General Discussion

General DiscussionOD skill build

OD skill build in General Discussion
yung griphook

    What is the current OD skill build?

    Back in the day I remember maxing passive and Q, with maybe one value point in W.

    then the build changed to going back and forth from W to E, using W to secure last hits / harass the enemy midlaner, etc.

    Now I am seeing more of a mix, where different people are building him different ways. I've seen the max W build a couple times, but what I've probably seen the most (taking into account that I don't see him picked quite as much as he used to be, although he's still up there) people going maybe 1-2 points in W, still maxing E, and then transitioning into maxing Q. so it looks like 4-2-4.

    which skill build would you guys say is "best", or is it that there is no longer a consensus way to build him, depending on lineups, etc?


      max w on mid

      (unless you're against some weird hero like axe)

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        usually u still max essence aura first cuz either way he needs the mana, but u take more points in astral when farming and when the enemy mid isn't someone u can easily solo kill.
        with arcane orb solo kills become a possibility, so against melee heroes u can harass or kill like ember, it seems the way to go.


          ive been defeated (as invoker) for someone who build 1-3-1, then id tryind and, i am sure it is the best.. not only gives you kill potential, also is hard for enemies to get close to u (even more than 1 foe)..

          something like
          lvl 1- 0-1-0-0
          lvl 2- 0-1-1-0
          lvl 3- 0-2-1-0
          lvl 4- 1-2-1-0
          lvl 5- 1-3-1-0
          lvl 6- 1-3-1-1
          lvl 7- 1-4-1-1
          lvl 8- 1-4-2-1
          lvl 9- 2-4-2-1
          lvl 10- +250 mana (left in tree)
          lvl 11- 2-4-3-1
          lvl 12- 2-4-3-2 or 2-4-4-1 if u recently uses ultimate (since have long cooldown and u can lvl up before it gets ready again)

          yung griphook

            ooh I love me some dota2bowie, thanks for the link. IDK how i missed that vid

            thanks for tips guys.

            @sarllo I mean im only low 3k but I feel like the extra point or 2 in essence early would be better than the extra point in w for farming purposes right? I know maxing W is a real son of a bitch for the enemy mid but at the point where you get it maxed the laning stage is probably about done, so I'm trying to decide if its worth it.

            I don't have many games on the hero myself, so I guess I'll figure that out the more I play him. He just seems kind of situational


              think like a devil like evil person. pick octane core, scythe of vyse and moonshard.

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                think like a devil like evil person. pick octane core, scythe of vyse and moonshard.

                OP is asking for skill build LUL diox


                  @Sarllo I'm pretty sure u shudnt take ulti at 6, and that u need more points in essence aura earlier.
                  I go something like 1-3-2-0 or 0-3-3-0 by 6 then I go 1-4-4-0 then take a point in ulti. I take talent at 11 and second point in ulti at 12 then max arcane orb.

                  if ur going to max arcane orb the build is different


                    theres no way you can lose to od as invoker until he gets lvl 5-7


                      either WEEQEWEWW or WEWEWEWQE, both ending with 1-4-4 @lv9 although i'm sure maxing orb and passive can potentially be good in some cases (also as always this is situational and should not blindly be copied every game)

                      the difference between these is whether you think you can harass with orb or not

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                        People who take OD's ult at lvl 6 should never pick this hero at all


                          od's ult is good at 6 in certain cases


                            @HNDRXX i dont like the idea of getting extra aura points, is ok for farming, but u cant last hit or buy bottle anyway..
                            @Road to Crippling Depression i used to skip ultimate too, but i find my self in many situations where i say "f*ck, id should lvl up eclipse" and then i start taking the skill for most of games..

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              From what i saw either w e w e w e w e q talent r r

                              Or w e e q e r e w w talent w r

                              And than you max q on both


                                level 10:
                                4-1-4-0 most games
                                1-4-4-0 hard games
                                i only get an early point in his ult if i go for 4-1-4 and get into a fight where i can stack alot of int steal


                                  @Melt with null talisman's and power treads, u can do decent eclipse damage without stacking too much hits


                                    true, but usually i dont wanna put it on cooldown when im level 9 or 10. and opportunities to use it on 6-8 are rare or dont really pay off


                                      @Melt indeed


                                        but 6 nulls. ez win ** buy **

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