General Discussion

General Discussionwhat to do in this scenario

what to do in this scenario in General Discussion
General Asim Muneer

    when u are forced to def high ground as an antimage 20 min into the game and cant fight their core because you are too weak and cant push because they got a much stronger pushing potential.. while u get t2 u lose a set of rax .... and your team spams you for help....

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Troes to adapt the situation and instead of farming a big utem spend the money on items that will give you immediate peak such a drum (well thats not the best item, but you should get something) and try to assist your team as much as possibly, cut the wave, force them to go back, fight with your team, anything besides let them just take the rax while you farm a lane


        Lmao u lost, antimage was just a bad pick in that game


          uhhh you just fucking farm until you have items , cause am is shit without items

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            Well yea i guess that a pretty grim situation, what i said of course is not ideal, but imo that what will increase the chance of the enemies over extending their confidences and misjudging your overall team strength, potentially throwing the game

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              You send cour to death feed some sen3s surely they will feel confident winning and might throw but... Can the team really comeback as enemies dive to deep? Or they will just rekt you harder because the networth difference is just too high

              Or you could just type some random rage words like FUCK THIS TEAM caps is important, try all chatting and have the opponent chat too if they don't then don't waste your time.


                Cut waves


                  Begin to mentally prepare yourself for the next game where you won't be picking a carry so that you may have a tiny chance for victory


                    Begin to mentally prepare yourself for the next game where you won't be picking a carry so that you may have a tiny chance for victory


                      That's the loss condition for AM right there, you have to avoid that situation at all costs. If you can set it up so that you can at least hit t3 while enemy tries high ground you can usually get a decent trade out of the deal, if you have no manta and can only hit t2 though it's basically gg.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Yea, antimage has a limit, nothing you can do about that.

                        You can't stop it, you can only prevent it.

                        Though i did once see a miracle game where he did mmanage to counter it a long time ago by winning that 20 min teamfight. But that's still a risk

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Make sure you have some good hg defense so you can at least turtle in the worst case scenario.
                          Other than that having strong early-midgame quad while you split & farm is good.

                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                              build battle fury then manta then bot then rat