General Discussion

General DiscussionYou know your mmr is a total meme when...

You know your mmr is a total meme when... in General Discussion

    my magic damage right click qop goes against a peruvian venge mid, cm buys three full items before buying any wards, and the phantom takes double dagger (honestly that talent is bad since heroes dont take priority on it. Also i know the items my qop had are normal it just feels weird have Ac on qop. also im not a smurf just had a really good game. You can see my bad games and some good ones and it shows why im 1.5k

    Riguma Borusu

      how the hell do you actually manage to have sub 50% winrate in 1.5k


        because i have 81 wins and 82 losses the less games you have the easier it changes


          dude, that is how u build qop its not a meme


            it feels like it though


              The (super) old build of QoP is Eul Veil Agh Shiva though, the right-click build surfaced recently (by recently, I meant post Lesh meta, I think. Correct me if I wrong)


                I remember there was an old meta where QOP builds Linkens, Skadi, AC, MKB/Deadalus and Hex. Or maybe this is a meme build because my memory is kind of hazy.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  1.5 BAT right?


                    Well i just had another meme game with a carry kotl like he went carry and i built radiance qop and we were losing all the way until I bought it and I have no clue why that worked so well. It felt good winning but it did not feel clean 70% lifesteal plus radiance is dirty buisness

                    Potato Marshal

                      2 veils, 2 radiances, a 6/15 "carry kotl" with a necro book and dagon, and you still won the match. Guess this is what 1k games are like.


                        the 2 dagger would be good if it only have a single target