General Discussion

General DiscussionMy thought after depression/losestreak

My thought after depression/losestreak in General Discussion
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    So i got depressed like beginning of march until here. I got absent most of my courses, loses on dota, family issues, money issues. So what im trying to say are these (after seeing dalai lamas quotes)
    - we all live for happiness. We play for happiness, we eat for happiness w/e being happy is the main goal of everyppl imo. Not money or mmr.
    -help ppl. Everyone knows karma. Help can be treated in many ways. And that can help urself in different way.
    - do not make ppl sad. Another karma thing. But the main point is we make ppl sad accidently. Ur noob, im good got car/mmr that u cant get in ur life etc. Imo I noticed bragging is the major mental sickness. Bragging can be make u happy but in other hand these ppl get enjoyment from wrong things. I mean some ppl get a enjoyment from others anger/sadness. Its wrong. And another karma thing. And be innocent
    -last one. Love/respect urself. Then others will start respect/love urself.
    I just wanted to share my thoughts.
    (Sry for bad english btw)


      you should post this in steam forum... wait not there also POST THIS in dotafire forum and dota dev THAN HERE.

      I type too fast.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      doc joferlyn simp





            get laid

            Siiilver Surfffeeer
              Yorum silindi

                and the extra quote ''i finally started playing cookies CM and started winning again''

                yung griphook

                  hopefully everything will work out for you man

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    this threads a real eye opener

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                      Cookie i knew already that and i tried. Its just cuz of i was a bored from this hero. Now ill try axe/cm/riki

                      white boy summer

                        cookie is so full of himself lmao


                          Depressed after losestreak xd

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Good for you that you realise that.