General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with my 4k Meepo.

Help with my 4k Meepo. in General Discussion
>Easy Money.

    Looking for some legit meepo players to help out my meepo play : ).

    Often is the case, I do well early/mid (although in the below replay my early wasn't that good, but I made up for it). Then. . .I swear once I get aegis I either always do something dumb, or am unable to capitalize on it, and I don't really know how/when to push with him, and then the game is prolonged, and meepo starts to suck after 35 mins or so.

    Match ID: 3202159169

    In this match, if you look at the graph, my networth at one point was insane (relative to my opponents'). . .to the point where a win should have been EASY. What did I do wrong? I looked at the replay.


    My analysis:
    *I could have done a lot better vs sniper mid (getting poor man's shield and not poofing during shrapnel).
    *At ~23;51 with aegis I make a dive which was really retarded.
    *At 26:52 I shud have taken mid tower rather than hunt the timber saw.
    *At 30:15 i make a horrible dive. Shud have backed out once I couldn't kill sniper--should have prioritized him. (This one was a tough call. . .as a meepo player, I feel like any time u have a chance to blink poof on 3 heroes its almost always worth it, except that it gave sniper 1.2k from me+the ultra kill, and this is when I feel like they were back in the game).
    *At 36 I miss a net (altho tbh the lag was kinda shit, altho even if I nailed the net on sniper, I'm not sure I actually could have kill him with all their stuns)
    *At 43:50 I make a horrible dive.

    So i dunno. I mean I made some dumb moves. . .but most weren't absolutely god awful--and given my high networth, I'd think I could get away with a little stupidity and still win.

    Any advice is appreciated. I have over 1k meepo games, and still can't reach 5k. . . = /


      dude theres nothing wrong with your meepo game play .

      >Easy Money.

        Another case in point:

        Match ID:


        Like here's what i don't get. So their mid is 5.5k, I'm 4.7k. I clearly had a larger impact than the 5.5k in the game; and yet, we still lose.