General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane drow is the future

Safelane drow is the future in General Discussion

    Harass out the offlaner early - no shrine - rip - ez denies - ez xp - let your team carry you.


      Viper does it better?


        no bro oflaners are not striked alot as u think


          No shrine for first 5min is a big deal, also deny op, it's a patch for mid and safelaners


            deny gives more expto the offlaner now, so its actualyl faster levels to him thanbefore.early shrine hurts, tho.


              meanwhile, the enemy offlane weaver gets free kills on you and snowballs early to finish the game before you can farm a shadow blade.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                since when can drow harass well, she doesn't have a lot of dmg.
                if anything, jugg cm + any stun or slow just utterly shits on the offlane hero.
                u kill him and/or zone him out completely, for the first 5 min, get ur levels while he cant do shit, then shit on him.
                if he can retreat to jungle, a cm and a support can rotate there to kill him, and/or take the tower.


                  Have u tried it?

                  Dire Wolf

                    Drow denies pre 6 are actually really tough as her animation sucks and she doesn't have high base damage.


                      Drow has like one of the worst attack animation pre 6