General Discussion

General DiscussionNew dota ideas

New dota ideas in General Discussion

    What if targeted based abilities and items targeted ground like pudge hook and mirana arrow? Ability like chaos bolt or sven stun having their cast range and speed of projectile increased, but they work like mirana arrow. With this, skill can be rewarded more.

    What do you guys think?


      we this we go a step closer to lol , what make dota unique moba is that immunity and stuns are broken in other game that they are somewhat balance each other

      Story Time

        the OP is either troll or delusional child or..... LOL player :) which means both


          Bad, i think dota's mechanics are still better than LoL in terms of difficulty


            But if LOL requires you to do skillshots like mirana arrow instead of click and point like ck stun, doesn't that make lol more difficult?

            Pale Mannie

              how about a hero with a vector-targetted misposition spell. Like the hero casts a storm and blows the enemies into the casted direction.


                bringing in another monster like roshan that drops an item that gives 70% less cooldown and manacost to the carrier for two minutes


                  I hear that lol skillshot is brainded


                    moonshard buff can now be cast on towers and ancient could also attack like a tower by buying a 7000 worth of scroll


                      @9lives, their are many skillshots in dota not just arrow, also fog of war is minimal in LoL, pudge hook is harder to land than tresh's hook, also in LoL, missing a skillshot early in the game, doesnt cost as much as missing pudge's hook or missing earthshaker's fissure.


                        easiest shit ever ..... played the game for 2 weeks with a friend cuz he kept begging and its literally the easiest shit ever to land.... cant deny that its morefun than dota tho since It doesnt destroy brain cells and cause colorectal cancer.... im seeking both brain cell damage and colorectal cancer that's why I play dota

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          And most targeted spells in dota have high mana cost, look at cm's frostbite, wk's wraithfireblast etc in the early phase


                            Es fissure mirana arrow also have a shitton of mana cost. I still saw an airball chrono because void doesnt want to spend mana for timewalk


                              that only mean that lol have a bit harder skill shots ,true but that doesn't mean the game is harder , lol almost have no counterplay other than buying a shit ton of armor and mr , and the game have next to zero macro comparing to dota

                              all role player

                                i play clone lol in mobile game
                                and have high rank rofl
                                imagine magnus ult only 30sec cd
                                mirana leap with 5 sec cd and can be refreshed with another spell
                                no midnight and easily farm 1000gold/minute
                                most ez shit game i've ever played

                                Professor Dog

                                  'Magnus ult only 30 sec cd' now let's just bring that down to 12. Yeah we call that axe.


                                    Only difference is with mag ult your whole team is crying for u to initiate because you have rp even if it wont kill the enemies and it will actually get you killed if you do so.... enemies are a sniper and a spectre so u cant blink but still u must initiate otherwise u noob bitch


                                      lol, what if 5 heroes got caught by drow's gust?, GLOBAL SILENCE WITH A 15 SECOND CD