General Discussion

General DiscussionMadness Huskar?

Madness Huskar? in General Discussion

    Turn on Autocast for the Burning Spears. Precast heal and Life Break before turning on Madness. I think it should be a thing.

    Fee Too Pee

      its still silenced, bad idea

      Dire Wolf

        It doesn't disassemble into anything good for huskar either as he doesn't want butter or orchid or echo. Plus he already gets massive attack speed off berserker, what he needs is damage and armor.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You still can't use spears. Besides, he already has more than enough attack speed.


            you can't use auto-cast abilities while silenced.


              autocast LUL

              Riguma Borusu

                It's kinda hilarious how huskar benefits more from +20dmg than +120 attack speed.


                  huskar also wud never want to reduce his armor, he is one of the few heroes where that is actually important.


                    needs armor than range.


                      needs lifesteal then mana regen


                        need old huskar(dota allstar) back ...with pure Precast heal ...sad look at dota2 huskar where Precast heal so slow =.=
                        while hod no more lifesteal it make huskar more dumb where need Burning Spears to counter =.= although Burning Spears only gg in early game ..for me nowdays huskar totally sad

                        Riguma Borusu

                          is that english

                          Savvy Cat

                            I feel like this is something I would do and then have my team scream at me for doing something dumb. And then I would say it makes perfect sense on account that an item called Mask of Madness on Huskar is, in itself, madness. It is only logical that you wear something with 'madness' in the name to do mad things, isn't it?

                            Riguma Borusu

                              you can also say you thought it was a good item for huskar because of his immortal


                                the huskar immortal is a helm of the dominator not a mask of madness, even the title reads "Searing Dominator"

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  yeah but it is red lul


                                    not working


                                      In all honety, I think it would be a pretty good pickup. While you probably wouldn't pop it in an actual fight unless you're positive you're not gonna get jumped on, it can help increase his farm speed by a significant amount, as it gives him actual attack speed at max health. When the AFKfarm phase is over and you're teamfighting most of the time, it can be disassembled and turned into a Satanic, while Quarterstaff can be sold, potentially to speed up the Satanic.


                                        what icefrog is really thinking when he nerfed mask of madness *the most useless item ever*


                                          @talenheim better to just get the morbid mask and move on with your items. It's not worth it to build it up if you are not going to use the active to just sell it back.

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            Please buff huskar valve , seriously i miss the hero , but he is a fucking paper,


                                              there is already a 15% lifesteal talent for huskar


                                                armlet and helm for attack spd


                                                  Yeah played him last night. Able to be killed in one Axe's call duration even with heart, lance, halberd, armlet urn and treads. Plus if his heal is dispelled he just dies like that.


                                                    buff huskar like old days


                                                      Huskar needs a rework . Huskar was known to be a hero who can't be killed with magic damage. I never knew why icefrog nerfed his iconic ability.
                                                      nowdays just like a paper...even a Skywrath mags can burst him down