General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play against an enigma offlane as an ursa?

How to play against an enigma offlane as an ursa? in General Discussion

    Ursa usually dominates lanes, however, I felt like it was hard to beat an offlane enigma as a solo ursa.
    I didn't lose the lane, but I want to know if there is an easy way of dealing with him.
    He would stun me if I walked at him and use his creeps to harass me the whole time.


      Call 1-800-supportWithSlow.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Congratulations on reaching 3700MMR.

        I jungle Ursa to 4.6K so idk how to lane Ursa haHaHAHA WHY U LANING WITH URSA???IS IT NECESSARY????

        Potato Marshal

          Why were you solo in the first place?


            You just lose the lane. Or outplay him by skill difference

            The best you could do if you and him are on the same level is to keep using creep aggro and keep pulling small camp

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^I see your profile picture girl are getting younger and younger by time.Is that suggest something?

              Potato Marshal

                You asking me? Anzu Futaba (my current profile picture) is 17 years old.

                My last profile picture was of Yukari Akiyama who is a second year high schooler, so roughly 16-17.


                  unless you got a support that can set you up

                  only other things you can do are getting pms, phase, oov and WL and just running at him till you kick him out of lane.

                  basically, forget about your early LH and just focus on kicking him out of lane, because later on he'll kick you if you don't.

                  i'll just copy/paste this out of my new guide, which i haven't released yet, but you'll get the point:

                  What you have to consider is the enemy's overall EHP, it is not just their armor + HP, but also their overall block and passive and active regen that they bring and have in that lane.

                  For example, let's say I'm laning as antimage against a clinkz and both of us got standard builds.

                  if I were to just let him hit me with his ORB(searing arrows) he'd win that lane by sooner or later burning all of my HP, this is where the thought process of most low mmr player just stomps. This lane isn't unwinnable, you have to think harder about it.

                  So let's do a little bit of analysis to demonstrate this point.

                  Clinkz, with a wraith band and level 2, has 580 HP and 3 armor, giving him 685~ EHP.

                  He also has 49+3 attack damage with his orb(searing arrows) giving him +30 physical damage per hit and an attack speed of 0.77 attacks per second which should put him at 63 dps.

                  Antimage has 660 hp and 3 armor, giving him 780 EHP.

                  Antimage has 59 attack damage and an attack speed of 0.9 attacks per second. We also have to remember that manaburn does 60\% of the mana done as damage so this would make it 68 dps with manaburn, 53 dps without it.

                  But this is where the majority of low mmr player's thought process stops, they don't consider the overall lane, they only consider the current situation in which they'd see a clinkz, standing at max range, spamming arrows and burning you.

                  Since clinkz's ORB doesn't aggro creeps, taking a trade would make antimage lose due to adding in another 27 damage per second from the creeps hitting you(pms included).

                  If we want to win the laning phase we have to look at the overall EHP, which adds in your resources like block, active and passive regen.

                  What most people don't notice is that antimage has overall more resources here, he has pms + tango + salve, while the clinkz has only wraith + tango. Why is this important?
                  For starters, that pms blocks 20 damage from every attack, reducing clinkz dps to 43. So in a head on battle, without creeps you'd be winning. With creeps he'd get that extra +27 so two would be doing around the same dps.

                  but wouldn't that only make us neutral? But, this is where most people forget the additional regen and passive regen.

                  This is where add in the regen as overall/potential EHP, clinkz has 685 EHP, but he has 4x tango which give him a total of 460 potential regen, giving him now a total of 685 + 460 = 1145 EHP.

                  Meanwhile, antimage has PMS + 4xtango + salve, giving him a total of 780 + 460 + 400 = 1640 potential EHP. He an additional has 495 ehp. And now you can begin to understand why potential EHP is an awesome tool to win lanes. Let's abuse this now, let's create possible 3 scenarios, scenario A,B and C.

                  {Scenario A}: This is what happens in your average low mmr lane as melee vs range, Antimage comes to lane to take last hits, clinkz harasses him and burns his regen because antimage plays like a headless chicken and doesn't notice getting harassed, or even starts playing passively to not even take the last hits because he's afraid. This is the problem, this unreasonable and unnecessary fear and lack of proper planning and calculation. After 2-3 waves antimage is now left with no regen and no hp. Simply because he had no idea what he can do in the overall lane. And this is your standard scenario 2 lane.

                  {Scenario B}: Antimage trades with the clinkz within the creepwave.
                  In this one the clinkz will be doing the same amount of DPS as antimage, because clinkz will be doing 43 dps + 27 from the creepwave, totaling 70, while antimage will be doing 68 only because clinkz's ORB doesn't aggro creeps. Effectively since they have similar amounts of EHP, both will be going down at the same rates, what you can do now is pop your salve and the clinkz will have to wait a while for his tangoes to regenerate him, meaning this secures you another 2-3 creepwaves before you run out of regen. due to those 5~ creepwaves giving 150g each and the passive gold, this will secure you a ROH, which you can use to keep doing this and overall this now becomes a neutral lane, where the antimage and clinkz are both harassing and farming from each other. Now we've managed to turn a scenario 2 lane into a scenario 3. But if we're talking about overall gameplay, this only helps us for the first 5-6 minutes, later on clinkz will get more items and his ORB will hit harder and harder, and he will sooner or later kick you out of lane. because a lvl 7 clinkz with aquila and treads and eaten a melee creep hits for 182 DPS(162 after pms reduction) and you simply just can't hit that hard. This happened because clinkz at later levels just hits like a truck with 236 DPS(216 after PMS reduction) with his 1st ability activated, you simply can't match anything near this as antimage which means you'll have to leave lane. All of this happened because it was a neutral lane where both parties farmed.

                  {Scenario C}: So let's fix scenario B. Now, considering that we can go even further with our advantage, considering that Clinkz's arrows cost mana, this is the last resource we didn't talk about, as antimage's attack burns mana, we can now establish a scenario where antimage will completely dominate this lane. So, at first we can get our level 2, but considering that clinkz has only 300~ mana, it'd take us about 11 hits to burn it all, even less since he'd be using his spells to fight us. So, considering that we can do the same trick that we did against the lina, where we'd just blink behind the creepwave and start trading.

                  this now limits clinkz's dps to 43~ and like +5 from the range creep while you'd be hitting 68~ dps and burning 28 mana per hit, after finishing this trade you'd burn all of clinkz's mana and hp you could use your salve, while that is happening he'd have to be slowly getting regenerated with those tangoes. Now repeating this pattern over and over again, every single time he shows up, you'd be burning his EHP way faster than him, and you'd be burning his mana, once he runs out of mana his dps falls by another 20, meaning he'd be doing 27 dps to you, while you'd be doing 54(since manaburn doesn't proc much anymore). So all you'd have to do is every single time you see him come to lane, just jump him and start trading with him. Meaning he can never get the mana to burn you on later levels, and he lost all of his regen on the early levels, meaning it's dangerous for him to even attempt to harass you, as you could jump him and even kill him for even attempting to enter the lane. Now we have transformed a scenario 2 lane into a scenario 4-5 lane. Since he will never be able to get his items and levels means he will never be able to burst you out of lane, as you are constantly smacking his skelly booty.

                  No matter what advantage the hero has, when you get a regen, gold and/or exp advantage against them, AND PRESSURE THEM, suddenly their natural hero advantage just magically vanishes, WOOOOSH. Now, this takes care of 2/3 of the Scenario 2 heroes.

                  {So what to take out of this?}

                  Well, you don't need any of these calculations, you just have to look at how much regen/block they have and compare it to yours. In this scenario you had pms + salve + tango, while the enemy only had wraith + tango, and if executed properly you could've used this to get your items faster than the enemy to kick him out of lane sooner than his natural advantage can come up. If your enemy has less potential EHP than you, you can just trade him properly which will result in an overall victory, this doesn't just go for range heroes, this goes for melee heroes who either have less DPS or No block/ low regen. This is why it's very important to always check enemy items as soon as you enter the lane, because if you see an enemy with low/no regen, you can just jump him and start trading with him as soon as possible, no matter if he does more dps, he later won't be able to do any because he has no more HP. If I ever see an melee enemy enter a lane without stout/pms, I'll instantly jump him, regardless of what he has, because stout/pms give an insane amount of tankyness.

                  the only way you're gonna win these kind of lanes is by preventing your enemy from kicking you, by properly harassing him early, because they will destroy you if you just let them do whatever they want.

                  there would be images, but i'm way too lazy to upload them

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                    chicken spook,,,,

                      You don't need any of these calculations, you just have to look at how much regen/block they have and compare it to yours.

                      I'm so good st sumarizing shits

                      Fee Too Pee

                        Basically , get venom , kick enigma out of your lane first , forget LH. And then farm after kick the offlaner

                        Story Time

                          ^but what if offlaner like clikz has salve or some other regen :D stil trade hit? looks like it


                            the problem for me is usually lanes r dual lanes in my mmr, so there r 2 offlaners
                            I can 1v1 fine I think, but I have trouble securing farm in a 1v2 lane even if I don't die or get kills


                              as starting item i was considering that the safelaner has that +100g from the bounty, since the offlaner won't.
                              ragardless even if he had a salve, you could courier yourself an extra salve

                              also jdf8

                                if u play passivelyu lose the lane. ideally u get help from support but honestly theres no reason u cant go fast lace oov and fucking kill him at lvl 2 if he shows his face at all. rememvber to block ur own creeps. ur gonna miss out on some xp but i guess u still can go jungle when the waves dead