General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you think about early game bkb purchases

what do you think about early game bkb purchases in General Discussion

    ^ is it bad or good situational etc

    doc joferlyn simp

      Only if you're ending early as well


        When they got muthafukin lion and shadow shaman


          Would bkb save you from getting buttfucked by instant hex? :thinking:


            Usually bkb is not a thing you want to buy but rather a necessity. Never get is as first item, you need some item to farm/fight with first.


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                    If you need a bkb you get it, regardless of when


                      i remember some pa in pro dota getting bkb min 15 :D

                      doc joferlyn simp



                          how about heroes that need to snowball early like slark / ta is it worth getting se or sb echo

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                            @bws better try than nothing


                              if you cant end it quick you should avoid it right? you dont want a 5 sec bkb coming too fast


                                Only rush se if enemy has annoying passive like blur

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Buy it later. If you see Lion, Shaman, WD on the enemy team. You might want to buy it early. Especially if your tank (or whoever can build it fast/naturally) does not build a PIPE, even after you suggest it.

                                  You're going to need a pipe, and hopefully one of your supps has a Glimmer ready for even more magic resistance.


                                    early bkb ez lose


                                      If you have to get it early it usually means it's a hard game and u probably lost anyway


                                        is bkb rly that good vs witch doctior? i mean his ulti ignores it

                                        (i understand cask is op though)

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                                          i dont mean first item bkb i mean 2nd buy at earliest for most heroes that have early mid game power spikes so they can snowball. winning fights early for snowball heroes is what matters right and bkb allows this for example slark sb echo then bkb

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                                            are you unable to engage without dying or unable to get kills, now or in the near future, because you don't have spell immunity. This is when you should get bkb.


                                              useless because none of your enemies are farmed yet probably lvl 10 no powerful 2nd skill.


                                                ultra defensive item, usually an indicator of game going terribly wrong for your team

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  The problem with getting it early is using it early means you burn all those long durations and only get 5 seconds late in the more crucial team fights. The reduced cd is not worth the lost time. 5 seconds late when enemy supports have enough net worth to get force staffs, euls and ghost scepters means they will just wait out your 5 seconds and kite you.

                                                  So early is fine but you had better wipe them with the 10/9/8 second uses and push their rax fast or risk losing late.


                                                    for example like in a game like this
                                                    my team trash talking me for not getting bkb. i think linkens is better here bc of their single target initiation like sven stun shaman disable euls etc as their initiation disable and when you get caught you wont get off bkb anyways because of stun lockdown and they have a magnus. i only got manta for the lulz bc my team is feeding like fuck

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                                                      Promo code bsj is the only code you need guys

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        Promo code bsj is the only code you need guys

                                                        Can vouch for this

                                                        beast player

                                                          bkb shite item espcially in pubs


                                                            who needs bkb?

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Um I probably would've gotten bkb there anyway cus ES can solo stun lock anyone without one, that hex and shackle is a lot of cc too. The worst is when you have to still bkb vs something that goes through like rp and black hole ugh. But sometimes you just gotta do it.

                                                              BKB if it lets you sit there and dish damage is really useful. You just need to time it so it's done right when you need it and not sooner or it's a waste of gold, and right after you need to end game soon with that advantage. So on troll I know a lot of people rush it they go like phase, aquila, vlads/casual mask, yasha, bkb. Fuck that, at least finish s&y/manta, and mkb/daedulus/skadi if you can swing it, then when you get bkb you'll go into a fight and wipe their entire team with it at ~30 minutes and end game.


                                                                Not the best, but on some heroes (PA) it can help you snowball like fuck