General Discussion

General DiscussionFv item build

Fv item build in General Discussion

    Haven't played fv Since 6.88, but it seems like he's coming back
    Wondering if item build has changed compared to what I'd build him.
    Offlane, pms>brown boots> Aquila> treads > vlads> diffusal> manta
    Then after that ac/ mjolner
    Is this still correct item build for most games? Or would there be a better way of building him


      yes build both aquilla and vlads don't wanna miss out on that non-stacking aura.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        what is fv?
        familiar vision?
        freewill volunteer?
        facial visagist?

          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

            FV means facevook.

            its faceless void.

            le he's a situational hero build and depends on what type of hero your againts like a blinker, runner, evasion, durability, high burst damage etc. its up to you to what to build on fv to win.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              what hero is the best blinker/runner in ur opinion?


                My theory is that necro book faceless void is the way to build him. It provides necessary intelligence and strength for tankability and spell spamming, and summon able units which work inside the chronosphere. Plus they got buffed in 7.06 so they now last 45 seconds.

                Pair it with an AC, moonshard, butterfly and bkb and you have a tanky high attack speed hero who can stun lock someone allowing his necro units to drain all their mana.


                  PMS treads vlad manta diffu most of the time into situational stuffs
                  Linken rush is garbage on pubs
                  SB is quite good against heroes who rely on blink to escape too

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Midas -> Mom -> treads -> sb ->crytals -> upgrade items -> whatever u buy ( Use Mom Wisely)


                      Dagon (1) > Blink > Dagon (2) > Dagon (3) > Dagon (4) > Dagon (5) > Ethereal Blade

                      Other builds are out dated and weak.

                      Item build is also valid on every other hero in the game for easy 1k to 9k climbing. :dizzy:

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Bosnian Blade

                        + up


                          buys dagon, anti-mages starts to scream like a seagull gg


                            mods why was my comment removed?
                            is it cuz I said vagina?
                            if so, why cant I say vagina but I can say penis?


                              your not allowed to discriminate. and say something dirty with FV. btw I am laughing hard with your FV joke which I didn't even had a chance to see it but I know what you just said.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Yes, times have changed, now you build Abyssal Blade & MKB, Moonshard for auto-stunlock.

                                You will be a single target menace.


                                  you don't need chrono if you have as speed and basher and time lock doesn't stack instead if it does trigger at the same time it doesn't trigger.