below is that they steal all of the safe farm from their teammates. This obviously makes the meepo's networth be on top of everybody but the problem here is do you know how to solo win the game because if you don't, your 1 death is more than enough to lose you the game since you're the only one who gets to farm, while your teammates do not have any safe farm left for them.

                                              And also, don't pick into your direct countered heroes... if your skill level is on par with the enemy, you can't get away with picking meepo into axe sven etc. every game, so why would you take the high risk low reward?

                                              I used to be so confident with my slark enough to play against all the counters just like you're doing right now, but after 10-20 games I'd figured out that I'd better picking a less confident hero who suits the lineup more than picking slark into all counter heroes

                                              Now, all you need to do after this is to throw away your ego of "I'm good at meepo, I can play him against any counter and my teammates are just bad" and start practicing other heroes for situational pick when meepo gets countered.

                                              The first step to improve yourself is to realize that you're bad and you're at the mmr you at because of it.
                                              Take the advice people gave to you seriously and improve your weakness.

                                              This is all I can do for you, hope this helps :)


                                                yea you probably just dont know how to solo end the game. if you are trying to force HG with their 5 heroes waiting for you and you die, then you are doing it wrong

                                                General Asim Muneer

                                                  @FattyDevil @Jacked ... thanks guys... will keep that in mind