General Discussion

General DiscussionI just need to tell the world how pissed I am

I just need to tell the world how pissed I am in General Discussion

    So here it goes:

    I was 4.3k and I'm 3,5k right now. I know I played shitty and I deserved to be. Now I'm trying to play good again and it feels like Dota wants to kick me right in the butt for it.

    I analized my game and I came to the conclusion that I don't farm enough when playing core heroes. So I changed that, and I'm relevant in each and every game. Now the last 3 games.....holy lord.

    1st game: I pick Storm mid, Doom decides to feed the enemies, abandons and we lose.

    2nd game: I pick a support Silencer. Medusa decides to jungle, everyone rages, we fuck up, Dusa hangs in the Jungle 24/7. We lose.

    3rd game: I pick QoP mid, I own. Bloodseeker wants to jungle, but Rubick doesn't want him to. He blocks all of the jungle camps with wards. Bloodseeker goes feeding because he's pissed. I own anyway. But no chance in the end. We lose.

    I'm up for my 4th game now and I'm pretty surprised what will happen! Woop woop!

    ILC - Lethal Ninja

      how is 8-5-5 considered as owning?


        Take a break?


          good old excuses

          Player 345068850

            Lol stop playing ranked and go random in unranked


              Well I'm not saying I owned like "holy shit". But I was 6-1 with a Rubick being busy warding our jungle-camps and Bloodseeker feeding. I think that's not too bad tbh. :) But you know what? I won my 4th game today! I have just never experienced so many bullshit games in a row before.


                I already know the game is not going to end well when you hear your mid say tango sir.




                    I didn't get a tango in all of these games. But you know what? In higher levels, even on 4k+ people share their mid 2 tangoes, because otherwise he is playing on a disadvantage (most of the times). It's not a bad thing to do. What bothers me most, is that people don't see Dota as a teamgame.


                      @Ken Pinoy when asking for tango before going mid, they will often end the sentence with "sir" then proceed to waste all of it 3 mins later from trading hit against alacrity invoker as sf with less than 10 souls.

                      Fallacied logic yet it often come true when they say "tango sir" in my experience.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        I kind of din't read the "sir".


                          Tango sir


                            I always say tango Sir, but i rarely play mid.


                              Im pretty sure youre the one with bad behaviour score?These 3 games you named...i just gonna say i played 1000s of games and never happened me something like you said.So i think you tard and playing with same tards like you,thats why your games are tarded.


                                Well I never called someone "tard". Haha :) player_behavior_score_last_report: 9403.

                                I guess that's not too bad, what u say?

                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  threads where people bitch about their teammates feeding:

                                  Threads where people acknowledge their real mmr should be lower because they are on a streak of facing opponents who are feeders, griefers, rage qutters and afk junglers:


                                    What does a thread like that look like?

                                    "Hey guys. Im on a great winstreak. My MMR is way higher than it should be. Isn't that great?

                                    Woop woop!"

                                    At least in my case they would end the same.

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Rofl, you played too much. After losing 2 solo ranked in a row, it is time to chill out, may be a 3rd game in a row to try to make up the 2 lose streak sooner, but if you lose again. STOP. It is a tilt day in the making.

                                      Go do Unranked. Rippler Map is out now. Do that. Do party ranked, play with friends, troll/practice in co-op bots.


                                        tango sir


                                          just play int ranked

                                          people play serious, so better then unranked

                                          if you loose you dont care because its int ranked

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                            tango sir

                                            Tommy Shelby

                                              I m not your sir, son!

                                              GRANT MACDONALD

                                                It means that nobody comes on here to say how lucky they are that they just got +25 because the other team had a feeder.

                                                You also dont get better at the game when you win games because of feeders- nor do you get worse when they ruin your games

                                                Point is Gaben doesnt have it out for you to ruin yours and only your games with feeders. I can probably find 2 or 3 games in your last 10 wins where the enemy had an autistic carry who couldnt farm, no support, or a rage feeder/griefer


                                                  try ASMR after or before games


                                                    Yeah I will. I'm actually fine. It was just crazy that the 3 most horrible games of my life were put one after another - and I needed to share in a - I thought pretty obvious - selfironic manner.

                                                    I know that I'm where I deserve to be and I don't wanna blame anyone, but these games were crazy. :)


                                                      So many people get triggered over 25 MMR. They don't realize that teammates feeding doesn't affect your skill at all. A player who gains 25 MMR from feeding does not get better at the game; the system will eventually get that MMR back from them. A player who loses 25 MMR from feeding does not get worse at the game; the system will eventually give them that MMR back. But most people only care about MMR, and are subsequently unable to realize this.


                                                        Don't rage about it, I was in the same boat and dropped to 3.1k, ever since I stopped raging and just focus on game got up to 3.4k in a few months. As long as your better eventually you gain MMR. I feel like 4-5k isn't impossible now since I know I can win my lane better than anyone else in my current bracket most of the time. Just focus and win, take 1 loss then win 5 in a row.

                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                          So many people get triggered over 25 MMR. They don't realize that teammates feeding doesn't affect your skill at all. A player who gains 25 MMR from feeding does not get better at the game; the system will eventually get that MMR back from them. A player who loses 25 MMR from feeding does not get worse at the game; the system will eventually give them that MMR back. But most people only care about MMR, and are subsequently unable to realize this.

                                                          We communists now?


                                                            it is normal to lose 500 or more Points if u deserve a higher rating u will reach it just keep playing these drops will help u to get a better player