General Discussion

General DiscussionDetermine enemy farm?

Determine enemy farm? in General Discussion

    So I lost a game cause im a shit stain shitlord. I had 25k networth at 29 minutes. Should have had 27k arguably. But I didnt finish. My team was all feeding but I had all their towers down,and I could have finished the game with the team and my networth. Unfortunately I didn't realize how much networth advantage I had over enemy team (10k over enemy with highest networth.)

    Is there a easier way to get an idea of enemy networth than checking all their items?


      I'm not sure but I think no there is no easier way but checking all their items and have a rough estimation.

      mentally handicapped

        check items and estimate man


          I'm not sure that it's the net worth advantage that you should really be looking at to determine whether or not you can close out. It may be more important to get a feel whether or not you can, something learned through experience. The thing is, even if you have a net worth advantage over the enemy, they can take you down through coordination. That's why there are comebacks. It's all in the play and execution. Read your enemies.


            Just checking is easiest, you should also be able to get a general feel for how close to their next item they should be, depending on when they acquired their previous one. This is all part of mapawareness in my opinion!

            queen's speech

              some offtopics, let’s talk about heart disease something you’re all gonna fucking die of and i’m gonna laugh at your fuckin funerals


                Get the feel of usual item timings of the hero compared to their xp, but checking is the most reliable way to do so
                Example = AM optimally gets his BF at lvl 10-11 on min 13-15, and manta at lvl 15-16 on min 18-21

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                mentally handicapped

                  tae, you need new offtopics. you used that one already

                  Farm then Carry

                    offtopic fact: tae in tagalog (Philippine language) means feces


                      You know it when your teammates start writing down gg end


                        Usual item timing for am in my games usually around 20 min. If I see him with bf 12 min it's gg