General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane still good right now?

Offlane still good right now? in General Discussion

    With the recent patch about the shrine

    Shrines now start on cooldown and become available at 5 minutes
    and also with the experience too.

    What is the current situation in offlane right now is it good? is it bad? I played some offlaners recently and I'm really bad at noticing these things I felt like there's nothing really different about it just the convenience of having an early regeneration near your lane is gone and about the levels meh.


      The same as it was before Patch 7.00

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        Yeah. Pretty much what Yukiko said. You need to play safer now that there is no free regen until the 5 minute mark.

        Forget me not

          It's better I think for a hero that's require exp, since when enemy denies now you get 70% instead of 50%

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                omni against mElee carry heroes are good


                  It was pretty hard zoning offlaners since you would have to do it twice.


                    people will learn to actually pick offlaners. no more people picking medusa or wk because they are "tanky" lol


                      still good like the safelane only a bit hard. why people CAN'T JUST STAY AWAY FROM THE SHRINE OR LAST FOR 5 MIN. its easy to play passive or play offensive with tangos and salves or clarity and mangos and there's a sideshop.

                      mr. rabbit

                        u get zoned out on ur weakest levels which is kinda what makes it harder


                          ye, offlane is guchi ma nigga


                            Rip alice nigga gonna lose some mmr due to offlane not being braindead anymore xd

                            mr. rabbit

                              nah i play brood, not offlane

                              2 completely different things

                              mr. rabbit


                                mr. rabbit

                                  DID U JUST SAY NIBBA

                                  BAN INCOMING


                                    Well on my recent matches that I played as an offlaner I'm lucky that I didn't really got harassed that hard by the enemy support which is great, but also they should have harassed the shit out of me so that I'm gonna buy more regen or something since that is what I've been doing when I play support make it a hard for the offlaner pre 5 min in game.

                                    Also I noticed that some of my matches the laning phase is 2 - 1 - 2.

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