General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win with a jungler in your team from a carry position

how to win with a jungler in your team from a carry position in General Discussion

    at least two lanes lose, your jungle is inaccessible because camps are always empty, enemies run at you because you're forced to go to pushed out lanes/far camps to actually get some cs or you just starve

    or just how to farm with 0 map control in general

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      Pick strong laner ????????


        Be the jungler instead


          by using psychological trick to outplay your enemy and flame jungler till he leave the jungle . Ezpz


            Learn to play defensively rather than emotionally


              i would prefer answers from someone else than 1k seatards thanks


                It's not like you're actually looking for answers anyway, you're just subtly whining about getting junglers is your team


                  whats the problem to play on safelane????? u have ur support. if u cant win a lane 2vs2, or 2vs1 than dont blame the jungler. if u were offlaner and get zoned out by 3 heroes at lvl1 u would have a reason to complain


                    It's not like you're actually looking for answers anyway, you're just subtly whining about getting junglers is your team



                      or just how to farm with 0 map control in general


                        Farm their jungle safely, cut waves, force rotations by ratting, backstab smoke gank which will lead to less map control for the enemy team? I'm pretty sure any 4k+ player know this shit so I didn't bother answering it anyway


                          As a Safe Lane Carry, Play Viper, Razor, or maybe even Medusa


                            i would prefer answers from someone else than 1k seatards thanks



                              Fee Too Pee

                                u said "prefer" thou , 1k seatards can still post. techically....


                                  Having a jungler doesn't mean that you cant maintain creep equilibrium, you don't need camps to reset that. If as a HC you cant keep your creeps near your own tower at the start of the game you are doing something seriously wrong.
                                  As the laning stage breaks up then the jungler should now start being active so then it will not matter that he spent 10 minutes farming his blink.
                                  If you seriously struggle to maintain a steady farm for 10 minutes with a support in the safe lane, this is more an reflection of your poor mechanical skill.
                                  Also from your recent games you seem to have lost twice to enemy junglers and not had junglers on your own team?
                                  So maybe the real anger is that you do not have the skill to make it work, you just get tilted and throw a babyrage?

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    well yea i can't stop them from posting anyway


                                      As the laning stage breaks up then the jungler should now start being active so then it will not matter that he spent 10 minutes farming his blink.

                                      but he's not


                                        I edited my above post btw as I saw you had been playing against Junglers not with.
                                        Also then it is nothing to do with the fact you have a jungler.
                                        Its the fact you have a moronic jungler that doesn't get involved in game, and that is entirely differnet.

                                        < blank >

                                          you win this game by losing the early game, simply as that


                                            pick a strong meta laner like razor or ursa


                                              pick heroes that can win lanes solo and not another farm dependent core that cannot do much without farm


                                                So maybe the real anger is that you do not have the skill to make it work, you just get tilted and throw a babyrage?

                                                i am aware that im lacking mechanical skill to win some lanes that should be winnable and im working on that atm
                                                im talking about the situation after laning phase where your outer towers get destroyed and as soon as you stick out a little you get ran at by their initiators

                                                had this game in mind but yea after like 5th death i was pretty mad


                                                  I looked at that match, who was wooding on your team? Mirana??
                                                  For the record I also lack mechanical skills as well I am not pretending to be an amazing player highest I got was 5k, didn't mean to come across some rude in the previous message.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    did anyone summon LiceTea already? he tells jungle is legit till 5,7mmr so should be no problem :)


                                                      the problem is jungle from lvl1 is heavily nerfed since 7.06. there are only few junglers left to be effective - Chen, ench, enigma, veno, bs. but average dota players cant adopt to changes unless they see it at their fav pro games

                                                      Jonas Kahnwald

                                                        Pick less greedy hero. If you have too much gold-dependent hero in line up. You will lose.

                                                        No matter where you lane, DotA 2 is not only early-game. Remember, you and allies can stick, teamfight when you all have enough level. By the time, you know when your heroes stronger.

                                                        You see this match, we did it :

                                                        We have jungle Venomancer, mid lane Kunkka, and Lina (he want play support), 4th pick Legion Commander safe lane solo. Crystal Maiden & Lina (yeah, I know both of them are sisters) go offlane. Easy game.

                                                        The thing is WE DONT NEED FARM. We can fight everytime we want.


                                                          win your lanes, farm the enemy heroes. make space for your jungler is the most important aspect.

                                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                                            And if you want win the game, as carry hero ?

                                                            Example :

                                                            Ok, we had jungle Luna. Mid lane Storm Spirit (he noob, feed Queen of Pain). Safe lane Slark, and roaming Monkey King. In this situation I take the last pick. For sure my offlane sure run at Warlock - Spectre - Lion. Only thing I need to finish in this match is making space for this Seatards team. Even I want or not, I must own offlane in anyway. Last pick Broodmother.




                                                                How about picking a hero that can be comfortable in lane despite the odds against you? Otherwise, the jungler is a bad pick and you have to pray that they work. Lone Druid, Doom, Lycan, Enigma, Lifestealer and Ursa take quite long to jungle. They should be avoided against an aggressive enemy.


                                                                  take a hero that can fight in the midgame, defend at every teamfight you have the same or more number of players and farm at every other time.

                                                                  you will lose the early game in most cases unless you have a strong lane carry yourself so you can let your support roam later.

                                                                  if possible make him non-stop pull so you both can get levels.

                                                                  if you can survive or make the first 15 minutes of the game neutral then you've basically won that game as your team had 4 cores farming.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  old man

                                                                    based on the link of game OP posted earlier (3227986065), i guess it was just because you died way too much. u even took 10 minutes to finish a wand and aquila. maybe you should ask for help if youre having hard times on your lane. the only time you can lost that hard is when you lose your safelane tower way too soon. i just read the scoreboard so i cant really say much.


                                                                      looking at your game, oh god did you play horribly.

                                                                      idk why you rushed a wand, you missed basically every last hit because you couldn't concentrate because a TECHIE XDD was rightclicking you

                                                                      at 6 minutes you tunnel visioned like a ''1k seatard'' for a couple last hits and ended up running away from your support's teleport and killing yourself just that you can secure 2 last hits, on top of missing every other last hit.

                                                                      i can see you have serious problems with controlling your emotions

                                                                      techie took 6 minutes of useless rightclicking to burn your regen, in which you missed basically every last hit in a freefarm lane.

                                                                      that moron lc was basically pushing lasthits into you for free and you missed every single one.

                                                                      at 11 min you just casually show in the middle of hte lane without knowing the location of anyone on their team.

                                                                      then you kept on using teleports to get to lane and kept farming the most retarded spots INSTEAD of walking there and using teleports to safely escape a potential gank OR to counter gank if they show up on other lanes.

                                                                      and i see your supports are not buying proper vision so either you didn't ask them to place them in proper spots that would guarantee you farm or if they said no WHY DIDN'T YOU BUY THEM YOURSELF.

                                                                      a ward is 60g but a death loses you a 1000g of potential farm.

                                                                      and you kept on doing that same mistake over and over again till you fed the enemy all your advantage then you raged like a lil baby.

                                                                      your midlaner started feeding at 5~ minutes

                                                                      probably because you started bitching to save your own lane that you didn't realize that your supports needed to be on the other lanes, NOT YOURS.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Picking a strong laner is actually legit advice though. Pick things like Troll, Lifestealer or Razor instead of garbage like Spectre, AM or Slark. Something that can carry their own weight. Even some unusual heroes like LC or Timbersaw can be good in safelane if need be.


                                                                          ^lone druid and void, also stronk

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Yeah, those two are bad heroes though.




                                                                                i mean yes, if u cant play them, but i guess that applies to any hero


                                                                                  ecksdee ?


                                                                                    But then again you can win with any hero if you're good enough


                                                                                      idk why you rushed a wand

                                                                                      didnt seem that bad to me, i expected a Q spam from lc but i guess you have a point
                                                                                      you missed basically every last hit because you couldn't concentrate because a TECHIE XDD was rightclicking you

                                                                                      yes that was super annoying and i was getting more and more tilted by flaming in our chat (not mine..yet) and every missed last hit led to two more missed last hits
                                                                                      at 6 minutes you tunnel visioned like a ''1k seatard'' for a couple last hits

                                                                                      yea i was pretty stuck on that cs thing by then
                                                                                      i can see you have serious problems with controlling your emotions

                                                                                      at 11 min you just casually show in the middle of hte lane without knowing the location of anyone on their team.

                                                                                      at that point i was experiencing mediocre tilt
                                                                                      then you kept on using teleports to get to lane and kept farming the most retarded spots INSTEAD of walking there and using teleports to safely escape a potential gank OR to counter gank if they show up on other lanes.

                                                                                      at that point i was experiencing advanced tilt

                                                                                      the only thing i didnt do was bitching about my lane, after spamming supports i can kinda understand that some lanes are just going to be hard/unwinnable no matter what AND i knew i did poorly especially after that stupid pause where i knew that they're going to Q and suicide on me if i get close to creeps, then tabbed, forgot about it and died in that exact way

                                                                                      my only defense for poor csing is that i'm having weird issues where my internet throws tantrum and i get random stutters which makes it kinda hard (seen on my stream pretty often, i'm not just pulling this out of nowhere - one of the reasons why i played supports because i didnt need this cs precision) but yeah

                                                                                      thanks for your analysis.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Contrary to popular belief, LC can't really spam Q unless she has Kotl or CM.

                                                                                        She has really bad mana pool for spell spamming at the start agme, but also has good int gain so she can spam them later, PMS, regen stacking and NOT BEING MELEE are way more effective against LC than a magic stick or wand.


                                                                                          My last two AM games had similar issues:

                                                                                          In this game, the laning phase is what was super important (and always important if you have a jungler). Get that early CS so you can start your flash farming earlier. Cookie's guides to help with laning, in the fact that you learn to harass and last hit at the same time. In one of my earlier matches, I played a trilane vs trilane, and still had 70some last hits and 30 denies at 10 minutes. That shit makes ALL the difference.

                                                                                          In that game, I had two absolutely impactless supports. All they did was pull at the wrong times, fail to harass the FV + Jak offlane, and ultimately sapped XP. When they roamed, they put 0 pressure on the map, just sapped XP everywhere they went. The only fix to this was telling them to sap XP from other lanes instead of my own (I did this by suggesting that they go gank other lanes). Ended up fixing my CS after TP'ing to all the lanes to escape constant pressure. By 30 minutes, I still had 360 cs.

                                                                                          Ratting is one of the greatest ways to farm too. You get 2+ creep waves, a couple of jungle camps before you have to take off.


                                                                                            voiD iSnT gOoD


                                                                                              i dont think ill ever understand what are you supposed to buy on void to have some impact so i think i'll pass on that


                                                                                                yea so stop playing emotionally. That's all a 1k seatard can advise


                                                                                                  Another ARIN QQ thread.
                                                                                                  Cuckie provided some great insight ( >brutal savage rekt)

                                                                                                  based on the cuckie anal-lysis it appears regardless if you had a jungler you were doomed to lose. Junglers suck, but if you know your going to have one then you can plan according by getting those lane dominator types or heros with high kill potential ( Jug+CM vs Spec+ cm)

                                                                                                  Sometimes thou, those junglers just last pick and mark jungle when you've already picked your HC, off , support and your just dickered by them being a selfish asshole. Happens to us all. Sucks

                                                                                                  However it does appear you have many facets of your own game to improve upon so I would focus on what you can do , rather then some dicksmack of a jungler. Don't get me wrong, junglers can ruin games and you cannot control that.
                                                                                                  You can however, control your actions.

                                                                                                  Good luck in your future games sir.


                                                                                                    Just as everyone else said, pick a Carry that is also a strong laner on his own so your support doesn't have to babysit you 24/7. Some carries can pretty much solo zone out the offlaner like weaver, position 1 bristeback, situationally drow/sniper/terrorblade


                                                                                                      i dont think ill ever understand what are you supposed to buy on void to have some impact so i think i'll pass on that


                                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                                        voids the best hero ever also midas is garbage