General Discussion

General Discussiondid i miss something

did i miss something in General Discussion

    why are there roamers in almost all matches 3.5k+

    since when do 3ks pick properly

    Story Time

      since roaming is no longer meta, they have kind of lagged perception of what is going on


        Probably blame bsj

        Potato Marshal

          How do you know what 3ks are picking in their matches?


            have u seen my roaming ursa?

            Story Time

              cookie has at least one 3k acount

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                3.5k is the new 4k with the mmr update, plus boosters. I feel bad for 3k players, it will be even harder to get out now.


                  Before it was "how do you live with picking roam"
                  Now it's "roam is the proper pick"
                  Got to make up your mind fam lol


                    but they still pick weak laners and get destroyed in the lanes anyway


                      might be your server. brb checking my recent games

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        Most of higher 3k has more game sense than average 4000 to 4300 but in 3k they got demoralized way easier than 4ks xD


                          yea there are a lot of pudges. but thats the most picked hero anyway


                            Master sing song teaching nubs how to roam. Davai cyka


                              @Cookie : Roaming is love, roaming is life. Just get a mic and play roam its 3x better. ;)

                              rain markcawat

                                cuz they know jungle is dead

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  did i miss something

                                  yes u missed a right click on pa


                                    i have roamers in my games too ( unranked )

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    Pale Mannie

                                      sing2x teaches them all how to roam

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        lul... cause they dont pick properly , not knowing how to trilane properly and getting flamed if they play jungle will force them to pick a roamer , its not only in 3.5k is almost in every game even below. yeah also watching singsing inspires people play roam and feed and ruin games lol.


                                          but every pudge i saw in 3k - - was midlane

                                          except the ocasional spirit braker, there were almost no roamers, always junglers

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            I see more pudges not go mid, or just lane in some random dual lane

                                            Mlada i Luda

                                              lol cuki, well nowdays lowerbrackets follow the meta , and watch pro-se and youtube videos , they gather some info the problem is that dont know how to excecute it in the right way. its a disaster everyfucking game its roamer that have no idea what to do, jsut keep moving around the map and going yolo , mostly feeding , sometimes a jungler is much better .


                                                or u get a roamer who wins every lane cuz everyone is a dumbass in low mmr so sometimes they random retards just feed

                                                all role player

                                                  because i teach 3k how to roam properly :P
                                                  so they can kill greedy bastard who farm all day


                                                    Usually the solo support roams. And yea it's Usually one support and one jungler I think

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      yeah thats waht you think jack , thats why you better not think cause your mentality is fucked up, you think based in waht facts, isay this cause your solo is 1.3 k, we not talking about that brackest andi i cant talk about it cause idont have idea wtf you monkeys do there. but were talking around 3k and since your part ranked its 3k you dont know much about games in there , cause depends how yo uand your firends play the game, but when i play solo in average 3k games, its 50-50, yo uget a jungler or a roamer. not rly 50-50, but actually is mostly roamer cause junglers are usually flamed by team and will switch to roam.


                                                        GGWP, roamers are no longer good? Sad i guess i have to stop spamming IO and earth spirit..

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          3ks try to copy pros but usually fail miserably. Like you get a couple roaming supports on a team with spec who needs babysitting, they'll play all solo instead of as a team.


                                                            the stupidity in this thread is beyond imagination

                                                            "they play bad id rather have a jungler"
                                                            "roaming isnt meta anymore 3ks are lagging behind"

                                                            can we purge SEA server?


                                                              cookie, some people like me realized that picking a roamer when the enemy team has a greedy 4-core lineup just enables you to steamroll them. also if you jungle youll get reported, even lowest mmrs got this now.

                                                              people learn from getting raped by a roamer repeatedly and eventually try it out themselves.

                                                              what mafioso said is true, lately i have experienced supports just leaving the lane for no reason trying to roam...almost every game even with heros like dazzle and omniknight. i remember 2 games where an AM and a spectre where just left alone at around 6 minutes. ill guess 3 normal skill players always will manage to take what they learn and implement it in a completely wrong
                                                              and game-loosing way

                                                              Player 215168758

                                                                since the calibration cap lowered, I can feel some differences in my team's gameplay, except throwing behaviour lul


                                                                  why are you as 5k player playing 3k games? why you have to ruin matches for other players?


                                                                    for the fucking millionth time mafisto, jacked IS a 3k player

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      ^coz he can!


                                                                        Actually both supports roam now, making every gank a 3v3 fight.

                                                                        Story Time

                                                                          ^that is excatly why i write that roamers are dead, now it is a job of double supports. So please understand my "roaming is not meta" accordingly


                                                                            mafioso is one the case. im offf the case