General Discussion

General DiscussionMax increase in calibration TI ranked

Max increase in calibration TI ranked in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    So I bought the new compendium and I have been trying to increase my MMR with the new internationals ranked.
    My current MMR is 2.3k and Ive been playing games around 2.8k.
    I absolutly stomped those matches but the average MMR didnt increae. Is there a max calibration increase?
    I will link all the games below. I abbandon the latest 1 because dota crashed and despite getting shut down in the mid game I still went godlike and we had 2 racks at 25 mins before my game crashed. Take a look at my game please and explain to me why the average MMR isnt going up despite that 2.8k is easily winnable for me.

    1ste game-
    2nd game-
    3rd game-
    4th game-
    5th game (abbandon)-

    Is there a max calibration increase?


      it's +-500 mmr per match


        Oke thats weird... as you can see i got pretty high XPM, KDA, Tower damage. Yet it didnt go up?


          there's also a variable with the amount of matches on your account as it seems

          because a couple of the accounts i've tested during calibration trials had 1k+ games and they only went up by like 100 mmr per game. even though i went 30/0 every match.

          i'm not sure exactly what, but there is something limiting it.

          example the accounts that calibrated over 4.6k in INTL ranked were accounts with less than 200 games, some were completely new/bot leveled

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            Oke I guess ill just keep using your guide with TA and grind up the hard way :(
            Bit of a shame because as you can see I can clearly hold my own fine in 2.8k till 3.2k..


              In 4th game you got matched with 3.1k mmr and 3k mmr teammates, but in 5th you got 2.7k mmr and 2.6k mmr teammates. Your games are stated as 'normal skill' games on dotabuff. So in nuteshell, my own humble conclusion, you are close to 3k. You went up 500-800 mmr for sure.

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                well if you can then calibrate there and just grind up, then just swap your mmr at the end of the season

                that's still a free 700 mmr upgrade for yourself, the extra 200-300 you can grind


                  Y I guess I need to be positive about that. Ive been improving a lot and thanks to your guide even more.
                  Ill hit the 3k soon and then the road to 4k cancer begins :P


                    Guys my games are sometimes i got veryhighskill but normally i got is highskill...what do you think guys if i calibrate my mmr is in 3.5k mmr?


                      it should be about that.