General Discussion

General Discussioncant carry for sh*t

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cant carry for sh*t in General Discussion

    play few pub games and carry the games good then i swap to ranked and i end up getting ass kicked and win by pure luck like my last game help need advice i cant take this any longer am living in hell right now
    dont bother with git gud i already get that...

    Yung Beethoven

      Well obviously ranked matches are kind of harder to win. And that means that you arent still that good in playing carry. I would recommend you to play more unranked matches as a carry to practice some "hard skills" such as last hitting, knowing when to split push, knowing when to group up, knowing when you got your powerspikes, knowing your weakness etc.

      Furthermore: In ranked you mostly cant stick to one specific carry. It really depends on your team and the enemys team. So try a lot of heroes in unranked matches and learn the basic stuff (see above).


        @zab i have +1k matches yet i still lack skills and i cant yet seem to improve even tho i do replays analyze aand that kind of stuff, in ranked like my last game no one even want to first pick not even a support so i end up first picking (wish is ultra stupid shit) HC like anti mage wish result in team hard countering, i think am okey with farming if am playing 1v1 cuz some times in ranked enemy have junglers same for me i can win the lane yet lose the game i pretty much get farm contested in game by the support wish make me try to last hit before him wish result of me lossing 50% of the LH not to talk about the creeps that enemy got to deny why am focusing on contesting my support on farm...

        Yung Beethoven

          well first of all: +1k matches are not that much to be honest with you. I play dota for 10 years now (think about how many games that are) and still i sometimes fuck up.

          to your other problems: well if noone is picking and you dont want to loose gold, pick a hero which is very veristile. Weaver / Jugger for example. Both can go to every lane (except weaver maybe), which makes it harder for your enemy team to predict which heroes to pick and which lane you are going.

          And the problem with your supports contesting your farm: well that is a problem i cant help you with. You gotta talk to your teammates (in a friendly way!!) and say: Hey, i really need that farm, otherwise ill be useless as a carry.

          In dota, even in life, its sometimes really good to point out obvious things: Support, could you stop taking my farm? I do need it to carry the game later!

          If they are very greedy supports ask them to pull. I mean litteraly ASK them: Hey support, could you please pull for me. So you get exp and some last hits


            @zab that's exactly what i try to do except that i lose my mind very fast and end up tilting wish result on me being muted the good side is they never report me ahahah


              Hey get me out of here, can I please borrow ur account for a couple of hours or days for some free mmr boost


                You can borrow mines


                  Are you serious? im online now , can play a few ranked games right now.


                    @and? the problem is that i want to get high mmr by my self not smurfing tho if u want to play unranked and smash pubs i dont mind as i dont play at night in 1 condition dont play with profil online


                      Ok done. adding you on steam


                        Just remember first picking is not all bad. Hard games help learn about counters and match ups and u shd think about ways to play around that. Don't be annoyed by one loss. It's bound to happen when learning heroes like antimage and u don't have ideal team around it. Just make notes on why and don't waste energy blaming team