General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it normal if you got 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry?

Is it normal if you got 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry? in General Discussion

    I'm always getting 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry. Give me some advice

    Riguma Borusu

      what the fuck are you even asking


        It's bad bro. 50 is decent


          check on wikipwdia ,, Cuki challenge ,,

          as far as i know its best challenge in Th WrLd SoO gOoD

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            well the most basic one is simply , don't ever miss any last hit that you can take , put your very own soul in taking every single one , don't miss random last hits by going to the shop , harassing unkillable enemies , fighting in chat

            doing cookie challenges will also help a lot


              It's absolutely normal . Don't listen to these delusional retard :bc_eyes:


                really depends on your lane match up


                  if u r playing a not so greedy offlane it would be normal

                  Pale Mannie

                    if your lane is cancerous then yes


                      50 is like a min for like every pos 1


                        it depends on: what hero you have, and who you are laning against. and it also depends on your mmr.

                        if you are 1-2k mmr, and you are better than the ppl you play with, it is bad. you should be getting more out of the lane, given you are playing with people are completely bad.

                        that said, in a standard lane 2 v 2 lane match up and you are not better than the ppl you play with, i would say 30 is about the average if you are contested.


                          50 is actually really rare for a pos 1 in a standard contested lane for some reason.

                          caveat (talking about normal skill games)

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                            as a carry is terrible ..even in a contested lane u should be able to get 45-50....


                              what you should get is not the same as what usually happens. just look at your games and tell me how many games the carry gets 50cs in 10 mins. i'd say 50 cs usually means you won the lane. so by all means, aim for 50. but it is by no means a must to get 50 in a contested lane, despite what everyone here will tell you.


                                contested lane is ok

                                usually on safelane i have 50 lh in 6 mins if not hard
                                but that doesnt mean shit if u dont kill heroes
                                beter lower farm more kill fight that farm and 0 impact 20 25 min game cause ur team will be poor and lose map
                                and u wilk have farm but stil useless cause u didnt help on time


                                  if 3ks got 50lh in 6mins, 'usually'. they would be winning most of their games.


                                    My last hit so bad. Most of the times i get <50 lh as arc HAHA
                                    But i get some kill so i think its even out


                                      50-60 is if you had a dual lane trying to rape you


                                        @jack bro im 4500 player for 6 months im katz

                                        its not hard on free lane any 4k can do it


                                          50-60 is if you had a dual lane trying to rape you

                                          this is why 3ks are spouting false shit. qualify your statement with "if you are much better than the ppl you lane against"


                                            right. thats why i said 3k. im sure 4ks ppl actually know how to secure lanes and play efficiently. this results in ppl free farming a lot more.

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                                              Even if I say 50, My average is around 44.23 lh/10. I'm just slightly above my skill level, not like a 4k player playing in 2k kind of player.


                                                ^ ur rght
                                                but that will not make u better never , ever


                                                  Thanks for the advice 😉


                                                    this is my slark game against a 1v2 lane matchup, I was solo safe against mag and puck
                                                    cud I have gotten more lh?
                                                    they were harassing a lot but I managed to punish puck twice and kill him in lane so it evened out a bit.
                                                    I shud have jungled once I got to lv 6 tho right?


                                                      that's afing awful, given the fact that in almost every 2k mmr lane you can have about 100~ last hits at 10 minutes


                                                        @raj ofcourse you could've gotten more. u got 40 by 10 mins. its not terrible in 1 v 2 lane, but u must respect that u were laning against people who didnt know what they were doing.


                                                          what if yo uare against a 3lane

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            ^ you run to the jungle and last hit under the tower . Still can get decent lh


                                                              This booster has won 21 games straight on my friends account and he hasn't been getting 100 last hits in any of the games. He's 6k as well playing 2k flat games. As always jacked talks sense, cookie nonsense.


                                                                ^^ nah, u die instantly as soon as the enemy sees you
                                                                unless you have some good escape

                                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                  How would you die against 3 underlvl enemies under your tower?


                                                                    ahh good old normal skill nonsense.

                                                                    quick reminder, everyone has different methods to get their mmr

                                                                    i can get to 10k by farming, someone can get it by splitpushing, someone can get it by fighting, someone can get it by ganking

                                                                    example this meepo booster farms for 10-15 mintues and then just walks down midlane

                                                                    bipdongoe does it by stomping his lane and then camping that lane/jungle till he breaks HG


                                                                    I do it by creating a huge gold advantage using my farming patterns and splitpushing then walk up highground


                                                                    and then there's hurricane, 2k looking for excuses


                                                                      creepwave pushes into tower -> enemy dives you -> stunned stunned nuked and stunned again

                                                                      and im not sure that the enemies who are getting full lane creep exp + the neutral hard camp + denying everything are going to be lower level than you after you're struggling to get into the exp range let alone kill a creep.

                                                                      i think 30 lasthits in such a lane is decent at worst.

                                                                      but then again these kind of lanes almost never happen.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        30 Last hits in a losing lane is something i'd get against a 5-6k 3lane with heroes that have a 100% kill on me if i enter the lane

                                                                        you low mmrs are ridiculously stupid if you think you can't get anything below 60LH average on those 2-3 lanes they put you up against in that low mmr

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                          If thier creepwave is pushing towards your tower thats mean that they auto attack your creep , how can they deny their creep ? I know 2k trilane always pushes the lane and not pulling to the hard camp . Thats why its easy to last hit under the tower


                                                                            u push the lane when u want to kill the carry trying to cs there

                                                                            otherwise you keep the creeps near your tower farming it static and if your offlaner can farm neutrals ez he also solo flashfarms the hard camp for some good exp.

                                                                            well im talking about normal dota, in 2k you probably can get 50 if you dont miss

                                                                            but you spend a fuckton of gold on salves then i think unless your hero has natural sustain something

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              @ manslaugher
                                                                              what heroes are we talking in 1 v 3 lane? do u have a specific match?
                                                                              sure thye can dive you, only if u give them reason to.

                                                                              you are right

                                                                              but no one is saying you shouldnt be getting 70cs by 10 mins. you should if u want to improve and climb. and there's awlays room for improvement. but this topic is about what's normal, or what usualy occurs, and how certain numbers measure up against similarly skilled players. this is a question answered by looking at the stats. and the stats don't lie.

                                                                              of course im highly skeptical that a 6k player cant consistently get 70cs in 10 mins in 2k games. but thats not waht this topic is about is it.

                                                                              i think u are presenting a false picture with your numbers to avg players by saying they should be getting 60+cs every game. thats just not realistic.


                                                                                I stopped visiting these forums frequently some time ago. Every time when I come here I get reminded why I should stay the fuck out.


                                                                                  don't tank too much dmg under tower. and no, you shouldnt push under tower to try and get the kill on the carry farming under it, lol.


                                                                                    so how else you kill him?

                                                                                    i was once playing a solo slark against nyx and sand king. i died 6 times ( a bit too greedy from my part) because they dive even my tier 2 tower to kill me.

                                                                                    i still won that game though.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      @ raptured. it's all a matter of perspective bro. why do you come here? for good productive discussions? you fool. this place is good for the drama. coming here for any other reason is silly.


                                                                                        u dont actually need to rly dive the carry anyway, just cut his wave pulling his creeps into his neutrals and farming it all. if he tries to cs under his tower without his creepwace he is a walking bag of gold for you to take.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                          Are you actually playing 1v5 dota? You dont have support to rotate and punish over extend enemies? >Okay.


                                                                                            pushing the wave constantly to the tower makes it harder to kill the carry. you are extremely vulenerable to tp counter ganks. u get fucked by tower, and the carry gets free xp, while u are sorely out of position if ur that far up the lane.

                                                                                            yes, you the enemy heroes can still dive you, but you are forcing them to make a big commitment to try and get a kill. the only reason this succeeds is if u are stupidly out of position (even under tower) and stay within their stun range or if u allow urself to get surrounded somehow by a wrap around. or if absolutely no one will tp in to help you.

                                                                                            if it is the latter, tough luck. or maybe you're not staying alive long enough to let ur teammates recognize they can turn the gank.


                                                                                              yes what u should be doing is pulling to deny him xp, deny him farm because he cant walk away from his tower. but u are not doing any of that by letting him farm under tower. sure u can get a few kills by diving and hoping no one responds. but that's not the better option.


                                                                                                pretty sure that taking the safelane tower before 8 mins into the game is better than fucking denying some exp from the carry by pulling

                                                                                                if you run a proper aggro lane he wont be able to cs under tower anyway coz u will take 60% of his hp if he approaches a creep.


                                                                                                  btw did u just use the words SUPPORT and ROTATE in a sentence about 2k mmr dota?

                                                                                                  u only see this stuff when you yourself are the support, or you baught a VHS account.

                                                                                                  if you tell your "support" to let you get solo exp as a slark, he isnt even going to tp to your t2 tower when you are getting dived into there all the way.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    actually I shud have bought more salves in my game and traded hits with puck and be more aggressive, ran out of regen but then didn't buy more.


                                                                                                      btw did u just use the words SUPPORT and ROTATE in a sentence about 2k mmr dota?

                                                                                                      lul. thats true. but supports do exist in high 2k at least. and rotations do happen. as long as u dont just die stupidly

                                                                                                      look. if they take the safelane early, chances are they wont knowwhat to do with that advantage. that's actually good for you. and i seriously doubt there's aggressive trilanes in 2ks either. i sure as hell never saw one. at most it is a 2 v1. and yes. maybe they have very high kill potential. and no supports to help you (because it is 2k). u just get xp under tower, lots of regen. thats the trick, then u get a level advantage and go jungle. let the tier 1 drop. usually the earlier it drops the better for you because they'll probably just let u free farm after that.

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