General Discussion

General Discussion100 last hits in 10 minutes

100 last hits in 10 minutes in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    No matter how hard I try I literally cannot get this. This is the closest I ever got:

    I know I missed maybe 2 or 3 lane creeps so the closest I could imagine getting is 98.


      Kill troll's slaves first, then he resurrects 2 skeletons = 100


        It's not that hard to do and it's definitely not something you should try to improve on if you want to be a good carry player


          I've never got 100 lh in 10 mins in a real game or lobby. There's more to Dota you know


            for the sake of getting the cs just take heroes that can clear jungle and lane together or do them fast so they can rotate aka meepo tb sven etc.

            but ye as a carry player learn to win your lane even if it costs you some cs missing or farm efficiency


              the truth is, i made those challenges specially for people that are too stupid to play the game.

              if you are too stupid to complete that challenge, no guide will get you to high mmr as you just simply lack the mental capacity to do something simple as that.

              i made those challenges as a filter, to filter out idiots out of asking questions about the actual gameplay aspect and proper gameplay so they'd never finish that step.

              obviously i could've made a guide that has no reliance on farm what so ever; but then i'd have no objective way of dealing with idiots.

              that being said, farming perfectly every game and then just joining a couple of fights if necessary would win you most games up to 3-4k these days, everything beyond that is your actual ability to understand the game.

              which most people can't comprehend as they're basically too stupid to do even the basics, so yea.

              if you are too stupid to get 100 LH at 10 minutes given the fact that you can pick any hero and do anything you want, then you're never getting high mmr.

              that's not because of the 100 LH challenge, that's because you're too stupid for the game.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                So harsh cuky sensei


                  anyways, sem and i were gonna do something with the guide.

                  and i do blame myself for believing him, in the agreement i was gonna delete the guide and we were gonna re-make a new one.

                  so, now that the deal has been broken, as it seems, before it even got into the starting stages. I'll just re-release the guide as a PDF once i do some editing on it today.

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                  Lahai Roi

                    You can pick any hero you want and do anything you want but that's not what I'm trying to do.
                    I'm trying to do it with the hero I want to play using the skill build I would use in a real game and the item build that I would use in a real game.
                    If I built crazy shit and never leveled ult, it is meaningless. You can't apply that stuff to the real game.


                      What agreement did u make with sAm lol


                        I knew it all along

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          cookie does the hero matter?

                          cus i can get a hero that can flash farm super early like meepo, if get uncontested game (well it's a loby) what stops me from last hit the whole lane with one meepo while stacking with the second one?
                          than i can use both of them to clear the stacked camps

                          or i can use alch to stack 2 camps with acid than clear them parallely if i cut trees


                            doing the 600 LH in 30 minute challenge would give you basically good enough farming patterns for every real game. realistically except that and the 80/40 challenge, you wouldn't have to do any other challenge to be perfectly fit for almost any real game.

                            but like i've said, the challenges were never made to emulate a real game, they're made to filter out idiots.

                            in your bracket i can do all of that ridiculous shit and still win 9/10 matches. Not because of that mechanical farming skill but because of my understanding of the game flow.


                              how the heck is deal broken?




                                  I've been working on stuff the whole time, my part of this deal is gonna take a lot more time than yours


                                    this is what i'm taking about, stupidity like @howtonoob6.

                                    asking useless questions that matter nothing, how stupid do you have to be that your thought process stops at 'idk what to pick'' given the fact that the guide covered all that nonsense just to prevent stupid questions like that, and yet i'm still bombarded with them. 1 in 50 on that guide questions are actually interesting questions, the rest is this garbage.

                                    @cute 2k girl is that why you ignore and not answer me for 2 days, yea belivable

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      cookie and sem bts deals


                                        unless I decide to go the easy way and make everything quick and shitty


                                          the guide is basically too much work for nothing as reward, but getting flamed by 1ks to 7ks. u put a price on ur thing, suddenly ppl respect it more lol


                                            @cookie I recieved no contact other than the latex PDFs


                                              i sent you 50 messages on steam, where else were we talking


                                                I leave my computer on at all times, so if you sent me messages while I was asleep or out of my home office, I would not see them and then probably restart my pc upon arriving to it.




                                                    you'd still see them the next day, whatever just show me whatever you did.

                                                    @SEA-A the guide is my dota knowledge collected from so much replay analysis that it makes those challenges look like a child's game. Giving you basically anything you wanted to know about the carry role on a platter, generalizing it as much as possible to fit the whole spectrum of those types of carries for the most easiest mmr gain.

                                                    is it extreemly efficient? fuck no, is it easy for idiots to replicate? yes it is

                                                    if you wanted an efficient way to boost, try fucking learning bipdongoe's brood, he beats a 4-5k 3lane and gets 8 minute orchid and finishes the game in less than 20, try replicating that. try destroying the enemy ancient in a 3k game before 20 minutes for 20 games in a row, that's efficiency.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      ok i found them in my phone


                                                        I've been trying to figure out the logo, at this point I have the idea I just gotta make it in cinema4D

                                                        at first I was just gonna make a half ass website and stuff an rely on selling but the more I think about it the more I should the website/logo top notch before starting

                                                        which will take me more time.

                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                          instead of aiming to get 100 last hits, why not try to be as efficient as possible to earn gold from lanes and jungle camps

                                                          Lahai Roi

                                                            @cookie but literally no part of your guide was focused on teaching "game flow".
                                                            It was literally
                                                            1. Learn mechanics and what all the heroes do
                                                            2. Learn lane aggro and be a good laner
                                                            3. Get every single last hit
                                                            4. Push when enemy heroes aren't near you and back off when they disappear off the map.
                                                            5. Don't go to teamfights unless it is guaranteed a kill instantly.

                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                              how about not following a guide and try to be efficient and be ahead your opponents instead of these retarded stuff




                                                                  anyways, sem and i were gonna do something with the guide.

                                                                  who is sem


                                                                    1kgpm ta god


                                                                      @trust given the fact that even i have 400 gpm, that gpm wouldn't mean anything if playing support, given that it's a farming carry guide.

                                                                      @Allison like i've said, the guide is incomplete and that part would come way later on. given that it's basically impossible to outplay anyone if you're playing carry with 100 fucking gpm and 5 apm like the majority of sub 3k bracket does.

                                                                      @Glassy Sky i'd love that as well, but that'd require majority of the people playing this game to have brain cells. As much as i enjoy my farmvile simulator in low mmr, Predicting my oponents and outplaying them is my main method of gameplay. Except that requires brain cells and a thought process that doesn't stop at

                                                                      what hero do i pick
                                                                      and followed by 20 mintues of
                                                                      like the majority of the low mmr bracket

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        you think you guys are smart enough? here's my actual method, there's no magical trick I've analysed shit ton of replays. i wanted to get high mmr but i obviously can't afford to get coached by a pro, and viewing guides on youtube and doing some additional research made me realize that the majority of those guides are made by either high mmr idiots who never were in low mmr or were 10 years ago in dota 1, or the other half being made by low mmr idiots that sound confident. My only goal was to get to a bracket where i don't have to suffer riki, yep i hate the hero that much, since the banning feature has been implemented i've almost never banned any other hero than riki.

                                                                        obviously now i'd kill myself doing it how boring that is, but it pays out.

                                                                        find some hero/role spammer, he has to be 6k++ mmr and download all their replays. best place to find them is on opendota rankings, truth is dotabuff's rankings suck dick, opendota rankings are just way better. dowonload all of their replays and every future replay on that role/hero, easiest to go with single heroes first, then more in the same role. 

                                                                        so what do you do? analyse every single fucking thing they do in those replays and give it a meaning.

                                                                        and with every fucking thing, i mean LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING CLICK, give it a fucking reason even if it seems like it doesn't have one. High mmr players have reasons behind every single thing they do, the small things they forget about because they're just muscle memory that their brain does, and even they wouldn't know why unless you asked them thoroughly so that they'd remember why they made that habit in the first place, like standing off to the side when harassing as a support, or standing infront of the creepwave to block enemy offlaner as carry. Small unnoticeable things have meanings, and they'll pile up.

                                                                        so i did for like x replays(usually 20+ replays), spending like 3-4 hours per replay till every single action they did i'd give a meaning and reason to it. i didn't just look at what they did like the majority of the bracket when watching a replay ''omg mirakle so kuul he hit 5 man invoker combo'', i tried to look at why they did those things, what's the thought process behind making such actions, why did he go in then? why not 5 seconds earlier or later? what would've happened if he did? what would've happened if he did different combo?.

                                                                        not just looking at the value of the play, but the thought process behind it. because it's easy to spend 5 minutes in a lobby practicing invoker comboes, but the real question is '' when do i use them? '' because any idiot can press 3 buttons in a row, but not many know when or why.

                                                                        to make it easier at first i'd only find every single pattern they did, as that's the things that they do repetitively and finding reasons behind those is easy, then i'd do it for everything else.

                                                                        so that's step 1, sounds hard and annoying? here's the actual part that makes the difference between me and your average low mmr idiot.

                                                                        step 2 was watching the next set of X replays, this time instead of analysing and finding meanings i'd try to predict every single action they'd do ahead.
                                                                        so i'd watch for like 10-20 seconds, then pause, then think a bit and give a reasoning on what/why they should do. If i were correct, then i'd just keep going, if not i'd re-watch it and try to find the actual reasoning.

                                                                        so you can see what makes it so frustratingly boring and repetitive, part 1 is just memorizing some stupid things, part 2 is actually figuring out the actual meaning behind actions. Part 2 is where you have this issue, you thought you knew everything? well fuck no, as it seems like you know nothing as you don't get actual predictions so you have to now work your brain hard onto making new reasoning for things you thought you understood. And you keep doing that over and over again till you actually hit the spot and finally understand it.

                                                                        Because you'd have to sit there for hours staring at a replay and incorrectly guess half the things, so 20 replays down the line of that torture i'd basically have that hero mastered because my thought process and ideas about the game were the exact same as a 6k+ player from that hero. Meaning i'd just go to a lobby and practice pressing buttons and the mechanics a bit for a day or so, and that's basically it.

                                                                        it's like doing math, except at school they give you a simple equation and the tools to solve it. except real math is you're given a problem and no tools, so figure the fuck out how to make a formula yourself and then solve it.

                                                                        then i'd get like 500-1000 mmr increases in that month, then it'll slow down and i do it over again with a new hero/playstyle.

                                                                        but i never did it for the whole month or 2 months in a row, i'd do it once every 3-4 months because it's so fucking boring.

                                                                        without joke, if i were to somehow miraculously bring myself to do it, given that i wouldn't do it how lazy i am. i'm for certain that this method can make a 1k player into a 5k player within 3-4 months of like 4-8 hours of work a day with just a bit of guidance from some higher mmr player to fix some small mistakes they have, something that i didn't have.

                                                                        I picked CM and SK as they were jungling roaming supports which was quite useful as I'd have some kind of a reliable base networth to start ganking with. Luckly since those heroes were simple i didn't have to practice much except blink combos, so it was basically 90% of what/where/when/why i had to do soemthing and 10% of pressing buttons and actually doing that thing. Hilariously enough roamer is the only role i can't play properly now as the current roamers aren't jungle start roamers, it was the role I began with and got to 5k with. since then I never felt like re-learning the role. i did it also a little bit less analysis for some other heroes like lich, sky, arc, undying and meepo.

                                                                        That being said, if anyone feels like those challenges are hard can go fuck themselves as they're basically nothing compared to the things i did. Not to mention back then i had 200 ping and it'd cut out like at least once every 2-3 games which made me frustrated to hell even more.

                                                                        i played on a laptop with 200 ping and 20-40 fps avg, if i'm lucky, internet that'd cut out every 2-3 games for 5 minutes up to 5 hours, the laptop's screen was broken so i attached it to those old huge monitors which was so bad that it destoyed my vision and i now have double vision when tired making me blind like a fucking bat.

                                                                        i was actually gonna do it again a couple of months ago when i said i wanted to get to 7k, but then after getting 500 mmr i fell into a deep state of fucking boredom. It's an annoyingly hard method, i can't afford a 7k coach to coach me once a day so that's the best thing I could ever do.

                                                                        ofc if you have the money to throw away, my method is inefficient compared to just paying a 7k to coach you once a day, doing that you'll get to 7k in 3-4 months, also you'd have to pay that guy 30$ a session for an actual quality session because no one wants to get annoyed by a 1-2k idiot for 3-4 months every day for free.

                                                                        anyways, my method, nor getting coached will help you if you're stupid. So the best way to figure out if you're stupid is to do the 800 LH in 30 minutes challenge, if you're too stupid to figure out a plan to get 800 LH in 30 minutes(900 if meepo) then you'll be too stupid to get to high mmr so don't bother trying anything and just play the game casually. Don't take it as a last hitting farming challenge, but a mental exercise.

                                                                        if you are just too idiotic, then nothing will help you get to high mmr, simple as that. it's not called the 1% bracket for no reason, only 1 in a 100 people are smart or try hard enough to get there.

                                                                        i might not be particularly smart, but at least i'm not an idiot.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          I hope you all die

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            anyways, sem and i were gonna do something with the guide.

                                                                            Must be high quality guide if you involve a retard that says BoT is the way to go on TA instead pf PT/Phase.


                                                                              Lol I figured Sam
                                                                              Would try to get cuki guide onto one of his websites. Ggwp sam

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                holy sheet new cuki guide out soon??? hyPeD!!!!!!!!!11`


                                                                                  Why would it matter if you got 100 lh in 10 min?


                                                                                    Sieben Tage lang schlägst du gegen die Wand
                                                                                    Am Achten gibst du auf und du greifst mit der Hand
                                                                                    In den Staub, der hier steht, doch er wird dich nicht tragen
                                                                                    Und am Boden quälen dich die Fragen
                                                                                    Was passiert, wenn ich mich traue einfach durchzulaufen
                                                                                    Oder kommt mir was entgegen und ich warte hier darauf
                                                                                    Will es vorbei, will es mich besiegen
                                                                                    Will es mich zerreißen oder einfach lieben
                                                                                    Wann reibst du dir den Staub aus deinen müden Augen
                                                                                    Wann kommst du darauf genauer zu schauen
                                                                                    Hundert Meter große Worte an der Wand
                                                                                    Du hast sie nicht gesehen, du bist so nah dran
                                                                                    Leben ist das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du woander so beschäftigt bist
                                                                                    Wenn du den Wagen lenkst
                                                                                    Und dabei dein Ziel vergisst
                                                                                    Es ist auch das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du schon lange aufgegeben hast
                                                                                    Wenn du die Tage sprengst
                                                                                    Bevor du Zeit verschenkst
                                                                                    Hunder Meilen tief bist du heute getaucht
                                                                                    Hast alle deine Flaschen am Ende gebraucht
                                                                                    Der Staub, der hier steht, lässt dich kaum was sehen
                                                                                    Und auf dem Grund wird es nicht mehr gehen
                                                                                    Und Fische schwimmen vorbei, einer schaut dich an
                                                                                    Er möchte dir was zeigen, jetzt kommt er näher ran
                                                                                    Du bist so in Eile, es ist dir egal
                                                                                    Du nimmst ihn gar nicht mehr wahr
                                                                                    Und dass er leise was sagt
                                                                                    Leben ist das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du woanders so beschäftigt bist
                                                                                    Wenn du den Wagen lenkst
                                                                                    Und dabei dein Ziel vergisst
                                                                                    Es ist auch das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du schon lange aufgegeben hast
                                                                                    Wenn du die Tage sprengst
                                                                                    Bevor du Zeit verschenkst
                                                                                    Leben ist das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du woanders so beschäftigt bist
                                                                                    Wenn du den Wagen lenkst
                                                                                    Und dabei dein Ziel vergisst
                                                                                    Es ist auch das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du schon lange aufgegeben hast
                                                                                    Wenn du die Tage sprengst
                                                                                    Bevor du Zeit verschenkst
                                                                                    Leben ist das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du woanders so beschäftigt bist
                                                                                    Wenn du den Wagen lenkst
                                                                                    Und dabei dein Ziel vergisst
                                                                                    Es ist auch das, was passiert
                                                                                    Wenn du schon lange aufgegeben hast
                                                                                    Wenn du die Tage sprengst
                                                                                    Bevor du Zeit verschenkst


                                                                                      HYPE HYPË HYPE


                                                                                        1. Learn mechanics and what all the heroes do
                                                                                        2. Learn lane aggro and be a good laner
                                                                                        3. Get every single last hit
                                                                                        4. Push when enemy heroes aren't near you and back off when they disappear off the map.
                                                                                        5. Don't go to teamfights unless it is guaranteed a kill instantly.

                                                                                        this is literally what you need to know the flow of the game

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          2.7k giving game advice :thinking:

                                                                                          Lahai Roi

                                                                                            It actually isn't. This doesn't tell you anything about how to actually kill the enemy players. Its just a ruleset that ensures you are either farming or pushing. Which doesn't actually work because if you look at smurf games it pretty much them getting shit tons of kills.


                                                                                              x D

                                                                                              all role player

                                                                                                wow fvcking hype XD
                                                                                                fast cookie i want to reach 5k and stop playing this game seriously a


                                                                                                  Why is getting xxx last hits more important than making good decisions and actually carrying your team?




                                                                                                      🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 how does it feel to be autistic because of a video game? smh lol


                                                                                                        Stop triggering the cuki Monster