General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help with my Storm Spirit (farming rotations in specific)

Need help with my Storm Spirit (farming rotations in specific) in General Discussion

    Hello friends I am a storm spirit player looking to improve, I often find my self winning lanes but falling behind mid game due to my lack of knowledge of how to properly farm jungle/lane. I mostly find that I just mindlessly roam around getting kills which is nice but I am looking for suggestions to boost my farm so I can get to my core of blood stone, orchid, and maybe a shiva's eul's or what ever my 3rd item is faster that what I currently get it at. I feel like I get my first item a little slow as well due to not being able to use efficient farming patterns. I would be open to advice and also game play showing the best way to achieve the best farming pattern available. Yes I know that farming patterns greatly rely on how much map control you have, but I would still love to see people who are better than me and how they achieve the best farm possible. Thank you for reading my post
    -A lowly shit tier player
    Have a good day :)




        with level 6 soul ring you can solo kill anyone squishy like but first ask the following questions

        1.) is he solo if yes proceed to step 2

        2.) is he overextending? would it take me a long time to kill him? solo killing as storm requires prediction of enemy movement so you can land remnants.

        ofcourse you want to know how to farm but if nothing specific is like that farm.

        how to farm

        1.) can x hero kill me if i push the wave? if no continue. remember only to push the wave bc storm no tower pusher. (edit always i mean always push the wave every time when there is a rune about to spawn, if you cant dominate the lane just push the waves and jungle)

        2.) if x hero is missing and can kill you, proceed to jungle

        always bring a tp and buy raindrops and a bunch of clarities

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          on storm i try to focus the primary jungle - stack medium (and easy) camps. aoe farming, big numbers of creeps are more efficient for you. leave space for your carry tho. i dont really farm ancients on storm unless i got linkens or bloodthorn early


            This weekend I can help you, we can take some replay and see what's going on and u can play some game and I will be watching as a coach and help u improve.


              leave space for your carry tho

              don't, you are very farm dependent, and jungle camps spawn every minute anyway. there should always be enough space for ur carry, just farm to hearts content and ur carry will find his farm somewhere else on the map.


                If I where you I would go out and exercise than dealing with silence and stuns as storm spirit

                anyways just farm like a boss and try to get an easy gank by killing fragile heroes.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  look at my storm game vs sky mage mid. impossible to win, I do not even know what I could have done to win that game.


                    against sky mid, just break even in lane, try to get some lh and use creep agro to force sky to take creep dmg if he harasses u.
                    as a ranged hero with no stout and 0 armor sky cant take creeps at all. also go stack in between waves.
                    once u get sr start jungling, once u get arcanes u can do it pretty fast. then just try to initiate on sky, he is very squishy and even with bloodstone, one positioning mistake from him and u can zip in and burst him down. once u get orchid he is kinda dead meat to u.


                      Very good place where to farm once you got bloodstone is enemy safelane and jungle around it


                        farm the enemy's heroes then take their towers and rax. objective gaming