General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get better at carry role?

how to get better at carry role? in General Discussion

    when to teamfight? when it is better to push? how to detect bad teamfights and what to do if your team is always taking bad teamfights? i only know how to carry as a 4kpoint of view and sometimes iddnt know that im literally throwing games by making bad decisions, i need some advice from higher carry players 5k+ so that i can understand what is 4kcarry players doin wrong

    p.s sorry for the bad english


      bsj has 999999999999 guides


        i dont have gameleap accnt so im in this forum seeking for answers


          Join every fight after you hit level 6 if your spells are up. Win your lane as often as possible by using the pull camp+denying ranged creeps to generate yourself an xp advantage over the offlaner. Try to push the offlane tower down as early as you can, if the enemy keep rotating to defend it use a tp scroll to take enemy safelane tower. Recognise your strong points and build/itemize towards your teams win condition. Get aegis when appropriate and use it to close out the game.

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            ive got this 1 scenario when im trying to push their offlane tower then the enemies offlaner and supports tried to defend i tpd to my enemies safelaner, and luna tpd tried to push my safelane tower and their 3other teammates, and my team tried to defend without me my whole team got rekt then we have a 1 to 2 tower trade,the thing is i dont know when is the perfect oppurtunity to push towers and we got pretty bad trades,

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              You're a smurf so that's why your carry isn't as good as those around you.
              just pratice


                actually this is my main accnt now,

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                  1. Always when you're ready, like your spells are not on cd, items that allow u to, u have your ultimate, or some big spell...
                  2. Your team has important spells on cooldown, you are behind (altho with some lineups it's the best thing u can do, unless you're super behind), not having vision against big teamfight spells like rp, black hole..., not having detection against invis heroes and for the team, you should just tell them not to fight and chill.
                  Pretty much think like this. You need your enemy to be with a disadvantage and yours to be with advantage, that's how you're gonna get better outcome for yourself.


                    aFeect gave great advice.

                    Also, if its late game, I find it is often game winning to tell your team to Smoke and find their biggest threat for your next fight. Whether that be a sniper, enigma, or smth else - just do it. Initiate on that threat so you can win the fight and push high ground.

                    Often (in 2-4k bracket), the opposing team does not know how to respond to this and will often feed an unnecessary death or two because the dead (raging) hero will be pinging shit out and yelling.

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      How to detect bad teamfights...
                      1) Smoking 5 man mid-late game into a non-scanned verifed area or area with no vision, while you guys are "behind".
                      2) Same deal but this time to enemy spotted at shrines without possibility of killing said shrine.
                      3) Whole team TPs to a support or a player caught in the woods, whom didn't stick with team 30-50 minutes into game.
                      4) Same deal this time either you guys have exposed rax or no buybacks on any hero.
                      5) Nobody has TP in case they rax on said exposed rax.
                      6) Going outside base to fight enemy team instead of waiting for them to highground.
                      7) Nobody bought smoke or sentries for stealth heroes.
                      8) Fighting enemy team just after they taken aegis.
                      9) Allies walking to defend tower as enemies are seizing instead of teleporting behind it.
                      10) Running up to ally when he's clearly dead
                      11) Running up to save ally in a groupfight, when one of your ally is running away or clearly going to farm some other part of the map.

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