General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to CARRY with Invoker

How to CARRY with Invoker in General Discussion
sumail fan

    I do well in almost every game until it comes late and magic damage starts to wear out. Then I become a crowd controller mostly. Now if I have one good lategame carry player it isn't a problem. But if say, the carry on our team has an off day, should i sell octarines and go for daedalus and things?

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      Don't sell aghs and octarine .



        Potato Marshal

          There is no way a Lvl 25 Invoker can't do enough damage. There is also no way you do more damage with a right click build than with aghs, octarine, and refresher.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            stay away from nuker escapes or don't pick Invoker againts them, they will rekt you.

            sumail fan

              thats a fair point actually. QoP is hell at all stages of the game. But I'm asking about the likes of Bristleback with Pipe and such.

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                Bristleback with Pipe = tornado -> emp -> ice wall -> alacrity -> cold snap


                  Play Invoker till no one can stomp you



                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      Why do a carry have to right click?

                      You have tons of scaling utilities, cc, nukes, disrupts, minus armor, and a buff you can give to any allied unit

                      Why would you want to take away invoker strong side for a lackluster side?

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        Invoker is not QoP, QoP can weave in and out of a fight at ease, she has better BAT and base damage, and her kit scaling less, the cast output and utility of a level 25 invoker with casting items is better than level 25 qop with casting items


                          i dont think invokers magic damage wears out, for me it becomes even more potent on level 25 with the damage and low cooldwon with octarine and add refresher to it. just know when to be in front for initation or at the back for counter iniation or follow up


                            Never seen any hero surviving his full combo at lvl 25 or managing to run away afterwards at least


                              people with BKB can survive it no damage.