General Discussion

General DiscussionThe most difficult heroes in DotA

The most difficult heroes in DotA in General Discussion

    Lower number means better when played at a high mmr
    For the past month of ranked games (7.05) these are the difference between the 1k and 5k bracket winrates

    -13.37% Io
    -10.24% Lone Druid
    -10.20% Earth Spirit
    -9.88% Batrider
    -9.87% Visage
    -7.57% Bounty Hunter
    -6.80% Huskar
    -6.63% Clinkz
    -6.53% Chen
    -6.32% Pugna
    -6.02% Arc Warden
    -5.51% Tiny
    -5.45% Puck
    -5.29% Storm Spirit
    -5.26% Templar Assassin
    -5.25% Kunkka
    -5.01% Tusk
    -4.83% Dark Seer
    -4.79% Winter Wyvern
    -4.79% Naga Siren
    -4.49% Anti-Mage
    -4.49% Bane
    -4.44% Broodmother
    -4.43% Lina
    -4.41% Oracle
    -4.38% Ember Spirit
    -4.36% Magnus
    -3.63% Meepo
    -3.54% Shadow Demon
    -3.51% Rubick
    -3.49% Queen of Pain
    -3.48% Leshrac
    -3.48% Tinker
    -3.44% Treant Protector
    -3.30% Doom
    -3.21% Nyx Assassin
    -3.16% Morphling
    -3.01% Drow Ranger
    -2.95% Lion
    -2.79% Enigma
    -2.41% Skywrath Mage
    -2.25% Enchantress
    -1.88% Invoker
    -1.73% Disruptor
    -1.54% Earthshaker
    -1.51% Faceless Void
    -1.41% Death Prophet
    -1.15% Clockwerk
    -0.84% Windranger
    -0.75% Slardar
    -0.73% Spirit Breaker
    -0.58% Sand King
    -0.53% Alchemist
    -0.49% Keeper of the Light
    -0.41% Omniknight
    -0.41% Dazzle
    -0.28% Ogre Magi
    -0.26% Razor
    -0.15% Monkey King
    -0.04% Night Stalker
    -0.03% Timbersaw
    -0.01% Slark
    0.03% Beastmaster
    0.04% Lifestealer
    0.05% Techies
    0.29% Terrorblade
    0.33% Pudge
    0.35% Silencer
    0.40% Juggernaut
    0.50% Shadow Shaman
    0.56% Elder Titan
    0.71% Weaver
    0.77% Outworld Devourer
    0.78% Lycan
    0.84% Nature's Prophet
    0.88% Tidehunter
    1.12% Lich
    1.16% Brewmaster
    1.28% Underlord
    1.36% Phoenix
    1.48% Venomancer
    1.74% Ursa
    1.85% Troll Warlord
    1.87% Jakiro
    2.29% Witch Doctor
    2.38% Legion Commander
    2.38% Gyrocopter
    2.54% Undying
    2.54% Sven
    2.63% Viper
    2.66% Bloodseeker
    2.74% Mirana
    3.02% Axe
    3.02% Centaur Warrunner
    3.22% Vengeful Spirit
    3.24% Riki
    3.40% Abaddon
    3.71% Sniper
    3.72% Phantom Lancer
    4.04% Dragon Knight
    4.12% Crystal Maiden
    4.30% Chaos Knight
    4.51% Ancient Apparition
    4.51% Shadow Fiend
    4.75% Spectre
    4.89% Necrophos
    4.91% Wraith King
    5.30% Zeus
    5.37% Bristleback
    5.54% Luna
    5.66% Warlock
    6.31% Medusa


      the problem with this is some heroes get punished more by the playstyles of different brackets, it doesn't always pertain to difficulty.

      Chao Vritra

        wat is this topic stating tho


          medusa is easy to play? oh yeah all you have to do is activate ult, turn on mana shield and right click with split shot.


            Pretty accurate actually. OP heroes in higher bracket are just completely shit in lower brackets because they got nerfed to hell. Io earth bounty


              Proof that spectre is a brain dead hero. Press r and win


                BH is up there and he's braindead as fuck

                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                  riki is insanely difficult to play, why is he in the positive territory


                    To master =/= to play
                    Yes he's very challenging to utilize against detection fest and you need to have sick macro skills to make him work against that but what's so hard about spinning around finding pickoffs by pressing blink and smoke against a bunch of retards who don't even know detections exist?


                      Visage is very easy to play. You just press Q on the carry, when you have full charges you release them with W on the enemy with the lowest HP, you buy a Solar Crest and release it on the enemy that you want to kill with your familiars. When your familiars are about to die you go into stone form, if you are sure that they will die while they are getting into stone form you respawn them so you don't feed the enemy. When you are playing against sniper, lion or lina you just laugh at them wasting their ultis on you when you have 4 charges on your passive. And when you are getting chased you steal their speed with Q or stun them with your familiars. When you are dead you farm with your familiars, when a tower is on low hp you destroy it with your familiars. And when you are playing against riki you buy a gem of true sight.


                        I stopped reading when I saw huskar was 7th most difficult hero to play....


                          Riki is braindead lol


                            Just because a hero like huskar seems straight forward does not mean he is easy to win with if he is nerfed to hell.

                            Example. When invoker was broken with high wr. U could say he is braindead despite his complexity


                              -1.51% Faceless Void


                                Waiting for the Smart dentist to realize how bad is he after that many games on a brain dead hero and he is still 4k


                                  thats probably all the low mmr players getting 5 man chronos on their team.


                                    huskar is not very complicated

                                    he is just shit

                                    I STILL LOVE YOU HUSKAR


                                      Medusa is not that easy. Viper or ogre are easy.


                                        Huskar definitely takes skill. He's one of the hardest heroes in the game to decide whether or not you can survive a fight with

                                        Most bad players just feed the entire game


                                          @Never Give Up :), I'd write some details + theories about why some heroes are more successful at a higher MMR (including the obvious, like high skill floors) and turn it into DB to see if they'd publish it. Has potential to be more than just a list imo.


                                            ^go for it