General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout tough lanes

About tough lanes in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    Mainly for heroes like anti mage or similar heroes. If let's say ur support leaves u to solo the lane with a clinkz and axe. Do u rotate to jungle if all lanes are taken? How do u jungle without threads and ring of health. Assuming u have to jungle super early.


      Force rotations


        i believe that you can win or at least have decent farm against any matchup below 5k

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          Being good literally stops your opponents from hitting you for damage in lane so you should get every last hit even with axe and clinkz pounding your mangina


            Hmm, idk... Get an iron talon. blink and use your shrines in the base. Once you get your battle fury or maybe if your team has decent wards and you see that the enemy is five manning a lane, cut the lane(s). idk GL

            Mr. Jin

              Well I can draw agro of the lane towards me, but I can't keep doing that. I don't have a problem with lane pushing out becuz u can juz pull the hard camp. But if the enemy are so hard on u that they want to push down ur tower at like 4mins, what do u do.

              Mr. Jin

                Nvm. I hope they make a last hit challenge with harass involve. Becuz the last hit challenge involve u worrying about ur hp.

                Mr. Jin

                  Thks chu4. I hope someone reference me a game where they solo, no support rotation on their side and a hard Lane with opponent duo. I juz want to watch the replay to see how it's done thks.


                    It takes u 3-4 min to get roh, no way you cant trade all ypur regen for 6 waves of lasthits

                    Mr. Jin

                      Hm do I nd roh and threads to jungle? Can u jungle with a single roh? And do I juz give them the tower? Since they are so hardcore for it.

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                        Why defend something that you won't be able to do so anyway

                        Mr. Jin

                          I'm asking becuz 80% of my am games are where there are no supports to help me, and I have to solo against 2 tough harrassers. And I have no replays to refer to becuz there are no YouTube videos that have such hard lanes.


                            pull creep aggro, get as much lh as u can.

                            if the lane looks unwinnable immediately get jungle items prepared.

                            that's about it.

                            once you leave lane if they are morons they will take your tower and rotate out, and then ez game. if they are smart they will just afk farm top, just take yours and their jungle.


                              In REALLY bad lanes, you can simply go jungle with pms +qb+roh

                              Get talon and treads next

                              Mr. Jin

                                Thks cookie imma try that. Becuz ppl always tell me u nd roh and threads for jungle.


                                  You can jungle with RoH PMS but not as effective as post treads


                                    Ye its fine, you just gotta do the walk back and forth thing and youll always have full hp

                                    Mr. Jin

                                      Oh ya 1 more thing, if I end up in the same situation. Do I juz give up on trading hits with them and denying and juz last hit the creeps? Becuz they are pushing real hard. Of course if I can deny safely I would.

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                                        I think your issue is you keep trying to buy threads when the item is called treads.


                                          Knowing that it's treads instead of threads won't increase your mmr by 1k


                                            Your primary job as a carry is to get farm, everything else comes second

                                            I take kills as extra farm, but dont give up farm for a kill youre not sure if youre guaranteed.

                                            Harassing if it helps to get those LH in the long term( trade early in the laning phase do you can freefarm later in the laning stage)

                                            Onviously if you cant win the trade that guarantees you later freefarm then you dont trade but only use your regen to guarantee early lh so you can leave lane

                                            Mr. Jin

                                              I'm going to try the last hit challenge again. 10mins would be a better gauge than 5mins right

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                knowing the difference between tHreads and tReads won't give you mmr, but knowing simple things like this requires you to have a functioning brain.

                                                you need a functioning brain to get mmr.

                                                and yes 10 min practice IMO is better.

                                                you can either go CS with no items, or buy items normally depending what kind of practice you want. perfect CS is 82. usually when I practice I get about 80-81. I somehow manage to always fuck up a couple.

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                                                Mr. Jin

                                                  OK imma try the no item cs. I think that is important. With items it is too easy to cs.


                                                    Would anyone recommend single pulling to get the wave pushing so you don't tank everything under tower?