General Discussion

General DiscussionOn venomancer , after maxing plague wards, max poisong sting or gale?

On venomancer , after maxing plague wards, max poisong sting or gale? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    As Title implies , and why


      depends what position and which lane


        poison; makes your wards stronger. gale is mostly just used for the slow anyway


          Poison sting only improves dmg and not by a lot gale will provide more reliable dmg.

          Fee Too Pee

            SO WHICH ONE??

            role probably pos 4 , or offlane

            prefer searching for skill build position 4


              Just don't pick him, those fucking wards applying a stupid unremovable cancer slow and then his team loses anyway (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


                If you are maxing wards hp why wouldn't you max their damage as well.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Veno has various builds
                  You can also put one point in ward just for the vision and max the other two
                  But Gale>Sting because the damage comes faster


                    You max Sting first


                      max poison then ward


                      Fee Too Pee

                        I see blue start talks ,i got my answer. Simple calculs



                          but seriously no one will help you in this forum if you stayed here for too long. going to dotadev or steam forum will be better.