General Discussion

General DiscussionReasons why I lose a game

Reasons why I lose a game in General Discussion

    This is based on my 4 recent losses which makes me tilt but still I try to be a good player

    Earth Spirit - Ganks are good, our weaver is stomping in the safe lane, zues is fine and axe too luna safe lane is free farm mode we stomped them so hard then we later realised luna fucking bought aghs and aether lense welp aghs was quite nice and all but why the fuck would he do that he was farming so free and decided to troll build makes me tilt

    Enigma - my team is stomping so I should just keep a low profile then I showed up to stomped them more but can't use blackhole because I got zoned by Underlord's pit of malice and can't blink in because of Spectre's haunt but we still dominated them we got high ground mid then team decided to camp well hm.. so stomped, much push, wow they all died eventually so I told them to lay low and just get to the objective but still they've become arrogant and solo killing the enemy 1v5 or 2v5 with no nearby back-up I managed to land a nice blackhole balancing them game but the throws continue and we lose the game

    Invoker - Felt like to random because razor did and so did broodmother I kinda wanted to swap with broodmother since i'm better with it than Invoker but on second thought I did not we lose all lanes and we lose a stomped

    Sven - good team good ganks we stomped axe that he decided to jungle we got our pushes won our team fights 4v5 me farming and push but team decided to make me join and so I did we lose team fights one after another I lack knowledge so I admit I'm at fault axe shut me down like nothing

    So I decided to stop playing for a month at least to cool off this tilt

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      good that u let us know!


        The fuck??? I only decided to play after 2 days because I lost 25 mmr today . Maybe we have a different scenario.


          Lol. I bet you'd be back in 5 days max. Nobody leaves dota that long if the issue is just being tilted. A bit drastic, don't you think?


            nah I really need a month break I did once then came back with win streak so I can do it again


              warm up with 2 normal matches before going to play ranked haha


                You lose games because you didnt win :thinking:


                  I know wht u feel brahh .. i was go 5 stack party and no one want to listening to me .. rip ma boi

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