General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you deal with PA as Exort Invoker?

How do you deal with PA as Exort Invoker? in General Discussion

    I am pretty shit at the hero and been trying to get more comfortable with him. Problem is 80% of the time that I go invo early (as i prefer to do to learn him in different match ups) the opposing mid goes PA and wrecks me in lane. Now I know that going quas/wex would somewhat alleviate the problem, but any tips for laning EXORT voker against PA mid? or is it just an auto-forfeit if you go exort?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Try to coordinate a gank. If you aren't given a gank go jungle with Spirits. Not much to do in that lane except feed

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        cold snap -> meteor . get magic stick asap


          one point into wex for ghost walk probably helps
          coldsnap her when she blinks on you
          keep golem up when quas is level 2+

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            remember lv 1 pa dont have blur and she is a melee hero




                "cold snap -> meteor . get magic stick asap" very mana-intensive, can snatch a kill only if she is outleveled, which is seldom the case since blur+PMS effectively doesnt let u harass, and if you do use that for harassment you have no mana for anything else.

                "remember lv 1 pa dont have blur and she is a melee hero" PMS+tango+shitty dmg from lvl 1 voker wouldnt allow you to zone her out really. You do around 35-40 dmg from right-click through PMS

                Coldsnap also doesnt do shit if you cant land your right clicks .


                  Maintain lane creeps near your tower? Null, Branch, 2 shared tangos and buy another set of tangos. I think that's the ideal starting item when laning against PA.

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Unless creeps are attacking her she can just Phantom Strike away when Invoker Cold Snaps. Even then it's not a guarantee that you'll get the combo off. Phantom Strike costs 50 mana while Cold Snaps costs 100. Good tradeoff for PA. One dust/sentry Invoker can't escape from PA's Dagger. One might argue that Invoker can use Ice Wall but PA has Phantom Strike. The CD of Phantom Strike is long but she can wait until she baits out an Ice Wall and then Phantom Strike to you

                    Trust me the only reason I did mid PA over mid Jugg/Slark was because an enemy picked Invo

                    Bill Cutting

                      In lane u need to harass her early, she won't have blur till lvl 2 earliest... and assuming u are quas exort, always toggle your quas orbs up after she daggers u it will help you regen health really quickly.... and buy an early stick.


                        Just trade last hits imo if he's really a good player. Alacrity helps, and again mantain your creeps near your tower to avoid early blink engagements.

                        Dire Wolf

                          If the PA is any good she'll juggle creep aggro, pull em back so if you try to harass you'll get hit by 2-3 creeps and take a ton of damage.



                            Bosnian Blade

                              how do you deal with ursa as techies dps build?


                                ^halberd rapier skadi


                                  god I love this forum, the only people that genuinely try to respond are sub 3k and give well-meaning, but ultimately useless answers


                                    blur. injoker can't hit you with coldsnap when he keeps missing and then the creeps hits him and punishes him super good and pa blinks and kills him and crys about it.


                                    "cold snap -> meteor . get magic stick asap" very mana-intensive, can snatch a kill only if she is outleveled, which is seldom the case since blur+PMS effectively doesnt let u harass, and if you do use that for harassment you have no mana for anything else.

                                    "remember lv 1 pa dont have blur and she is a melee hero" PMS+tango+shitty dmg from lvl 1 voker wouldnt allow you to zone her out really. You do around 35-40 dmg from right-click through PMS

                                    Coldsnap also doesnt do shit if you cant land your right clicks .
                                    2 hours ago

                                    Maintain lane creeps near your tower? Null, Branch, 2 shared tangos and buy another set of tangos. I think that's the ideal starting item when laning against PA.
                                    whistling in the dark
                                    whistling in the dark
                                    2 hours ago

                                    Unless creeps are attacking her she can just Phantom Strike away when Invoker Cold Snaps. Even then it's not a guarantee that you'll get the combo off. Phantom Strike costs 50 mana while Cold Snaps costs 100. Good tradeoff for PA. One dust/sentry Invoker can't escape from PA's Dagger. One might argue that Invoker can use Ice Wall but PA has Phantom Strike. The CD of Phantom Strike is long but she can wait until she baits out an Ice Wall and then Phantom Strike to you

                                    Trust me the only reason I did mid PA over mid Jugg/Slark was because an enemy picked Invo

                                    I can't read I rather ask for help when I play pa againts an invoker so invoker wont injoker all his spell on me forcing me to buy bkb.


                                      Aquila or stick

                                      go for lvl 3 quas and exort and hope regen keep u in lane and call suport to help u instantly

                                      btw u fell alot mmr


                                        yeah, on a downswing currently. Had a pretty shitty streak.


                                          is this a question ??


                                            what part of it did you confuse for a statement, may I ask?


                                              As invoker u hit decently well and pa's dagger has kinda ass range. If ur good u can throw attacks and then kite around her lvl 1 dagger range cuz she is melee she wud have to walk thru creeps to get u.
                                              She is very squishy early on, so cold snap + sunstrike can often kill her is she tries to dive u. She is good against invoker but doesnt trash him imo. She will win if invoker is bad, but a good invoker can beat a pa in lane.


                                                what is his threat to you? what is his kill opportunity? you pushing the lane into his hg like a dipshit and is trying to last hit from the low ground or u being low health bc u cant sustain dagger damage.

                                                dagger spam wont get you killed its you being low because you dont have enough regen. Get 2 points in q and buy tangoes and q up ring of bitch asap


                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Uhh you seem to generally have a shit winrate for the midlane. How about playing in the sidelanes because statistically that's where you perform the best


                                                    ^^This is what I'm trying to say but I think he doesn't want to believe because I am some low 4k trash. :disappear:


                                                      koj si ti optimista 7k


                                                        sam ces sebi popusiti kurac

                                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                                          ja it's a difficult matchup alright, your best bet is to disengage when she blinks on you. A simple deafening blast costs a lot of mana but saves your life. Add a meteor to it if you think she's low enough for a kill. This also means however, that you need to do a decent bit of harassing to her. Even if her miss chance is some absurd fifty percent or so, you'll just have to make sure that you harass her double the time you'd harass a...say...Death prophet or something. Alacrity for last hitting, maintain creep wave under tower always. In short, lane with alacrity and keep a blast in the other slot, because most of the time she wont jump you solo, there most likely will be a support rotation incoming. Just push the PA out of the way. But if she does jump you solo, you are at an advantage, quickly invoke meteor and shove deafening blast in here face. You will need a manapool for this.

                                                          Start with Null and a Basi and then a Magic Wand. She won't kill you and you can outcs her in the lane. In midgame, until she gets BKB, tornado and disengage from jump. When she gets BKB and is snowballing and obese as hell, get a precautionary ghost sceptre. At any other times, she is Meteor food.


                                                            usually joker will just wait for pa to blink toward him and try to nuke him

                                                            if joker tries to interupt PA the he must kill the creeps first because the creeps isn't stupid anymore and will attack any carry who attacks their alied hero.

                                                            do we have to discuss this in long words? pa can kill invoker with desolator.


                                                              Are you alergic to qw invo or smth


                                                                I never had issues with pa, you'd just shove the wave under her tower and she cant be annoying anymore, and besides she can't kill you.

                                                                She can just annoy you a bit, you'll still be freefarming, she basically has no damage

                                                                If she goes for pms at start she has like 50 att damage if i remember, you can eat her ass in denies till she can afford a QB

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  BAN HER BEFORE THE GAME STARTS. BAN HER BEFORE PICKING INVOKER.


                                                                    If you can, abuse alacrity to outcs her and push the wave so its constantly under her tower. If you can't, farm neutrals. A pa can't really kill an invoker before 6.


                                                                      you got quas to heal your hp and there's hp 200 gold magic stick if you feel needing it shove the wave and harass the shit out of her


                                                                        sunstrike her to oblivion