General Discussion

General Discussionhow to deal with dazzle + huskar?

how to deal with dazzle + huskar? in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.



      axe and ban. huskar x dazzle.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Huskar not that strong. Shut him down early and he's weak. Then if u have blademail or kite him he dies fast. Also axe.


          *he doesn't know anything. don't say anything*

          in and out

            buy linken, bkb, ethereal, SOV and silver edge to break his passive then u can anti him for short duration

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              blademail works against husk only if he goes full dmg, he wont flinch against his own magic dmg.
              the best way is silver edge, or initiate on dazzle first.
              otherwise punish them early before they get to the midgame.

              Potato Marshal

                Huskar is even more shit now with new halberd




                    Heavy phy dmg cucks him


                      Do not play rapier ember


                        use weaver


                          Life break isn't disjointable is it? Does that mean huskar follows ember's remnants around the map?


                            well huskar gets cucked by halberd but he also buys it pretty much always so...


                              Slark haHAA


                                once he got ahead get blademails and force staffs


                                  Winter Wyverns healing also works pretty good against Huskars ulti.

                                  Story Time

                                    is abbadon huskar not a better combo?

                                    The Mazz

                                      Heaven's halberd wrecks huskar


                                        dazzle allows huskar to sit there and attack you for 6 seconds without dieing, which most people cant fight a huskar for six seconds.


                                          well, not that it mattered anway.

                                          In all my games i never had someone of the opposite team building a halberd. so silencio about it, don't want it to spread

                                          and HH doesnt fuck huskar. HH and not being able to run away is what fucks him. aka stuns

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            x D


                                              Answer: Ban Dazzle, Huskar is gonna become a food machine, also these items exist like Heavens Halberd and Solar Crest.

                                              Story Time

                                                why huskar has <50 winrate, but not in 4k bracket? I wonder.. is it because they learn how to toggle Armlet?


                                                  because he is also picked te least in this bracket.
                                                  which means players only pick him when the pick can work.




                                                      Husk is terrible

                                                      Bosnian Blade

                                                        i said good day sir

                                                        FREE PALESTINE

                                                          Silencer, apparition, axe

                                                          FREE PALESTINE

                                                            Stuns, disarms, anything that lets you kite or disengage while grave is up


                                                              apply break then orchid after grave is applied and time it to explode right after it times out

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                u win , because they picked huskar the most garbage hero in the game atm

                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                  stun one of them.

                                                                  i follow Jesus.

                                                                    i think i should try a better question: how can i 1v5 a huskar? like when i was here:
                                                                    i thought i could fuck his shit up with edge but he halberded me every single time thereafter, i killed him once and then he won the game FeelsBadMan


                                                                      u win , because they picked huskar the most garbage hero in the game atm

                                                                      huskar can be godly given a certain draft and against a certain lineup, its just that he gets trashed by an assload of heroes.
                                                                      there r a lot of heroes who are currently worse than him imo, like aa.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        halebard buff buffed huskar and not nerfed him, omg
                                                                        hes pretty much the only hero at the game that always buys this item, as well as does it considerably early


                                                                          Can't believe no one has mentioned AA


                                                                            Dazzle will just grave him and buy wards againts aa also dazzle can kill aa if aa doesn't have escape, durability or damage items.


                                                                              Chain stun.


                                                                                halberd is so good for huskar, now he can go something like halberd ac and have armor, evasion, and hp, and prevent attacking.