General Discussion

General DiscussionSome Rubick questions.

Some Rubick questions. in General Discussion

    1. Why people prefer lvl10 miserable extra gold talent? I mean, by taking 60 damage you can get those 1.5 creeps(60 gold worth) in 10seconds.
    2. Also why people take those +75 cast range? If it were 150 I would understand, but 75 units is hardly his own model diameter.
    3. Can anyone share some next level shit about his ultimate? I know about Morph str increase, I would like much cooler stuff than that.
    4. You can see I lose more games with him than I win, but almost always have fun. How to make it the way that I both have fun and win? Or should one be sacrificed?


      he's super annoying because telekinisis is super dangerous that's why it doesn't do any damage when it lands. (le trapping people in cliffs with rubick wasn't about that I'm talking about)

      fade bolt has damage reduction and 320 magic dmg.

      and spell steal has no CAST DELAY and its instant also it doesnt give you enough time to escape when rubick steals it and uses it.


        Ah, diox


          usually u want dmg cuz the way rubick plays, he takes up so little space that he wud rather not utilize 60 dmg to farm. cm is a support who uses it a lot to farm jungle and shit, but rubick is even less item dependent. also sometimes when ur ahead, 150 health wont matter, but what will matter is that little extra range to cast lift out of fog/smoke and shit to secure more kills and snowball harder. 150 health is still situationally good just like the range tho. however any real pro tips on rubick I cant give cuz I suck at dota but more importantly I suck even more at actually playing rubick.

            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

              U get gpm early and will get more out of it during the game


                uhhh why would you get +60 dmg, you're rubick you can't farm lanes cause you're very squishy and very easy to gank without those good stolen spells, +60 gpm is a beast throughout the entire game


                  I take 60 damage especially if i'm playing against wr (in case i steal her ult) and mk (also in case i steal his ult)

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    Actually while i disagree that 60 gpm is not impactful, for rubick the damage is usually better imo, it gives more damage overall in ganks, and his rightclicks aren't nothing to look over

                    60 gpm I'll take if I'm on a game where ganks aren't big priority, and/or where there is a map consumer like alch or naga

                    That 75 range can be very impactful in term of positions, its one of those talents where the impact isn't really noticeable for the eye, like the armor talents

                    Those are just my opinions


                      Oh come on people, no one has any new stuff about Rubick? Hey you 5-6k players, be so kind and share your vast knowledge with us plebs

                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                        1. You are a support, and supports are meant to help the team not deal right click damage and farm lanes. With 60gpm you can get earlier support items for your team.
                        2. Supports need to position better and not get picked off in clash, especially rubick. You need that cast range for better positioning of your spells and safely stealing spells. Rather than dealing burst damage
                        3. Shuckuchi is by far my favorite spell to steal
                        4. Pick rubick if their carry is weaver.

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          1: You don't spend time farming, and your job in teamfights is not to autoattack
                          2: P O S I T I O N I N G. 75 cast range helps you do your job: stay back in fights and cast your spells, 150 hp is useless if you get caught out anyway lmao
                          3: idk lul
                          4: make the most out of your early game because rubick falls off hard unless there's like an enigma on their team, so go around and kill people as much as you can


                            You consider the talent to be worth 60 gold ,k then


                              1.who the fuck chooses 60 damage? you're not a right click hero go pick 60 gpm rubick needs it as a support and as you get more item you get more annoying
                              2.spell amp is good if you can dish out spells but +75 seem meaningless would be better for positioning
                              3.Any spell is useful so take anything especially when you feel team fight happens anytime morph str is the best and shuckuchi would be good too some spells like rage,chemical rage,phantasm,god's strength,enrage etc. any buff would benefit you name it i'll give you a reason why any spells would fit
                              4.rubick is good in turning around team fights don't lose the opportunity to do so


                                Steal ravage from tidehunter, Win TI. You're welcome