General Discussion

General Discussionmeepo in 7.06b

meepo in 7.06b in General Discussion
General Asim Muneer

    so abed is making aquila+dl+ iron talon and skipping pms on meepo..
    beebie's build is pms + 3 wraith bands.. what do u guys think is better and why


      there is some problem for meepo in this patch


        best meepo world compare to average 3-5k meepo tryhard who only know how to blink>poof, yeah^^

        General Asim Muneer

          Hes up against a good player too... The thing is ..good meepo player can play around the counters ...scythe is your good friend ... It would be nice if u answered the ques itself


            u dont need pms on meepo


              I think pms isn't as required because you can't get in there trade hits and go use shrine so you need to lane more passively. It also appears his initial item timings are slower but get faster after ~7 minutes


                Wraith band work pretty well. Very cost Effective agility item that can be bought quite early.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  I wouldn't get Aquila tho.

                  >Easy Money.

                    I was surprised to see he gets DL--wraith bands or rune bracers are certainly viable. You can go 2 rune bracers if you are worried about survivability, (2 wraith bands isn't bad either) and then go into blink dagger. Honestly. . .fucking 1900 for a shitty as +12/12 compared to 2 wraith band. . .omfg wraith bands give way better stats for the gold and you can get them quickerly (= P).

                    But who I am to argue with the 9k god?

                    I will say a number of 7-8k meepos do 1 wraith band or bracer into blink, and then they go either DL or eblade.

                    The thing is, there's a lot of variability and i don't think one is necessarily better than the other. I do like the double wraith band into fast farm. . .i mean u farm like a fuckin' god w/ 2 wraith bands, 1 into net, and max E.

                    So it's certainly debatable, and having watched over 200+ 7k meepo games, I'd say either is viable.

                    Most MID meepos go poor mans shield, 2 tangoes, one salve, and 2 iron branches. But i think that's a bit defensive. (perhaps vs like a lina/puck it's great, but I like abed's/RTZ's idea of just normal shield into iron talon b/c it greatly increases speed of jungle farm).

                    ADDITIONALLY! = p. Iron talon is super useful since jungle camp is spawning every minute, so I definitely favor the iron talon build.

                    just my noob 4k 2 cents tho.


                      dl is very efficient for stats, it gives +2 strength and +2 agi as compared to an ultimate orb for 200ish less gold


                        hot stud finding meepo always to rekt