General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Sven 7.06

Question about Sven 7.06 in General Discussion

    With the new neutrals respawn time, everybody says that sven should go for dominator and stack as much as he can, but in dotabuff guide section I don't see many high tier players buying HotD. maybe their suports are making stacks for him? or what?

    queen's speech

      "everybody"? who's the fuck is "everybody? Never passed the fuckin 8th grade. Go back to the dock and go unload some shit. You fuckin’ warehouse working, weed smoking, fuckin’ disappointment for your mother.


        you can get dominator, OR you can just eat up the sidelanes for the first 5-10 minutes and then do a 720 gpm pattern with MOM then have like sny mom treads at like 13-14 minutes and just snowball push

        actually even armlet, it's really good on this hero

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          Along with the new neutral respawn time, there has been a 20% lees gold and xp among them. So aiming for a HotD instead of a better stat-gaining item(drum or sabre) is a decision that needs better judgement.

          In my opinion.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            dominator is awful


              my opinion is based on MATHS

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Because Mask of Madness is far superior now for Sven(They even buffed it for him wtf), HotD is too expensive and doesn't give you fighting power
                Sven can Blink kill someone unlike Luna, MoM actually gives almost the same DPS as Echo Sabre but with less gold needed and help you farm longer, faster with movespeed and lifesteal, the silence and armor reduction doesn't punish him much as he cast E, R then Blink and Q before Berserk only a Q has 8 CD with is the same as berserk duration. Just kill and run.

                However with this sudden absurd OPness, he is bound to be nerfed, but with 1 min spawn jungle he will still be good pick.


                  sidelanes? are you talking about side camps? and lane creeps?


                    Hey random 6k guy. Relax. lol. Are u on your period ?

                    And cuki. Wth are u talking about? Math what math

                    queen's speech

                      i'm not 6k


                        MoM is better tho. It can also be disassembled now. So you can basically build your broken MoM to either Satanic or even Echo Sabre.



                          Tyrannical Cancer

                            My 7 is back. Love u so much volvo. After waiting since patch 7.00 now he has back


                              MoM is pretty good

                              Rogue Knight

                                He literally become a God...Stomping Spectre due to the fact that his win rate drastically increased from 49% to 57%..check here


                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  MoM is pretty good

                                  agreed, ur mom is indeed good...

                                  in bed!!

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    heh, got em

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't think you go s&y or armlet any more. His ult got buffed but strength gain was nerfed and those are strength items. With the move speed and attack speed on mask of madness you don't really need those on s&y. I think treads, mask, blink, bkb, daedulus rush, ac is the way to go. Maybe an echo sabre thrown in before or after blink.

                                      Maybe it's not sure a big deal, armlet activated loses 10 dmg from the ult change. So idk.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        yo the item build is actually confusing for me on sven always was. can someone give me a clear item build before the situational ones come up.

                                        pt armlet madness blink should be good but takes too long for blink to come up but straight pt madness into blink doesnt give u that bigass armlet damage. sabre is shit now i feel. idk someone clear this out


                                          He's good, he's not like the old Sven but I like him and I have to get back into the pattern of stacking. HOWEVER the fact heavens halberd goes through bkb fucks sven hard.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Also svens wr shot up 8%

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              Sven nerf coming pretty soon. He currently hold the highest win rate of all heroes with a +8% win rate ..