General Discussion

General Discussiondrow 1st item deso very op

drow 1st item deso very op in General Discussion
Use chatwhell=mute



      or pike? actually blight shouldve been more than enough drow does shit ton already overkill imo drow needs to survive and doesnt need dmg

      Use chatwhell=mute

        Ofc she needs dmg rather than pike. Deso is rly good farm/kill item for drow


          wouldnt dragon lance blight ston yasha do the same as deso?


            gonna try this in lobby


              so you are a 800hp ranged carry with no escape that will be eaten alive in tf

              Dire Wolf

                pretty sure this is sarcasm cus someone must have done it on op's team


                  this can be good if ur actually tryna ending it faster maybe item after pike. the damage it gives to towers is actually insane (armor buffs to tier 3 deathball is diminished so maybe yeah good as 3rd or 2nd (high risk) core item


                    can kill towers 12-15 secs attacking from lowground


                      its good but in normal skill


                        It'd be OKAY if your enemies never rose above 10~ armor, which they will, which means it is trash.

                        deso badge would be OKAY but not really. It'd just make you a bad clinx or SF who do better with deso.



                          Does your team have tank, and can get enemy attention towards them and away from you? By all means go deso.

                          Is enemy team full of gap closers like tusk and clockwerk? Go pike/shadowblade first.

                          casual gamer

                            first item maybe not but definitely early game physical damage amp on an early game physical damage hero


                              if your gameplan is push early and just win the game then yeah this is a great pickup unless someone else already goes deso standardly, like a pa, otherwise you definitely want some extra survivability, at least get dlance if not pike first.

                              Use chatwhell=mute

                                No @jdf8 it rly worked well. 15 min tread aquila deso drow is just beast. Deso will fasten up farming very well.


                                  I feel like you should have a straight deso before fifteen.

                                  casual gamer

                                    yes and then you die 500 times because you have no stats and no gap opener besides gust

                                    you cant farm if you have 5 deaths by 7 minuties


                                      How much slow is it if you get a Skadi in addition to frost arrows? Like, two bash chances will stack shittily instead of one percent just added onto another, but does slow work differently?

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Movement speed is percentage but minimum move speed is 100 and you can't reduce below that. The percents get added and the applied as modifier. Drow arrows rank 4 is 64% and skadi is 35% = 99%, so you are going to slow everyone except like a suchkuci weaver with 25 talent and s&y to minimum move speed which is 100.

                                        Bashes don't stack at all.


                                          eye of skadi + hurracane pike + satanic = defensive

                                          desolator + butterfly + hurracane pike = offensive

                                          aghanim scepter + desolator + butterfly + huracane pike = out of this world op


                                            aghs synchs with maelstrom, not deso


                                              Bashes can stack in Ability Draft as long as your base hero isn't in the pool of heroes that normally have a bash, afaik. It's a bit of a narrow situation to think about, but that's just what I was thinking of with multiplicative % proccs instead of additive.


                                                Drow is picked for the passive in 99% of all drow games. Deso gives 0 agi.


                                                  Think deso is fine but u need some hp or something first such as sny or pike


                                                    one match is high skill, one match unknown skill. hm


                                                      maybe if you have omni or abbadon as your personal body guard

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        If the enemy team doesn't yet have blink initiators ready, going lance into deso would be okay. If, however, they have their bunch of sand kings, centaurs, axes and slardars with blinks, you'd better get that pike before committing to a deso, because a dead carry doesn't deal any damage. Still, the likelyhood of you having dragon lance, treads and deso (and maybe an aquila) at the point where there are no blink daggers or mobility spells on the enemy team is pretty low in most games, so at least finish the pike. As I said, a dead carry deals no damage.

                                                        That being said, going morbid mask deso to farm instead of fighting is probably legit, I did actually see some high MMR guys trying it on the stream, but I would say in most cases you would want to fight early and take towers, and the safety of pike with damage of deso lets you do just that.

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