General Discussion

General DiscussionInt. Ranked

Int. Ranked in General Discussion

    Just what percentage do u think of players actually gain mmr by playing it?


      only goethe manages to increase his mmr

      Speak English, Pick Stuns

        They changed it this year. You could calibrate at 5k last year. I was like 3k went 3-7 and calibrated at 4K. This year I went 7-3 and calibrated 1000 mmr lower than my current mmr.

        International ranked also isn't its own separate que this year, which kept a lot of shitters out of the que


          Not sure but I know so far I'm +300 MMR. Hoping to be +500 by time it ends.

          100% WINRATE MASTER

            Ive gained 1.3k from my previous mmr so far. Definitely because of the lesser toxic players in int ranked
            Calibrated 300 higher and grinded 1k easily


              Int Ranked becomes a shitfest as you approach TI - basically gets filled with butthurt delusionals who failed to improve their mmr and thus just queue in it to troll.

              The calibration cap was also a mistake - its fine that it is limited to 110% of your current mmr say but stupid that you have 7k players queuing with 4k players.


                I've gained about 500 party mmr but it would be downright impossiblr for me to gain solo mmr.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Last year about 500
                  This year 0, intentionally fed to play on 1k bracket, ended up calibrating at 2k


                    +200 from my current mmr . Hope i can get to 5k by the end of season xD

                    Road to Immortal - {Retired}

                      Gained 3k MMR (4.3k now) in 5 months of continuous playing, you have to play at least 8 hours a day and think about the game not mindlessly play it. If you still cant gain MMR you are just bad. Calibrated 1.7k dropped to 1.4k then since that drop i always increased because i really did focus in game.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        then you have to ask yourself, is 8hrs a day worth 4k? :)

                        ps what's with all those 2min bot matches on your profile?


                          ^it's called siltbreaker

                          Zahari Baharov

                            What babypredatordan actually did is spam slark ..huge understanding of the game gratz on spamming the easiest carry on 1-4k


                              calibrated around 2.3k and currently around 2.8k

                              < blank >

                                Just 1 player his name is Arin McPain


                                  I went from 2450 to 2850 and going


                                    same had 2400 coalibrated 2800 now on 2960

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      game gratz on spamming the easiest carry on 1-4k

                                      Lol wat slark has quite the skillcap
                                      Not to mention he's just straight up garbage right now


                                        @CP. Because you're a noob