General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with naga in late game

How to deal with naga in late game in General Discussion
Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

    How do you deal with naga once she is six slotted in the late game?

    Player 345068850

      By not getting to late game

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Depush until you can fight because Naga can't fight well and sucked all their team's gold, leaving the supports underfarmed.


          You pray she mis-micros (if thats a term) and sends her hero to ur team instead of an illusion


            ok the easiest counter is to dumpster her like she killed your parents
            if things went bad and it is late game , you have to know that naga cant manfight at all vs any good carry (LS , jugg , morphling , slark) so you have to abuse the fact that she really want to avoid direct fighting , try to hunt her and then push as five

            slark would be my favorite fighter vs her since you can activate bkb to avoid song and still purge her net and kill her

            also try to have as many waveclear as you can in your team , extra value for support lion insta kill illusion with hex and mana drain , OD because of Q , sven for snowballing and waveclear , BB because insane tanky front liner no-fucks-giver pusher , invoker because he rekt


              Invoker seems legit. And yeah Sven.


                Depush and manfight


                  Just pray to God he make mistake
                  And dont be greedy to gank her.
                  5 man ganking turn into 5 man wipe because siren

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    You not letting her, you expect fighting a hero at his best spike, of course he will have the edge

                    Anyway if you already got to that point, try to force map control, naga thrive on chocking you and taking control, fight back, claim map, RAT

                    If there is an opening try to 5 men a lane to get controlled back on it


                      Don't let it go late game.


                        counter push with illusions too


                          Ban that hero


                            you don't if you didn't pick heroes to clear illus


                              kill her 4 teamates faster than he can kill your buildings, and push faster if your lineup cant do that u-dead