General Discussion

General DiscussionChi Long Qua

Chi Long Qua in General Discussion

    Is he a troll? I don't care about his ego and how he's the best Dota 2 player ever but my concern is his guides. I watched his video on drafting like a pro when he picked treant and tried to snipe the courier but everything didn't go his way.
    I watched his other vid with sf and he was losing early game but managed to carry his team despite having 4 feeders according to him.

    TLDR should I trust his guides?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Thats a comedy, he is a very good player, but his guides are jokes and for entertainment

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        idk what's his exact mmr but he's a pretty good guy, i play with him a couple of times.

        i'm pretty sure his mmr is somewhere near to mine

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          I should have known, I found the video about drafting like a pro when he played as treant hilarious

          Riguma Borusu

            What kind of a non nonsensical question is this?
            He's the best fucking DOTA 2 player the world's ever fucking seen.


              He used to troll and grief a lot but he's all PMA now

              doc joferlyn simp

                Uhh iirc Youtube(?) made him take down his videos and abandon his channel where he used to grief players, mostly BSJ


                  he's a pretty good guy

                  his mmr is somewhere near to mine

                  choose 1


                    good guy =/= good at dota u retard


                      get some IQ check in here


                        hes a good guy? hes the most toxic and autistic moron ive ever encountered



                          ur choose 1 comment makes no sense?


                            wow rly thanks for clarifying, but "hes a pretty good guy" doesnt make sense either

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              thats just his persona though
                              afaik he quit that and started a legit channel

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                His Bottle steal was priceless though lmao

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  u could argue that hes still an asshole for ruining games regardless if its his persona or not, but since were talking dota here i personally dont care and i wouldnt have felt any guilt if i were him, fuck this community

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    Bro take this stone and tape. Helps to take the edge off

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      clq is better than you cookie r u kiddin gme


                                        Clq is way better than cookie, and cookie doesn't play with clq bc cookie plays on different servers.
                                        He used to grief, but then got tired of it. He recently dropped the clq persona, and now plays dota to just play. When 6k was extremely rare a few years ago, he was playing games with rtz/ bsj at 5.8k
                                        Then he trolled/ stopped caring for awhile and dropped to 4.5k.
                                        Since then he plays support or roaming pos and I believe he's 5.6 now
                                        Edit: worlds fastest bottle farmer this worlds ever fucking seen

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        >Easy Money.

                                          Post his dotabuff please.

                                          Low Expectations

                                            his invoker guide gained me at least 1000 mmr


                                              His dota psychology trick boosted me +500 mmr.. Hes the best player


                                                a player who plays dota 2 and also from china.