General Discussion

General DiscussionTeach me how to play support the right way

Teach me how to play support the right way in General Discussion

    Hi, I am considering switching my role to support since I used to play core exclusively. I know supporting in lower skill bracket is pretty challenging and tedious. I dont mind losing mmr and I dont mind going on a losing spree, but all I want is to improve and I want to do it by playing support only. Please teach me on how to support and on how to play a solo support since most of the games in my skill bracket, i'll be the only one who picks support.

    Favorite support heroes : Jakiro, Venomancer, Crystal Maiden, AA
    Character : Pretty positive player who rarely tilts and flames his teammates for their mistakes.

    P/S : I'm open to any kind of constructive criticism


      If you are babysitting a carry in lane and they are uncontested, go gank or stack. Sitting around sucking XP is terrible.


        @maruder9 what if my carry is contested by an aggressive duo lane say bristleback and silencer and i'm playing a defensive support like dazzle, what should i do?


          @burstpanther this seems like an unconventional way of playing support. Does this work like most of the time in 3k bracket? i'm just curious


            I suggest you take a look at videos from


            They have quite a few videos on supporting on their channel to get your started. Just a piece of advice if it means anything. Supporting is all about getting into the habit of doing the small things right a lot of the time. In hindsight, you might know it's the right thing to do, but it won't matter if you never develop the habit of doing it.

            Good luck climbing (I did so from 3.2k to 3.8k, just falling back a bit now, but I'm learning from my mistakes and catching up again)

            Also to answer your question

            "@maruder9 what if my carry is contested by an aggressive duo lane say bristleback and silencer and i'm playing a defensive support like dazzle, what should i do?"

            If your carry can get any sort of farm in lane, help him (e.g. A PA can still use dagger to farm single creeps0) If not (like an AM), suggest that he jungle/find another lane to farm in then stay in the lane and leech the experience (don't show in lane). It's basically cutting your losses then moving on.

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              @pilot thx for the reply. Do you solo support in most of your games? In my server, ppl rarely pick support so I had to support other 4 cores in my games and its pretty exhausting. How do you deal with solo supporting?


                You enable the most reliable guy of course


                  if you solo support pick a hero with gold talent, or ability to kill heroes (like sky, nyx, riki, spirit breaker, lina) cm fits well almost every matchup if there no cancer heroes for her(like nyx sb)

                  never pick heroes like bh for solo supporting, if you see you cant babysit your carry move on on mid/hardlane to help there(some heroes like slark just need solo exp to go jungle, since you have jungler and he is not helping your lane there is no choice for you and your carry)

                  collect runes as much as you can for gold/exp and dont forget to ward

                  you can try to kill cour with hero people dont expect (like in pro games some rubick with smoke goes in trees early between t1-t2 with obs ward scout for cour midlaners) when you get your lvl 6 try to comm with your offlane/midlane hero for gangs when you have your ults (if there is agressive heroes). If your gangs had success you will have good lvl and money for some wards, boots or even midas(if game goes mid/late)
                  but this bracket it will all depend on your carry midlane, how good their picks, which items they making (like juggernaut from shit lane doing bf at 20-25min with just boots of speed you will have no chance to win)


                    Yes I do. I'm SEA as well so I know what you're going through. (It's gotten a bit better past 3.5k though, a lot better at 3.7k)

                    Seatard is right, you basically aim to enable the most reliable core on your team and work from there. When solo supporting, you have no choice but to do the best you can do at your role. Just think of it this way, you're already at a disadvantage, so if you suck at your job, you're just piling up more things against your team. Gank. Stack. Call smokes. Call enemy items. Don't stop doing your job.

                    Keep the game going for as long as you can (especially if you have 4 cores, if you reach late game with that many cores, there's a high likelihood that you're going to win). You might have to be a part-time psychologist if you know what I mean. Many times, aside from preventing yourself from tilting, you have to prevent your teammates from tilting at each other and just going for the throne.


                      never pick heroes like bh for solo supporting



                        Bounty support sucks in lower brackets. Unless you are godlike at finding kills with the hero somehow as a poor ass support.


                          Supporting is a lot about how you do in early game. Your awareness in early game has to be really good. U have to know where is best place to be to win all 3 lanes. It's not always about the safe lane. You have to understand where your power spike is. Understand the power of proper harassing without screwing your carry over.

                          finding xp through kills, pulls and empty lanes, and not leeching is impt. Understand when ur presence fucks your carry over more than you know.

                          And also. Keep an eye on enemy supports. Where they ward. Where they might rotate. Don't TP to lanes. Walk to them. Save them for when enemy Dive your teammates unexpectedly.

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                            Don't bother buyin smokes if you are in normal skill

                            darwin nunez

                              @jacked true AF xd

                              LISAN AL GAIB

                                I have spammed CM lately and its EZ mmr...
                                Depends on what offlaner your supports is against...early lvls help him secure CS and annoy the offlaner, make sure to pull and stack, also ward the places where they could gank. CM can both be passive and aggressive...if the enemy offlaner is lets say clock, axe, abbadon they can easily harass you core and not letting farm at all, thats where you come in.
                                Lets say you are CM...its super importan you get your level 2 so you can start the root spam and also if you have a core that has early killing potential like juggernaut its EZ kills. SECURING YOUR CORE FARM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO, never go AFK jungle to get your "early lvls" unless the offlaner doesnt come to lane or some dumb thing like that.
                                Rotating is also super important...get a kill on the offlaner or at least force him to go back (7.06 shrine cooldown lulz) and then smoke and go gank mid with the other support (in the case there is one)
                                even if you dont get a kill on the mid lane or offlane with your smoke you may force some rotations or make them back off, that will give space either to your offlaner or safe
                                supports are supposed to be poor, but that doesnt mean you need to always have 200 gpm...if you see a lone lane, go there, get a couple of last hits and xp, you fuckin need pains me to see some people that at like min 30 are lvl 12 or some shit like that...
                                WARD THE a couple of warding guides so you can learn warding spots outside of the standard ones
                                And well thats a standard answer to your question mate...hope it helps


                                  ward here, ward there. buy meka, pipe, gem, dust and gc if needed. arcane boots or tranquil *it depends if the hero is a nuker support or depends on mana or a good right clicker*. use YOUR SPELL on a hero needed to be used and also never ever play support when your team will not help, coward, or protect you or aware that your easy to kill.

                                  I recommend playing supports that your team needs more like a initiator (tide hunter) or a nuker (lina) or a disabler or a team buffer *dazzle*. etc etc. learn them yourself.


                                    also its never your fault. its your team fault if your doing it right. that will always happen to you if you play support. they will do stupid things that puts your team in danger.


                                      thx for the feedbacks. one more question, after the laning stage, what should i do when my team just passively afk farms even when we have taken the t1 towers and have vision advantage over the enemy team? I have lost countless of games where my team has a huge advantage but just afk farms which gives the enemy enough time and space to make a comeback.


                                        Tell them to get objectives


                                          I showed a guy my crystal maiden, with the exact same mmr as you, and he got up to 4.2k within a month.


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                                              can't do that. time is oblivion.