General Discussion

General DiscussionThis fucking godawful piece of shit hero

This fucking godawful piece of shit hero in General Discussion

    I have an abysmal winrate on this hero and it's the last one left for me to complete the all hero challenge. I went safe lane on it, he does not do enough damage. I went offlane and had a better game, is still too weak against a 5 carry team especially when 2 of your teammates abandon.

    So what the fuck am I supposed to do with this piece of shit. Go magical or physical damage? Team fight or split push? Is midas good?

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    1-IceTea 🌟

      Go jungle with razor that hero can pull and stack 3 camp at the same time,and then you fast build Dagon, enemies won't know which is Dagon and which is normal attack I'd you time your skill well.


        If your going to play razor, play him mid.
        Secondly you need to wait until after the main right clicker initiatiates on hopefully the front line tank ( abbadon) once they do that, you link them. Razor is weak and if an ursa, LS PA, etc jumps on you, while your gonna get wrecked before you steal any damage . Also you need to pick him against heavy melee heros that can be kited. Your Ursa, LS, WK etc. Against a jug/pa your gonna have a bad game.

        IMO you focus on getting tanky and elusive and let static link be your damage. That will involve, halberds, ghosts, Shadow blades pike. Agaisnt heavy magic line up, get pipe

        In all reality he is a sub-par hero and thus just picking him will put you at a disadvantage. Suppose he could do ok Offane against a duo melee but then why not pick axe if that is the case.

        I almost never play razor but that is my impression of him so i could be completely wrong and way off base


          razor ))))))))))

            Yorum silindi

              zapped your ass.... i'll see you in the underscape

              This will only hurt forever.

              Ramtin H

                Ahahhahha dude really thanks I cant stop laughing


                  razor is good against pa
                  his passive purges the blink attack speed
                  his link steals all her dmg
                  of course u shud still win more than 50% games as pa vs razor cuz razor is dogshit

                  Lester, Moe

                    razor is op


                      lol noob.


                        Hero is super weak, is being buffed but not by enough yet. Just stay away from him for now.

                        also jdf8

                          50 00 4v5 sniper void combo. slows against ursa

                          i think fly > shiva even with hh but its super debatable from ehp standpoint

                          ur dps prob sucked but idk how to damage sniper sven void and pa with this shit hero when ur so behind anyway lol


                            Shiva slow feels so good, with butterfly flutter it seems good. Thing is that its only good when he is ahead which razor never is.


                              The depressing bullshit continues

                              Giff me Wingman

                                give me ur login, i can try and see if I can do something xD


                                  Hero is so bad AM looks OP compared to him


                                    sooner or later someone will carry your useless ass on an useless ass hero


                                      *a useless, not an useless.