General Discussion

General DiscussionParty Mmr System is now shit

Party Mmr System is now shit in General Discussion

    My party Mmr is 2900 and my solo is 4950 it is sohard now to gain mmr in party because intead i should be average to 2ks it always average me in 4k+ i dont know if my party will still increase because my friends is also 2ks they cant handle 4ks play :( damn


      (2900+4950)/2 = 3925 avg

      you get matched in a game with the average number of your solo+party mmr , i guess it was since 7.03 or smth to stop boosting


        Find better friends


          Or stop being so good at Dota


            Maybe we should follow jacked's path of grinding party mmr first

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              core player>support player confirmed?


                Party with me pls so i can get 5k

                Story Time

                  same stuff i have. my friends are low mmr, but even lower skill because of playing other games and not ever following the patch changes, and basically training, and once we play, there is always one 4k who feeds on them, so I have to feed on enemy low mmr players, but then it is a simply stupid race and not real Dota... so sad


                    what if solo mmr takes your party if it was higher?

                    all role player

                      ah thats why i got matched up with 4k++ because my friend solo is 5k but his party 3k