General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy The Fuck

Why The Fuck in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    AA have + 30 regen HP Talent option at lvl 15?

    seriously some of the talents just.... LMAO


      AA is probably the most annoying hero to place against.

      Riguma Borusu

        30hp regen sounds OP as fuck until you realize he will have lvl 15 like 30 minutes into the game, and at that point every carry will kill him in less than 5 seconds anyways.

        However if unfocused, this regen allows him to offset shit like Radiance burn and various dots so it can be kinda strong in general, but it's nowhere near as OP as people make it out to be.

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          30hp/s will save lvl 15 AA when level 23 SF hits him from Silver Edge

          casual gamer

            it will with my 9k mmr itemization casual platemail


              It's situational just like all the talents.


                Like previous Comments it allows him to survive alot of DOT"s and on a core AA vs Qop, Spec or something alike it can be almost OP.

                Player 153433446

                  A fight lasts about 10 its like having a 300 hp talent, only its better to farm with but weaker vs burst.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    It's a lot, but it doesn't work well with AA, so it's decent.
                    On the other hand, -1s Ice Vortex CD is so bullshit, although it does work with AA, it's worse.


                      I think its a quite tricky talent. It seems so good at the beginning then you realize PA had just 1 shot you LOL

                      Fee Too Pee

                        i never said its OP or what ,but fucking + 30 HP Regen is like a meme talent , but better than the other option anyway lmao.

                        and its actually good if you get ghost scepter in teamfight bla bla bla.

                        My point is , why a fucking AA have that talent option lmao. meanwhile a fucking chen have +90 gpm useless talent at lvl 20 come on


                          OP, -1s vortex allows you to have 1 more vortex up an running so you can't say which one is better out of context.
                          And yes, lvl 15 may come later on in the game but it allows you to get away with arcane boots early instead of tranqs and have some sustain later on (in addition to other reasons already written in the thread).

                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Doesn't kunkka have 15 hp regen talent at level 10?

                            Optimus Drip

                              sk has 50 regen. i feel like it makes sense on him though


                                his armor is 0 so it doesnt compensate stil

