General Discussion

General DiscussionVlads on AM?

Vlads on AM? in General Discussion

    Battlefury > Vlads > Manta? or Battlefury > Manta (no vlads)


      patch 6.xx maybe


        I think its better to get early manta and skip vlads


          vlads? lag of reg? so buy the vanguard quicker. or just the ring


            i dont think vlad is that good anymore tho


              i still like vlads for the mana regen and ease of farming multi stacked camps

              pretty much ensures you'll never need to go back to base


                why would AM need lifesteal though? During the farming he gets enough regen from Bfury, and during fights at early stage lifesteal isn't that great. I only get Vlad if by the time i want to get Manta we're defending highground (not very likely) and cant afford Manta, or if there's a decent LC player on the enemy team. Skipping to my Manta is what makes more sense for me


                  -When you are against LC/axe and need the extra bit of sustain to survive their "fight me" gank since they usually don't offer much post said initiation
                  -When you're ultra behind and they can just clear manta illusions so quick that getting manta isn't really worth it, and you gotta pop some sick mana void to come back, also helps with taking ancients and ratting which also helps you to come back
                  -When super ahead and you don't want to get back to base, and you can just beat people to death even without manta illusions


                    I never had any problem with health sustain to farm post BF/perservance tbh, with sidestepping I'm sure you can always keep your health above 90% at all times, for mana you can always ferry clarities


                      A nice little boost for mana. I prefer it over an other item after BF. The sustain isn't just for farming either. It makes for easier fighting after 20 minutes.


                        Vlads is back if you don't need dispel fast and you aren't scared of having your hg pushed anytime soon.


                          And a blue star confirms my thoughts.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Vlads dude comon, how are you going to manfight bitches without it? AM with bfury, manta, vlads, basher can take down any carry 1v1.

                            General Asim Muneer

                              vlads is so good and am can farm a vlads in 2 min ... its a must go item for me almost every game ...u can fight well .. a better sustain ... mana regen....aura for creeps to push... its all in one item


                                u can farm for 3 minutes 30 seconds the manta too, better pickup than vlads lmfao


                                  Damn Dire, your poor MMR. Not getting to play DotA often is taking a toll on you. D:

                                  Edit: Thats scary shit, cuz I'm starting to not have enough time.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    idk yasha speeds up ams famr and u just buy a salve for sustain and shrines, treadswitch is all you need

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      yeah my poor, poor mmr, feelsbadman

                                      can't figure out why the fuck this won't embed with [img][/img]


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                                      Player 153433446

                                        Bf > vangaurd > manta > abyssal > butterfly
                                        Finish game in 30 mins